IAD Level 1 - End of Book Mock Flashcards
The FCA’s approach to the prevention of money laundering is described as principles-based. Which of the following best describes the most appropriate application of this for a firm?
A. The money laundering reporting officer (MLRO) must report all suspicious activities to the FCA and National Crime Agency (NCA)
B. An MLRO is not required if the firm can demonstrate the low impact and risk of it being used for money laundering activity
C. The MLRO must be a member of the firm’s board of directors
D. Firm’s senior management must carry out a risk assessment
D. The SYSC requirements place obligations on firms’ senior management to ensure they have systems and controls in place, which are appropriate to the business for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
In order to determine the arrangements and controls needed by a firm for these purposes, its senior management needs to carry out a risk assessment. This should consider such factors as: the nature of the firm’s products and services; the nature of its client base and geographical location; and the ways in which these may leave the firm open to abuse by criminals.
Which of the following is correct in respect of the Bribery Act 2010?
A. The act does not cover non-UK registered/incorporated companies
B. The Act only covers the offering or promising of a bribe when carried out in the UK
C. The Act only covers legal persons/companies, not individuals
D. It creates a corporate liability for failing to prevent bribery on behalf of a commercial organisation
D. The Act contains two general offences covering the offering, promising of giving of a bribe (active bribery) and the requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting of a bribe (passive bribery) at Sections 1 and 2 respectively. It also sets out two further offences which specifically address commercial bribery. Section 6 of the Act creates an offence relating to bribery of a foreign public official in order to obtain or retain business or an advantage in the conduct of Business, and Section 7 creates a new form of corporate liability for failing to prevent bribery on behalf of a commercial organisation.
The FCA rules regarding the recording of voice conversations and electronic requirements were mainly developed for market abuse and market manipulation monitoring. However, the rules do not apply to all activities undertaken by firms.
Which of the following activities require a firm to comply with the FCA’s voice conversations and electronic conditions?
A. The corporate treasury function of a listed company calling a bank to carry out a deposit and FX activity
B. A member of staff carrying out corporate finance procedures
C. A collective investment scheme operator making scheme purchases
D. A fund manager calling a broker to place an order on behalf of accounts managed by them
D. Option D is the correct answer because requirements in MiFID II bought into scope orders placed by discretionary fund managers.
Options A, B and C are incorrect because the rules on voice conversations and electronic communication apply to specified activities that relate to qualifying investments admitted to trading on a trading venue, plus they relate to communications linked to client orders and dealing in financial instruments. Therefore, this excludes staff carrying out the activity and functions of treasury and corporate finance, as well as activities carried out between operators of collective investment schemes. Option A is incorrect because the corporate treasury function of a listed company is exempt from the recording requirements.
ANP Bank receives an execution-only order, which has not been solicited from one of its clients. The client, the chief executive of SDC plc, wishes to sell 150,000 shares in his company. ANP Bank acts as the corporate broker for SDC plc. What should ANP Bank do?
A. Decline to act for the client and report the order to the FCA
B. Report the client and the transaction to the FCA and the NCA but execute the order
C. Decline to act for the client, explaining that there is a non-manageable conflict of interest
D. Carry out the client order but report the transaction to the FCA
D. The firm can carry out the transaction, but it must report its suspicions to the FCA via a Suspicious Transaction Order Report (STOR).
B is not correct as suspicions of market abuse are reported to the FCA, not the NCA.
FSMA gives the FCA powers to undertake enforcement action when it is satisfied that a person has engaged in market abuse.
Which of the following penalties can the FCA impose on a person whom it is satisfied has undertaken market abuse?
A. Fine the profit made, as permitted under FSMA
B. Ban them from working in a senior manager function and levy a fine
C. If their firm fines and sacks them, the FCA cannot take further action
D. Withdraw their approved person status
B. The FCA can impose fines for market abuse, it can levy a fine on top of the profit gained from such activity - which can be up to 40% of an individual’s salary (including pension contributions and bonus).
