I say... you say... Flashcards
anterior esophageal impression
pulmonary sling
flat waist sign
left lower lobe collapse
big bright kidney with decreased renal function
meconium ileus equivalent
distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (CF)
multiple cardiac myxomas
carney’s complex
- multiple cardiac myxoma
- skin pigmentation (blue naevi): especially of the face, - - extracardiac myxomas in breast, testis, thyroid, brain
- adrenal gland: primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD)
- pituitary adenoma
- psammomatous melanotic schwannoma
- testicular tumors with Sertoli cell tumors: most common
bile ducts full of stones
recurrent puogenic cholangitis
diffuse LV subendocardial enhancement not restricted to a vascular distribution
cardiac amyloid
finger in glove
sac of bowel
paraduodenal hernia
reverse halo or atoll sign
hand or foot pain / swelling in an infant
sickle cell with hand foot syndrome
Mega Cava filter
Birds nest filter
young adult, renal mass + severe HTN
juxtaglomerular cell tumor
vessel coursing on the pelvic brim
corona mortis
episodic hypoglycemia
solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
staghorn stone
massive circumferential thickening without obstruction
the source of bleeding from a duodenal ulcer
no air in the stomach
esophageal atresia
urethra cancer - prostatic portion
transitional cell CA
corkscrew duodenum
mid gut volvulus
isolated gastric varices
splenic vein thrombus
Bicuspid aortic valve and coarctation
Turners syndrome
scalloped appearance of the liver
pseudomyxoma peritonei
excessive air in the stomach
H-type TE fistula
nasty looking saccular aneurysm, without internal calcifications
sparing of the caudate lobe
budd chiari
Glenn procedure
acquired pulmonary AVMs
systemic venous return is re-directed to the pulmonary circulation, bypassing the right heart.
It can be used in a variety of situations, including:
- cyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies that eventually lead to a single anatomical or functional ventricle (i.e. tricuspid atresia)
- right or left ventricular hypoplasia (i.e. hypoplastic left heart syndrome)
- as an initial step before the Fontan form of a total right heart bypass
midline cystic structure near the back of the bladder of a man
prostatic utricle
tramline along periosteum of long bones
lung CA
fat in the wall of a dilated right ventricle
arrhythomogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
swollen left leg
may Thurner
lipomatous pseudohypertrophy of the pancreas
T2 shortening cyst
endometrioma or “shading sign”
weight gain years after Roux-en-Y
cystic mass in the posterior neck- antenatal period
cystic hygroma
band like opacities
chronic lung disease (BPD)
multifocal intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary strictures + papillary stenosis
AIDS cholangiopathy
the source of 85% upper GI bleeds
left gastric artery
tortuous vessels
Autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder similar to Marfan syndrome, characterized by skeletal manifestations and vasculopathies.
More aggressive with respect to vasculopathy and is more likely to affect peripheral arteries.
Classical triad of Loeys-Dietz syndrome is described as 1: arterial tortuosity and aneurysms
2: hypertelorism
3: bifid uvula or cleft palate
cavitary (low density) lymph nodes
hand/thumb defects + ASD
Holt Oram (also clavicle defects)
culture negative pleural effusion, 3 months later with airspace opacity
multiple duodenal (or jejunal) ulcers
hide bound or stack of coins
looks like candida, but an asymptomatic old lady
glycogen acanthosis
focal thickening of the septum but not HCM
lower lobe bronchiectasis
primary ciliary dyskinesia
granular opacities + premature
brain tumors + bowel polyps
painless vaginal bleeding in the third trimester
placenta previa
lung cysts in a TS patient
multiple gastric ulcers
chronic aspirin therapy
most feared complication of brachial arterial access
compartment syndrome
paraneoplastic syndrome with PTH
Squamous cell CA
granular opacities + term + high lung volume
unicornuate uterus
look at the kidneys
UIP + air trapping
chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Thallium negative (chest)
kid with dilated heart and mid wall enhancement
muscular dystrophy
pleural effusions and ascites on prenatal ultrasound
hydrops fetalis
solitary esopahgeal ulcer
ribbon like jejunum
long standing celiac
short stricture in urethra
staddle injury
mass near the cord insertion, with flow pulsating at the fetal heart rate
placenta chioangioma
ulcers at the level of eh arch or distal esophagus
medication induced
supra-valvular aortic stenosis
williams syndrome
- craniofacial dysmorphism (e.g. elfin facies)
- oral abnormalities
- short stature (50% of cases)
- mild to moderate mental retardation
- supravalvular aortic stenosis 2
- pulmonary artery stenosis 3
- renal insufficiency
- hypercalcemia
nasal perforation + cavitary lung lesions
history of renal biopsy
lack of diastolic flow on carotid ultrasound
brain death
twin peak sign
dichorionic diamniotic
sand like nodules in the jejunum
ulcer on dorsum of foot
ischemia or infected ulcer
septal bounce
constrictive pericarditis
mother pancreatic cyst
one artery adjacent to the baldder
two vessel cord
most medial vessel in the leg
posterior tibial artery
bilateral tardus parvus in the carotids
aortic stenosis
pregnant patient, thinning of the myometrium near the bladder with tornado vessels
placenta acreta
pulmonary sling
tracheal stenosis
unilateral renal agenesis
unicornuate uterus
e-coli infection bladder
Macroscopic fat and popcorn calcifications
renal artery stenosis with HTN in a child
gallbladder comet tail artifact
calcified mass in mid abdomen of newborn
meconium peritonitis
mystery liver abscess in a kid
chronic granulomatous disease
Multi-lobar collapse
double bubble
duodenal atresia
Huge finger (Alyssa showed in conference)
Macrodystrophia lipomatosa is a rare form of localised gigantism, and many terms have been used interchangeably, with resulting confusion. They include macrodactyly, megalodactyly, digital gigantism, macromelia, partial acromegaly, macrosomia, and limited gigantism.
