I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 Flashcards
Which life-threatening injury did Max Rosen receive?
Max received a gunshot wound in the ribs from a pistol.
Which country provided the main location setting for this book?
At the beginning, which bird did Zena and Max see that they thought was a sign of good luck?
a robin
What is Max Rosen’s connection to Zena in this book?
Max and Zena are brother and sister to each other.
Which historic war provided the time setting for this book?
World War II
Which of Papa’s favorite saying did he exclaim when he was reunited with Max and Zena at the end?
“I knew I would find you!”
Where did Mr. Jablonski tell Max and Zena to hide from the Nazis on his farm?
In the hay loft of his barn.
At the beginning, where was Papa Rosen, Max’s father?
Papa was taken away by the Nazi soldiers.
Where were Papa, Max, and Zena moving to at the end of this book?
The United States
The farmer was hiding the Jews who had blown up the Nazi train in his barn, who were Max and Zena shocked to learn was one of those Jews?
Aunt Hannah
What happened to Aunt Hannah at the very end of the book?
Aunt Hannah got married to Lev
Which group of people were the Nazis trying to capture and kill?
Jewish people
A flaming tree crashed down on Max. Why was he not smashed?
He was in a ditch (which was deep enough that the tree did not hit him, and the fire was snuffed out by the fall).
Name two ways the hideout in the woods was hidden from the Nazi’s.
Underground beds covered in grass, it was an island, it was in a swamp, it had an underwater bridge to get to it, it was in the middle of the forest.
What was Max doing when the soldier grabbed him?
Climbing under the fence to pick raspberries because he was hungry.
How did Max and Zena escape from the soldier?
The soldier aimed his gun at Zena and Max tackled him. The soldier’s gun went off and he shot himself in the leg.
Where did Max and Zena hide for the night after escaping from the soldier?
In the wheat field.
Who were the Nazi’s searching for in the old farmers barn and fields?
Jews who had blown up a Nazi train.
Who were the Partisans?
A small group of people fighting the Nazi’s with sneak attacks.
Why was the train that Aunt Hannah’s group blew up so important to the Nazi’s?
It was 30 cars long and was packed with supplies, but most importantly it held Panzer tanks.
Why were the Nazi’s losing the war in Russia?
They were low on supplies because the Partisans kept blowing up their trains.
While walking through the forest Max saw that Zena was crying and in pain. What was her problem?
Her boot was too small.