I Series Flashcards
I don’t give one
Not caring one bit.
If that is true I am
a Dutchman
A saying used to state that
something obviously not true.
Ignorance is bliss
It is better not to know
Ill-gotten gains
Money or other possessions
acquired in a dishonest or illegal fashion
Treated badly
In fits and starts
Reference to sporadic progress
In a hole
To be in a difficult or
embarrassing situation.
In leaps and bounds
To move forward in large steps, at speed.
In a jiffy
In a second, immediately
In a nutshell
Reference to a concise statement of the facts.
In one’s element
Refers to a person being happy and relaxed because they are doing something that they do well
In a shambles
In a disordered state.
In cahoots
In conspiracy with someone; in league with someone.
In the bag
Something certain to happen.
In the blink of an
Very quickly.