Even if a firm sacks and fines an individual, the FCA will still look to ban the individual from being a senior manager (an ‘SMF’) and fine the individual if they are found guilty of market abuse.
Which of the following is an FCA threshold condition principle that will be applied when a firm’s application for authorisation is reviewed?
A. The firm is a body corporate
B. The firm must hold sufficient capital reserves which count towards its regulatory capital
C. The firm must carry on business in the UK
D. They will not authorise firms, products and services that pose a threat to their statutory objectives
C. The firm must carry on business in the UK.
The FCA has threshold conditions that it applies when reviewing applications for authorisation. They are: location of offices (the head office and the place where the firm carries on business must be in the UK); effective supervision (firms must be capable of being effectively supervised by the FCA having regard to the nature, complexity and the way in which firms operate and the regulated activities that they carry on/seek to carry on); appropriate resources; be suitable and have an appropriate business model.
A new business model threshold condition will demonstrate the importance that the FCA places on a firm’s ability to put forward an appropriate, viable and sustainable business model, given the nature and scale of business that they intend to carry out.
The FCA interacts with a number of other bodies. In terms of its relationship with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which of the following is TRUE?
A. FSMA 2000 directed the FCA to create an independent body to oversee complaints against the FCA and to set compensation levels for investors
B. The FOS can award unlimited costs against a firm as a result of a complaint
C. The board members of the FOS are appointed by the FCA but they remain independent
D. The FCA oversees and reviews the outcomes of the FOS where compensation is awarded against firms
C. FSMA 2000 requires the establishment of an ombudsman scheme for dealing with disputes between consumers and firms. The FOS, which is designed to provide quick resolution of disputes between eligible complainants and their product/service providers with a minimum of formality, acts as an independent person. The chairperson and other directors of the FOS are appointment by the FCA but the terms of their appointed must be such as to secure their independence from the FCA.
Which of the following GENERAL powers of attorney will continue to have authority to deal with a donor’s financial affairs?
A. PoA provided to a relative, who is then declared bankrupt
B. PoA provided by the donor to their son, then nine months later the donor dies
C. PoA provided to the sister of the donor, based solely on personal welfare matters and then one year later the donor becomes mentally incapacitated
D. PoA provided by a donor to a relative, who three years later emigrates and takes up US citizenship
D. Option D is correct because a PoA is normally excluded for a small number of reasons and it can only be given by someone who has the mental capacity to do so. Therefore, it will be revoked if the donor loses capacity. In addition, it will be automatically revoked if the donor dies, becomes bankrupt, passes a specified time limit or revokes it himself.
The financial promotion rules provide exemptions from the rules in specific circumstances. Which of the following is exempt from the financial promotion rules?
A. A promotion to a professional client
B. The promotion of non-MiFID business to a retail client
C. The promotion of packaged products to a UK-domiciled retail client
D. One-off promotions that are not cold calls
D. The financial promotion rules are disapplied in certain cases, notably excluded communications. One such rule is a one-off promotion that is not a cold call. All the other options are covered by the financial promotion rules.
Which of the following is the main aim of the prudential regime for UK MiFID investment firms?
A. A firm is able to meet its liabilities as they fall due
B. Focus on the harm that firms pose to consumers and markets
C. Firms must undertake regulatory reporting on a six-monthly basis based on their interim report and final reports and accounts
D. Firms have in place sound, effective and complete processes, strategies and systems controls
B. The new prudential requirements for MiFID investment firms look to refocus prudential requirements and expectations away from the risks that firms face towards looking at and mitigating the potential harm that they pose to consumers and markets - shifting away from the aim and objective from the CRD/CRR (Capital Requirements Directives and Regulations) on the basis that these are different types of firms and the business activities that they undertake.
