I'm an Animal! Flashcards
Running two miles the morning after staying out with Rylew drinking at the Norah Jones show - and running my best time in under 25 minutes!
The first time I sat in an airplane seat and fit into it perfectly AND had to cinch the belt around me - VICTORY!
Catching my reflection in a mirror/glass walking to work and liking what I see!
Running to catch the 49 after parking my car near the park. Had just decided I couldn’t make it when I ran anyway. I felt so fast - and even through I was 3/4 of a block away I made it in time. I felt so proud and so changed.
Diana - Dunbar’s friend telling me she loved hearing my stories and that I gave her hope for how single life should be.
I’m out having fun adventures and doing what I want and I’m unapologetic about. I dreamed of being that way for years and was thrilled to hear I give off that impression.
Paul Jeffrey
Persevering even when faltering on my plan.No matter the difficulty level I KNOW I will correct course.
Every time I avoid temptations at work!
HR: I’m the helpful response manager to my sabotaging thoughts.
Losing weight over vacation in Bellingham, Cartagena, OC,
Tight jeans actually feel great! I like form fitting better than baggy.
Bike riding through Calistoga vineyards after charging our hike. BOOSH. So glad I get to experience the fun of physical activities.
Telling Eryn about the tempting specialty’s cookies at work then successfully avoiding them four different times.
Running a HALF MARATHON and committing to ten weeks of intensive training in order to prep myself. I went from false bravado about “not being a runner” to actually trying it and succeeding.