Helpful Responses Flashcards
Because I will feel (and be) in control
I’ll like how I look in a bathing suit more
I DO care about losing weight and continuing to get healthier, even if I don’t feel like it this moment.
If I eat something I shouldn’t have I haven’t “blown it” - it’s not the end of the world, it’s just a mistake. Get back on track this minute! Don’t keep on eating off plan! That makes no sense, it’s a million times better to stop now than to allow myself to eat more.
Put dieting first - I have to plan my life around exercise and dieting activities, not vice versa. I deserve to put MYSELF first. Play that game of tetris and invest in yourself by planning your schedule!
Resistance Habit - Every time I eat something I’m not supposed to I strengthen my giving-in habit.
Every time i DON’T give in, I strengthen my resistance habit.
DO IT ANYWAY - Even if I don’t FEEL like using a diet skill I have to do it anyway. If i only do what I feel like doing I won’t be able to lose weight and
“I can make this up later” - WRONG - There is noooooo more later. Now is when I need to stick to my plan.
“But it’s a special occasion - let’s party!” - Every time I party at a special or not so special occasion I’m celebrating the progress I’ve made, the healthy behaviors I’ve learned and the changed I’m successfully CONTINUING to implement.
Props! - I must give myself credit every time I exercise, use a diet skill and stick to my plan. I’m worth it!!
Food does not equal comfort - I don’t want to comfort myself with food. If I’m upset I won’t eat to seek comfort. It won’t solve the problem and I’ll just feel worse.
Work.It.Out. - I’m not too tired to work out, but I am tired of being fat. Working out makes me feel great.
“I really want that” - I may feel a craving strongly in this moment, but I don’t want that more than I DO want to lose weight.
“I’m too busy to stick to my plan” - My plan has to be my NUMBER ONE priority!
I’ll care later! - I may think “I don’t care” right now, but I will care a LOT when I get on the scale.
No Excuses - Just because I want to eat doesn’t mean that I should!
Sometimes I do want to eat things that aren’t on my plan. But I won’t because it will make me feel worse. Resisting makes me feel strong!
Having unhealthy food choices around tests myself beyond my ability to resist temptation. Sometimes “treats” are really mistreating myself.
Not tracking my calories keeps me from having consistent weight loss - it’s the number one tool of successful maintainers.
Sabotaging thoughts can be quite compelling when you’re having them.
Exercising and sticking to my food plan does not issue me a moral license to do whatever I want the rest of the day.
When I encounter challenging waters (ie stood up on a date or work stress) I will support myself by texting Veronica right away to let her know what’s up with me.