The aim of MiFID was to develop a single market and enhance investor protection. This was achieved by the allowing:
A. Firms would be permitted to provide investment services into other EU member states
B. Permitting the harmonisation of trading hours
C. Permitting the cross-selling of investment funds
D. The provision of investment advice to retail clients
A. One of the main aims in relation to MiFID (and the single market) was to provide firms with an EU passport to provide services, therefore, once a firm is authorised and regulated in their home state they could provide financial services in any other EU member state.
The CEO of a listed company wishes to sell some shares she holds in the company. Which of the following applies?
A. If the value of the transactions is €100,000 then no disclosure is required
B. She cannot carry out the transactions 60 days prior to the publication of the company’s annual reports and accounts
C. She is not required to notify the company that she has carried out the share sale
D. She cannot carry out the transactions 30 days prior to the publication of the company’s annual reports and assets
D. All transactions must be reported by both the company and the employee of the company. The ‘closed period’ where no transactions are permitted is 30 days before the announcement of the interim financial report/year-end financial report.
KB Bank is about to launch an advertising campaign to promote a new product aimed at retail investors. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the financial promotion rules in respect of the promotion that KB Bank will be carrying out?
A. To foster an open and honest relationship with the regulator
B. To have appropriate management and control processes and procedures
C. To ensure that retail investors receive good outcomes
D. To protect clients
C. The purpose of the rules is to ensure that financial promotions are identified as such, and that they are fair, clear and not misleading. With the introduction of the FCA’s Consumer Duty rules, Principles 6 and 7 are disapplied, and Principle 12 will apply - i.e. ensuring that retail clients receive good outcomes.
JKL & Co has recently formed a partnership with STU & Co. As the compliance officer of JKL, you become concerned as to the suitability of the advice given by STU recently and feel that the cases should be re-examined. The CEO of STU is the partnership’s CEO and partners of both JKL and STU will remain liable in respect of their activities prior to the formation of the partnership. You feel that it would be unethical to rely on that to protect the clients and wish to take positive action.
Which of the following actions is NOT appropriate in the circumstances?
A. Arrange for an independent review to be undertaken of all sales to assess whether the advice given was suitable
B. Arrange for a review to be undertaken by the relevant business units of all sales to satisfy whether suitability has been achieved
C. Advise the partnership’s CEO of your concerns
D. Consider advising the FCA that there is a concern over the suitability of advice and the measures being put in place within the partnership
B. If there are concerns about the suitability of advice provided then any review of this must be undertaken by someone independent of the business unit responsible for the sales practice - they are hardly going to recommend actions to be taken against themselves.
Independent reviews can be undertaken internally by internal audit or compliance, or externally by law/accountancy firms/
Which of the following would be IN SCOPE of the Certification regime?
A. A non-executive director, chair of the risk committee
B. The chief risk officer
C. Chief underwriting officer
D. Individuals working in sales and trading functions in the UK branch of a third-country bank
D. These roles/functions would be subject to the Certification Regime because they would be classified as material risk takers performing a significant harm function within the firm.
Individuals performing the roles noted in Options A, B and C would be classified as Senior Managers, performing Senior Management Functions - requiring approval/authorisation by the FCA and/or the pRA.
COBS provides rules and requirements for firms on how to treat clients fairly when carrying out customer dealing. In accordance with the rules on client order handling, firms:
A. Must have procedures and arrangements which provide for the prompt and fair execution of client orders
B. Are permitted to delay the execution of an order if they believe the size of the transaction is below normal market size
C. Must inform retail and professional clients of any material difficulty in the prompt execution of their order
D. Are not obliged to inform clients if there is a delay in the execution of an order, or if orders are aggregated together - even if it is to the detriment of the client
A. With regards to option B, orders must be executed promptly, unless this is impracticable or the client’s interests require otherwise. There is no such requirement relating to the size (being too small) of a client order.
Options C is incorrect because firms must only advise a RETAIL - not professional - client that there is a material difficulty in the prompt execution of their order.
