IAD Level 1 - Mock 6 Flashcards


The Government allows the exchange rate to fall and at the same time interest rates increase. This would have which of the following effects?

A. A negative effect with regards to interest rates and a positive effect with regards to exchange rates on the current account
B. A positive effect with regards to interest rates and a negative effect with regards to exchange rates on the current account
C. Both have a negative effect on the current account
D. Both have a positive effect on the current account


A. The current account measures flows in relation to trade in goods and services, income from investment and as compensation of employees, and current transfers (eg, private sector gifts to people overseas, or government aid to abroad). The current account balance is usually seen as the most important component of the balance of trade, because it has the greatest impact on other economic factors such as output and employment.

One method of correcting a current account deficit may be to allow sterling to fall in value against other currencies. This will tend to make foreign goods and services more expensive for UK buyers and so will encourage them to reduce imports and ‘buy British’ instead. In addition, it makes UK goods and services cheaper for overseas customers, helping UK exports. Both these factors will help to restore a positive current account balance.

Higher interest rates can encourage foreign investors to invest in sterling assets, pushing up the exchange rate as they buy sterling to do so. Rising interest rates may well lead to a strengthening of the currency which is clearly at odds with the strategy we discussed in the previous paragraph, of trying to manage the current account through a low exchange rate.

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An investor receives four financial promotions in the post.
- Promotion 1 is for the firm’s financial services and states the FCA as the firm’s regulator
- Promotion 2 is for a brand new fund and states the future performance of the fund
- Promotion 3 offers no service or investment, but only contains basic information about the financial services firm
- Promotion 4 is for regulated activities and is communicated by an unauthorised person

Which of the following is FALSE?
A. Promotion 1 is not in breach of the FCA financial promotions rules if the services being promoted are regulated by the FCA
B. Promotion 2 is in breach of the FCA financial promotions rules if the future performance is based on simulated past performance
C. Promotion 3 is exempt from the FCA financial promotions rules
D. Promotion 4 is in breach of the FCA financial promotions rules as unauthorised persons may never communicate financial promotions


D. The FCA does not state that firms should not use the FCA name or logo on financial promotions. It does, however, state that any activities or investments not covered by the FCA must be stated as such.
Future performance cannot be based on simulated past performance.
Promotion 3 is considered image advertising and this is exempt from the financial promotions rules.
Unauthorised persons can communicate financial promotions if the promotion has been approved by an authorised firm.

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What is the purpose of PERG 2?

A. It represents guidance on conditions to achieve Part IV permission
B. It represents the criteria the FCA will consider in relation to approved persons
C. It describes the responsibility of approved persons to comply with the fit and proper tests
D. It represents guidance about the circumstances in which authorisation is required


D. The Conditions (COND) Sourcebook gives guidance on the threshold conditions set out in or under Schedule 6 of the FSMA (‘Threshold conditions’).

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Vick is 20 years old and is the stepson of Janice. Vick is studying full-time for his A-levels. Janice also has a natural born son, Bob, who she is claiming child benefit for.

Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Janice cannot claim child benefit because Vick is not her natural son
B. Janice may claim child benefit because Vick is studying full-time for his A-levels
C. Janice may not claim child benefit because Vick is over 20 years old
D. Janice cannot claim child benefit for Vick because she is already claiming child benefit for Bob


C. You do not need to be the child’s parent but you must be responsible for the child.
The child must be under 16, or under 20 and studying full time for A-levels, NVQ level 3 or equivalent.
It is paid for each child and is not affected by your income or savings.

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As part of your fact finding exercise with a client consider the following:

Establish a relationship
1. Mainly opened ended questions with some closed ended
2. Mainly closed ended questions with some open ended

Identify objectives
3. Open ended questions with clarification
4. Closed ended questions with paraphrasing

Judging Risk Attitude
5. Open ended with closed ended questions
6. Mainly either/or questions

The structure of your conversation should be which of the following?
A. 1, 4 and 5
B. 1, 4 and 6
C. 2, 3 and 6
D. 2, 3 and 5


D. In terms of assessing the client’s knowledge and experience, the firm should gather information on: - the types of service/transaction/investment with which they are familiar; - the nature, volume, frequency and period of their involvement in such transactions/investments; and -their level of education, profession or relevant former profession.

The forerunnner of the FCA, the FSA, noted that, out of a sample of investment files assessed as unsuitable between March 2008 and September 2010, half of these were assessed as unsuitable on the grounds that the investment selection failed to meet the risk that the customer would be willing and able to take. The FSA considers that this level of failure in this area is unacceptable. It has taken, and the FCA continues to take, tough action to address these failings with individual firms.

