I/O Flashcards
allows workers to choose the times they will begin and end work
associated with
- increased employee productivity
- overall job satisfaction
- satisfaction with the work schedule
- decreased absenteeism.
Work Shifts
Of the three fixed shifts (day, swing, and graveyard), the graveyard shift is associated with the most problems; however, these problems may be alleviated if the worker voluntarily chooses the graveyard shift.
The rotating shift is associated with even more problems than the graveyard shift (e.g., higher accident rates, lower productivity).
Groupthink occurs when the desire of group members for unanimity and cohesiveness overrides their ability to realistically appraise or determine alternative courses of action.
It can be alleviated when the group leader encourages dissent, has someone play devil’s advocate, and refrains from stating his/her decision or solution too quickly.
Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg)
Herzberg’s two-factor theory is a theory of both motivation and satisfaction that places satisfaction and dissatisfaction on two separate continua.
Motivator factors (increased autonomy, responsibility, control, etc.) contribute to satisfaction and motivation when they are present; while hygiene factors (pay, pleasant working conditions) contribute to dissatisfaction when they are absent.
Path-Goal Theory
an effective leader is one who can help carve a path for subordinates that allows them to fulfill personal goals through the achievement of group and organizational goals.
It proposes that the best leadership style (directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented) depends on certain characteristics of the worker and the work.
Quality Circles
A quality circle consists of a small voluntary group of employees who work together on a particular job and meet regularly to discuss job-related problems and solutions. Representatives of the quality circle then present their solutions to management.
Consideration And Initiating Structure
The Ohio State University studies found that the behavior of leaders can be described in terms of two independent dimensions -
- consideration (person-centered style) and
- initiating structure (task-oriented style).
Brainstorming is a method of generating creative ideas that requires individuals or group members to freely suggest any idea or thought without criticism, evaluation, or censorship. Research suggests that individuals brainstorming alone do better than the same number brainstorming together.
Gender Differences In Leadership
Eagly and Johnson’s (1990) meta-analysis of the research found that male and female leaders do not consistently differ in terms of consideration or initiating structure. However, female leaders are more likely than male leaders to rely on a democratic (participative) decision-making style.
Taylor-Russell Tables
The Taylor-Russell tables are used to estimate a predictor’s incremental validity when the criterion-related validity coefficient, selection ratio, and base rate are known.
Person-Machine Fit
general systems theory: based on person-machine fit (also known as human-machine fit).
From this perspective, performance is the result of an interaction between people and machines (or any other non-human element in the work environment), and any failure in performance is due to a person-machine mismatch.
Force Field Analysis (Lewin)
According to Lewin’s force field analysis model of planned change, organizational change involves three stages:
- unfreezing
- changing
- refreezing
Transformational and Transactional Leaders
Transformational leaders are characterized by their ability to recognize the need for change, create a vision for change (including using “framing” to describe the need for change in a way that is meaningful to followers), and effectively executing the change.
They are contrasted with transactional leaders who tend to maintain the status quo and rely on rewards and punishments to motivate behavior.
Job Burnout
Job burnout is caused by accumulated stress associated with overwork.
Its primary symptoms
- feelings of low personal accomplishment
- depersonalization
- emotional exhaustion
An early sign of burnout is a sudden increase in work effort without an increase in productivity.
Summative Evaluation
Formative evaluations are conducted while a training program is being developed, and their results are used to make necessary modifications to the program.
A summative evaluation is conducted after a program has been implemented in order to assess its outcomes.
Multiple Regression And Multiple Cutoff
Multiple regression and multiple cutoff are methods for using multiple predictor scores.
Multiple regression is a compensatory method
multiple cutoff is noncompensatory.
Process Consultation
Process consultation is an organizational development intervention in which a consultant helps members of the organization perceive, understand, and identify ways of improving the processes that are undermining their interactions and the organization’s effectiveness.
Social Cognitive Theory
detect reflect reject
Bandura’s social cognitive theory of motivation emphasizes the self-regulation of behavior and proposes that self-regulation involves four processes:
- goal-setting
- self-observation
- self-evaluation
- self-reaction
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy theory regards job motivation as the result of three elements:
- expectancy
- instrumentality
- valence
The highest levels of motivation occur when an employee believes that high job effort results in high task success (high expectancy), that high success leads to the attainment of certain outcomes (high instrumentality), and that the outcomes are desirable (positive valence).
Scientific Management
As described by Taylor, scientific management involves
(a) scientifically analyzing jobs into their component parts and then standardizing those parts
(b) scientifically selecting, training, and placing workers in jobs for which they are mentally and physically suited
(c) fostering cooperation between supervisors and workers to minimize deviation from scientific methods of work
(d) having managers and workers assume responsibility for their own share of their work
Organizational Justice
Organizational justice refers to workers’ evaluations of organizational policies and procedures that are based on their perceived fairness.
Three types of organizational justice are distinguished:
- procedural
- distributive
- interactional
Group Norms
Group norms are the standard rules of conduct that maintain uniformity of behavior among group members.
Idiosyncrasy Credits
Idiosyncrasy credits are positive sentiments within a group toward a member that allow that member to occasionally deviate from group norms.
A person accumulates idiosyncrasy credits when he/she has a history of conforming to norms, has contributed in some special way to the group, or has served as the group leader.
Equity Theory
Equity theory proposes that an employee’s motivation is related to the employee’s comparison of his/her input/outcome ratio to the input/outcome ratios of others performing the same or similar jobs.
A perception of inequity leads to attempts to restore equity, with the perception of underpayment inequity (the belief that one is putting more into the job than one is getting from it) leading to more adverse outcomes than overpayment inequity does (the belief that one is putting less into the job than one is getting from it).
Need Hierarchy Theory
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory proposes that people have five basic needs that are arranged in a hierarchical order such that a need higher in the hierarchy doesn’t serve as a source of motivation until all lower needs have been fulfilled.
These needs, in order, are:
1. physiological
2. safety
3. social
4. esteem
5. self-actualization
The research has not been very supportive of Maslow’s theory.
Mediation And Arbitration
Mediation and arbitration are methods of alternative dispute resolution that involve the use of a neutral third-party.
However, a mediator cannot dictate an agreement between disputants but, instead, helps clarify the issues, facilitates communication, and offers alternatives and a recommended solution.
In contrast, an arbitrator has more authority than a mediator and controls both the process and outcome of conflict resolution.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM is a management theory that emphasizes customer service, employee involvement (especially teamwork), and continuous improvement in goods and services.
Normative (Decision-Making) Model
The Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative model of leadership distinguishes between five decision-making strategies that vary in terms of degree of employee participation in the decision-making process and provides a decision tree to help leaders select the optimal strategy for their situation.
Contingency Theory (Fiedler)
Fiedler’s contingency theory proposes that a leader’s effectiveness is related to an interaction between the leader’s style and the nature (favorableness) of the situation.
Low LPC leaders (leaders who describe their least preferred coworker in negative terms) are most effective in very unfavorable or very favorable situations; while high LPC leaders (leaders who describe their least preferred coworker in positive terms) are better in moderately favorable situations.
Stages of Group Development
Tuckman and Jensen
Tuckman and Jensen distinguish between five stages of group development -
1. forming
2. storming
3. norming
4. performing
5. adjourning
Work-Family Conflict
Work-family conflict refers to conflicts caused by incompatible work and family role demands.
It is associated with a number of negative consequences including reduced job, marital, and life satisfaction, job burnout, job turnover, decreased job productivity, and mental and physical health problems.