Option D is incorrect because there is an obligation to inform retail clients of an order being executed promptly - the client must be advised accordingly.
A stockbroker has become insolvent, affecting the assets of Clients A and B, which have been lost due to an internal fraud.
Client A has assets of £105,000 and cash of £55,000 and Client B had assets of £90,000 and cash of £90,000.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Both A and B are entitled to claim a maximum of £85,000 each from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
B. Client A is entitled to claim up to £135,000
C. The combined entitlement for A and B is £310,000
D. The combined entitlement for A and B is £270,000
C. The limit for compensation paid by the FSCS is 100% of the first £85,000 for protected investment business and 100% of the first £85,000 for protected deposits.
Therefore, Client A is entitled to claim £140,000 (£85,000 for assets and £55,000 for cash) and Client B is entitled to claim £170,000 (£85,000 for assets and £85,000 for cash).
Under the Market Abuse Regulation (UK MAR), to be found guilty of insider dealing, a person must be in possession of ‘inside information’ and either attempt to or deal on that information and/or encourage others to deal.
Which of the following financial instruments would an individual, with inside knowledge, be found guilty of insider dealing if they carried out a transaction in that instrument?
A. Units in an unregulated unit trust
B. Foreign exchange spot contract
C. Security listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
D. A six-month exchange traded wheat option contract
D. Option D is correct as it is a MiFID financial instrument and can be traded on a trading venue.
Although option A is a MiFID financial instrument it cannot be traded on a trading venue.
Option C is out of scope on the basis that it is not traded on either a UK or EU trading venue.
With regards to option B, it is incorrect as FX spot contracts are out of scope as they are not deemed to be a MiFID financial instrument.
Which of the following is one of the Principles for Businesses?
A. Capital and liquidity requirements
B. Market Conduct
C. Consumer Duty
D. Complaint Resolution
C. Option C is Principle 12 and came into effect from July 2023 with the introduction of the Consumer Duty.
Which of the following is an FCA operational objective?
A. Ensure that markets function well
B. Operate a ‘no-fail’ regime
C. Ensure all regulated firms have sufficient regulatory capital
D. Secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers
D. The three operational objectives of the FCA are:
- Secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers
- Protect and enhance the integrity of the financial system
- Promote effective competition in the interests of customers
Which of the following is an obligation placed on PRA and FCA-authorised investment firms from the Counter-Terrorism Act?
A. The act gives the Treasury powers to issue directions to financial services firms
B. Failure to report suspicious activities is punishable by a jail sentence of up to seven years and an unlimited firm
C. The MLRO must report all suspicious activities to the FCA and to the NCA
D. Investment firms are not caught by the Act if they undertake business only with eligible counterparties
A. The Counter-Terrorism Act gives powers to HM Treasury, which can issue directions to financial services firms.
COBS provides for certain rules and requirements to be disapplied when a firm is carrying on activity on an eligible counterparty basis. Which of the following COBS rules APPLIES to it when carrying on eligible counterparty business?
A. Inducements
B. Client order handling
C. Conflicts of interest
D. Use of dealing commission
C. Option A (inducements, along with most of COBS 2) and B (client order handling - along with the best execution requirements) are exempt for eligible counterparties (COBS 1 - Annex 1) business, whereas the Conflicts of Interest Rules (SYSC 10) are applicable to ALL authorised/regulated firms.
With regards to option D (use of dealing commission), these rules were deleted from the FCA Handbook following the implementation of MiFID II in January 2018.
RTZ Investments Ltd is an FCA-authorised firm that specialises in providing advice to high-net-worth retail clients. It is not tied or restricted in its choice of investment products to select and recommend to its clients.
Which of the following must it do in its first meeting with a prospective client?
A. Disclose its charges and costs for non-MiFID products only
B. Provide details on its complaint-handling procedures and processes and provide details on the FOS
C. Disclose any conflict of interest between its range of investment products and cross-company shareholdings
D. Disclose the services and products that it can provide under MiFID
D. At the point of sale it must advise the client on the type of service that it can provide, i.e. whether they provide restricted advice or whole of market.