Suitability must have a robust process for assessing the risk a customer is willing and able to take, including: - assessing a customer’s capacity for loss; - identifying customers that are best suited to placing their money in cash deposits because they are unwilling or unable to accept the risk of loss of capital; - appropriately interpreting customer responses to questions and not attributing inappropriate weight to certain answers; - tools, where used, are fit for purpose and any limitations recognised and mitigated; - any questions and answers that are used to establish the risk a customer is willing and able to take, and descriptions used to check this, are fair, clear and not misleading; - it has a robust and flexible process for ensuring investment selections are suitable given a customer’s investment objectives and financial situation (including the risk he is willing and able to take) as well as his knowledge and experience; - it understands the nature and risks of products or assets selected for customers; and - it engages customers in a suitability

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Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Bank of England’s operational standing facilities for eligible UK banks and building societies?

A. The lending/deposit rates are 25bp higher than the Bank Rate and 25bp lower than the Bank Rate respectively
B. The lending/deposit rates are 50bp higher than the Bank Rate and 50bp lower than the Bank Rate respectively
C. The lending/deposit rates are 25bp higher than the Bank Rate and 50bp lower than the Bank Rate respectively
D. The lending/deposit rates are 50bp higher than the Bank Rate and 25bp lower than the Bank Rate respectively


A. The lending/deposit rates are 25bp higher than the Bank Rate and 25bp lower than the Bank Rate respectively.

Note: the Operational Standing Facilities are collateralised.

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An investment firm has aggregated its clients’ orders and in total the clients want to buy 500,000 shares of ABC. The firm also wants to buy 500,000 ABC shares and added its order to the aggregated order of the clients. Under what circumstances would clients only receive 400,000 shares?

A. An order driven system shows orders totalling 600,000 shares to sell
B. A market maker was offering a block of 600,000 shares only
C. An order driven system shows orders totalling 800,000 shares to sell
D. A market maker was offering a block of 800,000 shares only


D. A firm may allocate a partial order where it has reasonable grounds to show its participation was necessary in order to execute the order. If a market maker is offering a block of 800,000 shares, the client order could not be executed without the firm’s part of the order. For this reason, the firm could give half to itself and half to the clients as per the original 50:50 split on the ticket.

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Which of the following activities do NOT require authorisation?

A. Operating an electronic payment system for the financial services
B. Giving advice on a home reversion plan to a pensioner
C. Acting as principal and end user in a debenture trade
D. Effecting contracts of insurance as principal with clients


C. Acting as principal and end user in a debenture trade is someone buying a bond for their own account and not holding themselves out to deal. This is an excluded activity.

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Harold sets up a life interest trust to allow a fair distribution of his assets on death. He appoints Bradley as the trustee and gives him the power to protect the assets and distribute the benefits to his wife, Mary. Harold and Mary’s grandchildren are named as remaindermen. In order to ensure Bradley performs his actions in the best interests of Mary, Harold appoints Michael as protector.

Assuming Harold dies and the trust is created, which of the following is true?
A. On the death of the life tenant, Bradley has the power of appointment over the beneficiaries
B. Harold and Mary’s grandchildren will gain absolute vested interest in the assets at the point of Harold’s death
C. If the trust property is a house Mary can continue to live in it without intervention by the remaindermen
D. Michael will have the power to modify Bradley’s actions, but not direct them


C. The trust set up by Harold is an interest in possession trust; this gives the life interest (or life tenant) an entitlement to the benefits of the asset during a set period of time (often the life of the life tenant). After this the remaindermen gain possession of the assets. The protector of a trust can be both reactive to and proactive in the behaviour of a trustee.

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Under the accountability regime, once a certification employee has been deemed fit and proper, and awarded a certificate to perform a specified function by their firm, what is the maximum that a certificate can last for?

A. Until the employee retires
B. Six years
C. Until their role changes
D. Twelve months


D. The maximum length of time a certificate can last for is twelve months. If the employee changes to a different certificated role before this time, a new certificate must be issued.

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Consider only the following facts about a country:
- Gross national product £22.6bn
- Capital inflows from overseas investments £2.4bn
- Capital consumption £1.6bn

Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE?
A. GDP is £22.6bn
B. National income is £21.0bn
C. GDP is £24.4bn
D. National income is £18.6bn


B. The national income = GNP - capital consumption.

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Which of the following would be classified as a per se professional client? A trustee of:

A. A trust set up prior to November 2007
B. A trust with substantial net assets
C. A trust which has satisfied quantitative and qualitative criteria
D. A trust which has assets of £10m


