B Series Flashcards
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Bad blood
Ill feeling
Balloon has gone
Used to imply an impending
change that will make a situation
Bandied about
Talked or gossiped about .
Bank on
Depending on someone.
Barge in
Interrupt, enter uninvited
Barking up the
wrong tree
Making a mistake or a false
Barrack room
A person who freely offers legal
and other opinions on subjects
in which he is not qualified
Basket case
A person of a nervous
disposition or who is very upset.
Basking in
Enjoying life
Batting on a
sticky wicket
Being in a difficult situation
Be at large
Free; uncaptured; usually said
of criminals not in custody
Bear the brunt
To get the larger amount or
greater part of something bad.
Beat one hollow
To surpass or outdo completely
Beat around the
Not getting to the point, avoiding an issue
Beating a hasty
Withdrawing quickly from a
previously held position
Bed of roses
A luxurious state
Bee in the
An obsession.
Behind the
out of public view, effort made
without recognition
Bell the cat
To perform a very dangerous or
very difficult task.
Beside the point
Irrelevant; of no significance, not
Beside oneself
Out of one’s mind with grief or
Better half
A person’s wife or husband.
Between a rock
and a hard place.
A choice between two
unsatisfactory options.
Between a rock
and a hard place.
A choice between two
unsatisfactory options.
Between the
devil and the
deep blue sea.
A choice between two
unsatisfactory options – In
trouble whatever choice is
made. (similar to the above)
Beware of
Greeks bearing
Do not trust an individual who
offers to do something nice for
you without a valid reason.
Beyond the pale
Going too far. Beyond what is
Bib and tucker
Formal dress
Bigwig (big gun)
A very important person