I Citations Flashcards
Aamodt , 2016
pay equity, adverse impact, reliability, validity, utility
Aguinis, Ryan, Gottfredson, and Wright, 2011
interaction effects using meta-analysis
Aiken, West, Pitts, Baraldi, & Wurpts, 2012
multiple linear regression
Allen & Yen, 1979
measurement theory, CTT
Angoff, 1971
standard setting procedure
Arthur, Day, McNelly, & Edens, 2003
criterion validity of assessment centers
Austin & Villanova, 1992
the criterion problem
Bacharach, 1989
falsifiability and utility of vars/constructs/rels
Baron & Kenney, 1986
mediation and moderation
Bentler & Bonett, 1980
significance tests and goodness of fit in ANCOVA
Bernardin, LaShells, Smith, & Alvares, 1976
behavioral expectation scales
Bhattacherjee, 2012
sampling, research designs, qual vs quant, descrip vs infer, reliability/validity, threats, scaling methods, sampling, positivist vs interpretive research, grounded theory, coding, research ethics
Binning & Barrett, 1989
validity of personnel decisions
Bobko, Roth, Bobko, 2001
correct size of d for range restriction and unreliabiltiy
Brown & Moore, 2012
Campbell & Fiske , 1959
MTMM conv/discr validity
Cattell, 1966
scree test for # factors
Chan , 1998
composition models
Chang, Connelly, & Geeza, 2012
MTMM Big Five
Cheung, 2018
combining meta analysis and SEM
Cohen, 1969
statistical power analysis
Cohen, 2013
effect size
Cook & Campbell, 1979
true and quasi-experiments
Coolican, 2018
research methods and stats in psych