D. A trust which has assets of £10m would be considered a per se professional client.

For non-MiFID business, large undertakings are:
- a company whose called-up share capital or net assets is, or has at any time in the past two years been, at least £5 million, or currency equivalent (or any company whose holding companies/subsidiaries meet this test);
- a company which meets (or which the holding companies/subsidiaries meet) any two of the following criteria: a balance sheet total of €12.5 million; a net turnover of €25 million; an average of 250 employees during the year;
- a partnership or unincorporated association whose net assets is or have at any time in the past two years been, at least £5 million, or currency equivalent. In the case of limited partnerships, this should be calculated without deducting any loans owing to the partners;
- a trustee of a trust (other than certain types of pension scheme, dealt with in the next bullet point) which has, or has at any time in the past two years had, assets of at least £10 million;
- a trustee of an occupational pension scheme or a small self-administered scheme, or the trustee/operator of a personal pension or stakeholder pension scheme, where the scheme has, or has at any time in the past two years had: at least 50 members; and assets under management of at least £10 million.

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A South African company has recently been granted a listing on the London Stock Exchange. The FCA, acting as the competent authority, will require which of the following Disclosure and Transparency rules?

A. That the company will make public its annual accounts within six months of them being produced
B. Price sensitive information must be made public in a timely manner
C. If the FCA wishes to de-list the company it is the UKLA to whom they would appeal
D. If a restricted person wishes to trade in their own company they must first seek approval from the LSE


B. The Continuing Obligations are contained in the FCA’s Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules Sourcebook. The first main requirement of the Continuing Obligations is the timely disclosure of all relevant information. A listed company has a general duty to disclose all information necessary to apprise investors of the company’s position and to avoid a false market in its shares.

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If a company is appointed as trustee and another is appointed as a depository, which of the following statements is true?

A. They are both responsible for implementing an investment strategy
B. There is no need for the trustee to be authorised if they comply with the conditions of the Trust Deed
C. They are both performing a regulated activity
D. An investor can purchase these securities in the secondary market


C. The FCA not only authorises investment firms undertaking activities as contained in the regulated activities order, it also approves and regulates collective investment schemes. A trustee will be appointed for a Unit Trust and a depository will be appointed for an OEIC/ICVC.

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Alice wants to put assets into a trust for the benefit of her daughter Mary. On Mary’s death, she wants the assets to pass to her grandchild Jane. She has asked her best friend Liz to hold legal title on the trust’s assets. Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Liz is the remainderman
B. Mary is the trustee
C. Jane has the life interest
D. Alice is the settlor


D. Alice is the settlor.
Mary has the life interest.
Jane is the remainderman.
Liz is the trustee.

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Alejandros Duplicitov is the multi-millionaire son of a high ranking politician in the Eastern European country of Suburbia. In the past his father had been actively involved in the events that led to the overthrow of the government of the time and the instatement of the current regime. Since then Alejandros has gained a reputation as a ‘bit of a player’ and there are several unproven accusations of market abuse against his name. Your company client relations manager recommends Alejandros to you, their star financial advisor, as a potential client. When considering this client, ETHICALLY what should be your priority(s)?

  • Consideration 1: Meeting your personal targets
  • Consideration 2: Informing your MLRO of a potentially high-risk client
  • Consideration 3: Achieving the revenue targets of the firm
  • Consideration 4: Improving international relations
  • Consideration 5: The reputation of the firm

A. Considerations 1 and 2
B. Considerations 2 and 5
C. Considerations 3, 4 and 5
D. Consideration 5 only


D. Consideration 5: The reputation of the firm.

The only ethical choices here are the reputation of the firm and improving international relations (again, reputation really). However, your business with the client is unlikely to improve the latter. Although reporting to the MLRO would be the correct thing to do, this is a regulatory/statutory requirement, rather than an ethical choice. Considerations 1 and 3 are financial benefits. If anything, these are the barriers to ethical behaviour.


EFC plc is an investment bank that, amongst other things, offers structured products via intermediary firms to clients. One such structured product offers investors a guaranteed minimum 18% yield with a 90% capital guarantee, so long as the investment is held for a minimum of five years.
RWQ Ltd is an advisory firm, concentrating primarily upon investors saving for their retirement. RWQ Ltd has recently started selling EFC products, including the structured product mentioned above, and has also recently implemented a remuneration scheme for its sales staff offering to pay them a cash incentive worth 15% of all fees received from selling any EFC product for the next six months.

From the point of view of RWQ Ltd, which of the following is the most ethically relevant consideration? The fact that RWQ Ltd is:
A. Selling products of another provider
B. Incentivising its sales team to sell EFC products, rather than those of other investment banks
C. Selling this particular structured product, given its investor base
D. Encouraging its sales team to sell this particular product by offering them a cash incentive risks provider bias


D. Encouraging its sales team to sell this particular product by offering them a cash incentive risks provider bias.

Make sure you read the question carefully - you are asked to consider RWQ’s point of view. The structured product created by EFC is obviously a medium- to long-term investment, and so seems suitable for RWQ’s client base of people saving for their retirement. Offering a bonus for the sales team for selling EFC products risks product provider bias, whereby the salesperson is tempted to recommend EFC products even if unsuitable so as to claim the cash bonus.


