I/O Flashcards
The foundation for almost all human resource activities
Job Analysis
The process of studying positions, describing duties and responsibilities that go with jobs, and grouping similar positions into job categories
Job Analysis
captures a wealth of job information, which serves as a guide for variety of uses
Job Analysis
is usually undertaken when the organization is starting operations, a new job is created, a job is changed significantly by the nature of operations
Job Analysis Program
Three elements of Job Analysis Program
- Company policy and administration of the Program
- Job Information
- Methods of securing job information
the descriptions of the functions and duties performed and the responsibilities involved, and the relation of the job to other jobs in the company
Job Description
the specification of the minimum personal qualifications in terms of a trait, skill, knowledge, and ability required of a worker to perform the job satisfactorily
Job Specification
- describes the job in terms of key result areas and the functions and the roles and the competencies
- has less emphasis on specific duties and processes
Job Profile
indicates the qualifications in terms of skills, experience, training and other special qualifications as well as the traits required of the worker to satisfactorily perform the job
Job Specification
Steps in Conducting a Job Analysis
Step 1: Identify tasks performed
Step 2: Write the task statements
Step 3: Rate the task Statements
Step 4: Determine Essential KSAOs
Knowledge, Skill, Ability, Other characteristics
a body of information needed to perform a task
proficiency to perform a learned task
basic capacity for performing a wide range of different tasks, acquiring a knowledge, or developing a skill
include such personal factors as personality, willingness, interest, and motivation and such tangible factors as license, degrees, and years of experience
Other characteristics
sources such as supervisors and incumbents who are knowledgeable about a job
Subject matter experts (SME)
the person conducting the job analysis
Job Analyst
a group analysis interview consisting of subject matter expert
SME Conference
a questionnaire containing a list of task each of which the job incumbent rates on a series of scales
Task inventory
the process of identifying the tasks for which employees need to be trained
Task analysis
an effective way of obtaining job information is to have employees accomplish well designed and adequately explained Job Analysis Questionnaires later reviewed by their immediate superiors
a structure instrument based on statistical analysis of worker-oriented job elements consists of 194 items covering the following categories
Position Analysis Questionnaires (PAQ)
developed Position Analysis Questionnaires
McCormick, Jeanneret, and Mechan
where and how the workers gets the information used for the job
Information input
the reasoning, planning, decision making involved in the job
Mental process
the physical activities performed by the worker and the tools or equipment used
Work output
physical and social contexts in which the work is done
Job context
an instrument designed as an alternative to the PAQ developed by Cornelius and Hackel
Job Elements Inventory (JEI)
- contains 153 items
- easier to read
- designed by Fine
- a quick method used by the federal government to analyze and compare thousands of jobs
Functional Job Analysis (FJA)
three functions in FJA
- Data (information and ideas)
- People (clients, customers, and co workers)
- Things (machines, tools, and equipment)
developed Job Components Inventory (JCI)
Banks, Jackson, Standford and Warr
- initiated in England
- consist of more than 400 questions
- a practical tool used in curriculum development career guidance and broad based training
Job Components Inventory (JCI)
- revised version of the PAQ developed by Patrick and Moore
- designed to be used more by the analyst than the workers
Job Structure Profile (JSP)
to obtain a whole perspective of the job, this is done to clarify all aspects in the job, obtain a better personal impression, make the employee and superior participate in the process, and understanding maximized
observes the people performing their jobs in the work setting
is the process of search for and securing applicants for the various job positions so that the right people in the right number can be selected to fill the job positions which arise from time to time in organization
the total process of recruitment selection and placement
Hiring process
these are qualified candidates from the company and within the ranks of its present employees
Internal Source
the hiring from the outside source is a management option
External Source
- every time a position becomes available it is posted in the company bulletin board for the information of all interested parties
- it should specify and contain the job description
Job Posting
- one of the least expensive recruitment systems
- as soon as people learn that there’s a job opening, the word spread around
Word-of-the-Mouth System
a popular and effective means of soliciting applicants is advertising through media, newspapers, magazines, radio or television
Advertising Media
the best day of the week to put an ad
ads that do not reveal the identity of the company, instead they give a box of number where the resume or pertinent papers will be forwarded
Blind Ads
- a possible source of outstanding employees
- most often the application letters or resume are put in the waste basket or at times put in file
Walk Ins and Unsolicited Applicants
many organization send recruiters to college to answer questions about themselves and interview students for available positions
Campus or University Recruitment
organizational representatives of the company gather and interview several applicants over a period of one or two days in some specified fields
Job Fair and Open House
an employment service operated by a state or local government, designed to match applicants with job openings
Government Agencies
better known as “Head hunters” that specialize in placing applicants in high paying jobs
Executive search firms
- used as mediums for man power recruitment
- the coverage of advertisement is of great magnitude, more qualified applicants can be reached
Radio and Television
- company profiles and job placements could eventually come into the internet
- situation wanted ads
defined as the process of determining from among the applicants who can meet the job requirements and can be offered the vacant position in the organization
the final decision to hire usually is left up to the:
operating department executives
its functional authority is to screen the applicants and to submit the names of those who passed the initial screening to the operating department for its final decision on whom to select and finally hire for the job
the first step in the assessment of an applicant for the jobs
Preliminary Screening
deals with obvious factors such as voice, dress, physical appearance, personal grooming, educational background, professional training, and experience
Preliminary Screening
- follow a set of procedures and the interviewer set the lead
- job related questions
- all applicants are asked the same questions
- there is a standardized scoring key to evaluate each answer
Structured Interview
provides no specific reference and the applicant is given a free hand in talking about himself and the interviewer makes an assessment
Unstructured interview
involve one interviewer interviewing one applicant
One on one interview
involves series of single interview
Serial interview
usually done for managerial and supervisory interview, have multiple interviewers asking questions and evaluating answers
Panel or Round table interview
multiple applicants answering questions during the same interview
Group interviews
problems with unstructured interview
- poor intuitive ability
- lack of job relatedness
- primacy effects
- contrast effect
- interviewer-applicants similarities
- interviewee appearance
- non verbal communication
or “first impression” information presented early in an interview carries more weight than information presented later
Primacy Effects
the performance of one applicant affects the perception of the next applicant
Contrast Effect
applicants will receive a higher score if she or he is similar to the interviewer in terms of personality, attitude, race
Interviewer-Applicants similarities
attractiveness bias occurred for men and women
Interviewee Appearance
appropriate non verbal communication is highly correlated with interview scores
Non verbal communication
Types of Interview questions
- Clarifier
- Disqualifiers
- Past focus (behavioral description)
- Skill or knowledge focus
- Future Focus (situational questions)
- Organizational fit focus
allow the interviewer to clarify information in the resume, cover letter and application, fill in gaps and obtain other necessary information
questions in which a wrong answer will disqualify a person from further consideration
focus on what the applicant has done rather than what they can do
Past focus (behavioral description)
a type of structured interview question designed to tap an applicant’s knowledge or skill
Skill-level determiner