IKB Bank plc is regulated by the PRA and the FCA, with permissions to hold client money. Which of the following Principles for Businesses is most likely to be breached if the bank fails to perform appropriate reconciliations and holds client money in non-designated bank accounts?
A. Skill, care and diligence
B. Market conduct
C. Customers interest
D. Management and control
D. ‘Management and control’ is correct because a firm must take reasonable care to organise and control its affairs reasonably and effectively, with adequate risk management systems.
Appointed representatives are permitted to undertake certain activities subject to FSMA and the Appointed Representatives Regulation 2001.
Which of the following activities is an appointed representative permitted to undertake?
A. Dealing in investments as principal
B. Market making
C. Advising on investments
D. Managing investments
C. ‘Advising on investments’ is correct because an appointed representative is not permitted to perform/carry out the activities of the other options, as per the Appointed Representatives Regulation 2001. Appointed representatives obtain exemption from Part III of the Regulated Activities Order.
The CISI defines professionalism as the combination of which three:
A. Knowledge, values and behaviour
B. Knowledge, skills and trust
C. Knowledge, skills and behaviour
D. Knowledge, integrity and behaviour
C. Knowledge, skills and behaviour.
The COBS rules require firms to provide reports to clients. Which of the following is a client reporting/confirmation requirement?
A. A firm can opt out of the requirement to provide confirmations and notices to clients, if instructed by the client
B. Firms must provide a monthly periodic statement to a professional client if the firm is managing a leveraged portfolio for the client
C. Firms must retain a copy of periodic statements for six years for non-MiFID business
D. Firms must still provide both confirmations/notices and periodic reports, even though the same details are being provided to the client by another person
B. Firms must provide a monthly periodic statement to a professional client if the firm is managing a leveraged portfolio for the client.
A firm is not permitted to opt out of the requirement to provide both confirmations and notices and periodic statements to clients; they can only not provide such information if agreed with the client when the same information is being provided to the client by another person.
For both retail and professional clients, the firm must send a statement to them on at least a quarterly basis, although the client can agree on a more frequent basis with the firm. For leveraged portfolios, the firm must send a monthly statement to the team.
The record retention period for MiFID business is five years and for other business undertaken it is three years.
Section 168 of the FSMA gives the FCA powers to appoint a person to carry out investigations. Under what circumstances will the FCA use these powers?
A. If a person has been charged with insider dealing
B. If a firm has breached its capital requirements
C. If a person has been guilty of misleading the FCA
D. If a firm applied for a Part 4A Permission amendment
C. ‘If a person has been guilty of misleading the FCA’ is correct.
Section 168 of FSMA 2000 permits the FCA to appoint persons to carry out investigations in particular cases, including where there may have been a breach of the general prohibition of regulated activities, where market abuse may have taken place, where a person may be guilty of misleading the FCA or where a person falsely claims to be authorised or exempt by the FCA.
ABZ Bank Ltd acts as the corporate broker to AP Holdings plc, who is to launch a takeover of another listed company. ABZ Bank Ltd is a market maker in UK equities, including AP Holdings plc: it also has an asset management and wealth management business.
What is the main purpose of the information barriers within ABZ Bank Ltd?
A. To prevent employees undertaking personal account deals in companies where they are the corporate broker
B. To adhere to the company’s policy on remuneration
C. To allow the firm to operate its different business units
D. To control the flow of information between the different business units of the firm
C. A firm’s information barriers (Chinese walls) permit the firm to create different business units without having to impose restrictions on the trading/managing of funds. Without such controls, the firm would have to stop making a market share of AP Holdings plc, as well as banning any trading by the asset management and wealth management business in the shares. This would be very restrictive and would give the market an indication that the firm was working on something for one of its corporate clients.