In which of the situations would ‘basic advice’ be given?

  1. A retail client - MiFID Business - Advice on investments
  2. An elective professional client - non-MiFID business - Stakeholder pension
  3. A per se professional client - Eligible counterparty business - execution of orders

A. Situation 1
B. Situation 2
C. Situations 1 and 2
D. None of the situations


B. Situation 2.

There are specific rules relating to the provision of ‘basic advice’ (personal recommendations on stakeholder products); firms may, if they choose, apply those rules instead of the more general rules on suitability when advising on stakeholder products.


Which of the following is true of the management and trustee of an authorised unit trust?

A. Both must be authorised
B. Applications to the FCA must be submitted separately
C. Both must be part of the same group
D. There are no restrictions on the name of the scheme


A. Applications for authorisation of a UK unit trust need to be made by the manager and trustee, who need to:
a. be authorised persons
b. be independent of each other
c. submit a joint application giving details of themselves and the scheme

The name of the scheme must not be undesirable or misleading


Under which of the following circumstances do the COBS not require a firm to enter into a client agreement for MiFID business with a professional client?

A. The client is habitually resident outside the UK
B. The firm has established, by taking reasonable steps, that the client does not want to enter into such an agreement
C. The client is habitually resident outside the UK and the firm has established, by taking reasonable steps, that the client does not want to enter into such an agreement
D. The firm is an insurance firm that is issuing a life policy as principal


D. The firm is an insurance firm that is issuing a life policy as principal.

The COBS are explicit in saying that MiFID business requires a client agreement for all customers, unless the firm is an insurance firm issuing a life policy as principal.


Cindy has been certified as a research analyst and was last assessed as fit and proper to perform the function in April. In December her role changes to trading, another certification function.

Which of the following is true?
A. She must be assessed as fit and proper for the new role within 12 months of taking up the new role
B. She must be assessed as fit and proper for the new role before performing the new role
C. There is no need to assess her as fit and proper for the new certification function
D. She must be assessed as fit and proper for the new role before the end of the twelve month period in April


B. Although certificates generally last for twelve months following issue, if the member of staff changes to a new certificated role before the end of this period, she must be assessed as fit and proper for the new role, and must have a new certificate issued for that new role, before she performs the new role.


Consider the following scenarios:
- Martin is accused of being in breach of contract.
- Sand Ltd wishes to borrow money to fund a new venture.
- Godfrey wishes to buy a car on credit.

Which of the following would be true?
A. Martin would not be considered in breach of contract if he was drunk when the breach occurred
B. Sand Ltd would only be allowed to borrow if it is permitted to do so in their constitution
C. Godfrey would not be permitted to buy a car on credit if he was registered bankrupt
D. Only Sand Ltd is considered a legal person in contract law


B. Sand Ltd would only be allowed to borrow if it is permitted to do so in their constitution.

If Martin had been drunk on entering into the contract and the other party had known that this would lead to Martin being unable to understand his obligations, then the contract would be void. However, breach of contract when drunk does not void the contract. Bankruptcy does not prevent someone getting credit, although the credit may be difficult to find. All three are legal persons.


The US regulatory structure is quite complicated with a myriad of regulatory agencies with overlapping responsibilities.
1. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
2. Securities Exchange Commission
3. Office of Thrift Supervision (Office of Comptroller of the Currency)

A financial company must, in relation to the above:
A. Apply to 1 only if they wish to offer general insurance
B. Ensure according to 2 and 3 that they apply with Sarbanes-Oxley
C. Apply to 2 as brokers must register with the SEC, pass qualification exams and satisfy continuing education requirements
D. Apply to 3 if it wishes to be a savings institution


D. Apply to the Office of Thrift Supervision (Office of Comptroller of the Currency) if it wishes to be a savings institution.

If a ‘bank’ was a savings institution, then the regulator of its holding company would have been the federal Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS). But since July 2011 the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) assumed responsibility from the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) for the ongoing examination, supervision, and regulation of federal savings associations and rule-making for all savings associations, state and federal. The OCC republished under its own name all the ‘previous’ rules of the OTS so that firms would have consistency.

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board would oversee the activities of the auditing profession and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 It is the role of FINRA to register, test and educate brokers; the SEC oversees the key participants in the securities world, including securities exchanges, securities brokers and dealers, investment advisers and mutual funds.