enlarged left supraclavicular node
Virchow Node (GI cancer)
pancreatitis after Bilroth 2
afferent loop syndrome
calcification in the left atrium wall
rheumatic heart disease
urethra cancer - in a diverticulum
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
onion skin appearance (testicle)
epidermoid cyst
platyspondylyl (flat vertebral bodies)
peripheral pulmonary stenosis
Alagille syndrome
JAG1 (90%) and NOTCH2 (1-2%) genes
- hepatic: paucity +/- stenoses of intrahepatic bile ducts that can eventually lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatic failure
- renal: variable, including cystic kidney disease, small kidneys, echogenic kidneys and nephrocalcinosis
- ocular: posterior embryotoxon
- skeletal: butterfly type vertebrae (~50%)
- facial: triangular facial
- cardiovascular: coarctation of the aorta (rare)
- pulmonary: peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
septic emboli + jugular vein thrombus
UIP lungs + parietal pleural thickening
linear lucencies
bilious vomiting - in an infanct
mid gut volvulus
Carney’s triad
1) extra-adrenal paraganglioma (e.g. spinal paraganglioma)
2) gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)
3) pulmonary chondroma
bone scan with focal breast uptake
breast CA
gallstones in child
sickle cell
cyanotic heart disease
homogenous and microcalcifications
smoker + hand angiogram
spider web appearance of hepatic veins on angiogram
budd chiari
most feared complication of bronchial artery embolization
spinal cord infarct
multiple hypoechoic masses in the testicle
urethra cancer
squamous cell CA
nephroblastomatosis with necrosis
sausage shaped pancreas
autoimmune pancreatitis
esophageal concentric rings
eosinophilic esophagitis
groung glass with subpleural sparing
entire bladder calcified
ulcuer on plantar surface of foot
neutropenic ulcer
posterior mediastinal mass (under 2)
cortical rim sign
subacute renal infarct
tree in bud (not centrilobular or random nodules)
super hot mandible in child
Caffeys is largely self-limiting disorder which affects infants. It causes bone changes, soft-tissue swelling, and irritability. (periostitis and bone remodeling)
- The flat bones are most commonly affected: mandible in 75-80% of cases, clavicles, scapula 10% of cases, ribs (lateral aspect), ipsilateral pleural effusion may appear, calvaria, ilia
GI bleed with early opacification of a dilated draining vein
Colonic angiodysplasia
single bubble
gastric (antral or pyloric atresia)
ventricular interdependence
constrictive pericarditis
RP fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, fibrosing mediastinitis, inflammatory pseudotumor
malignant bronchial tumor
blood pool supression on delyaed enhancement
blue dot sign
torsion of the testicular appendage
shortness of breath when sitting up
hepatopulmonary syndrome
pulmonary hypoplasia
diaphragmatic hernia
history of lithotripsy
page kidney
super hot mandible in adult
fibrous dysplasia
hairpin turn - during bronchial angiography
anterior medullary (spinal cord) artery
enlarged tonsils well after childhood (like 12-15)
cancer, probably lymphatic
Cavitation in the setting of silicosis
tulip bulb aorta
abrupt caliber change of the aorta below the celiac axis
hepatic hemangioendothelioma
crazy paving
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
lead pipe
ulcerative colitis
pulmonary AVM
history of constipation with pneumonia
lipoid pneumonia - inferring mineral oil use / aspiration
bizarre shaped cysts
unilateral tardus parvus in the carotid
stenosis of the innominate
liver high signal in phase, low signal out of phase
fatter liver
theca lutein cysts
moles and multiple gestations
protrude into the renal pelvis
multilocular cystic nephroma
narrowed b ring
schatzki (schat “B” ki Ring)
liver low signal in phase, high signal out of phase
bilateral medulla nephrocalcinosis
medullary sponge kidney
reticular mucosal pattern
absent tonsil after 6 months
immune deficiency
daughter pancreatic cyst
solid pseudopapillary
hcc without cirrhosis
hepatitis b (or fibrolamellar hcc)
narrowing of the interpedicular distance
birds beak
cold painful fingers during dialysis
steal syndrome
yellow nails
edema and chylous pleural effusions (yellow nail syndrome)
hot clumps of signal in the lungs on liver spleen sulfur colloid
too much Al in the Tc
bone scan with renal cortex activity
moulage pattern
celiac (moulage = loss of jejunal folds)
fishnet appearance cyst
hemorrhagic cyst
thickening of the junctional zone (>12mm)
common bile duct measures more than 10 mm in newborn
choledochal cyst
papillary necrosis
bone scan with diffusely decreased bone uptake
(1) free Tc, or (2) bisphosphonate therapy
bone scan with sternal lesion
breast CA
ballooning of the left ventricular apex
clover leaf sign - duodenum
healed peptic ulcer
sickel cell trait
medullary RCC
non-decompressible varicocele
look in the belly for badness
history of c-section
periportal hypoechoic infiltration + AIDS
pulsatile lower limb venous doppler
right heart failure
sand like nodules in the jejunum + CD4 < 100
MAI (Mycobacterium avium intracellulare)
fold reversal - of jejunum and ileum
histomy was heterogeneous
post term delivery
meconium aspiration
wide duodenal sweep
pancreatic cancer
IVC greater than 28 mm
Mega Cava
isolated RUL edema
mitral regurgitation
Gallium negative (chest)