I Flashcards
Air Traffic Control request for a pilot to push
the button on the transponder to identify return on the
controller’s scope.
ILS categories
Categories of instrument approach
procedures allowed at airports equipped with the following
types of instrument landing systems:
ILS Category I
Provides for approach to a height
above touchdown of not less than 200 feet, and with
runway visual range of not less than 1,800 feet
ILS Category II
Provides for approach to a height
above touchdown of not less than 100 feet and with
runway visual range of not less than 1,200 feet
ILS Category IIA
Provides for approach without
a decision height minimum and with runway visual
range of not less than 700 feet.
ILS Category IIIB
Provides for approach without
a decision height minimum and with runway visual
range of not less than 150 feet.
ILS Category IIIC
Provides for approach without a
decision height minimum and without runway visual
range minimum.
An instrument consisting of a curved glass
tube, housing a glass ball, and damped with a fluid similar
to kerosene. It may be used to indicate inclination, as a level,
or, as used in the turn indicators, to show the relationship
between gravity and centrifugal force in a turn.
Indicated airspeed (IAS)
Shown on the dial of the
instrument airspeed indicator on an aircraft. Indicated
airspeed (IAS) is the airspeed indicator reading uncorrected
for instrument, position, and other errors. Indicated airspeed
means the speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot static
airspeed indicator calibrated to reflect standard atmosphere
adiabatic compressible flow at sea level uncorrected for
airspeed system errors. Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is IAS
corrected for instrument errors, position error (due to
incorrect pressure at the static port) and installation errors.
Indicated altitude
The altitude read directly from the
altimeter (uncorrected) when it is set to the current altimeter
Indirect indication
A reflection of aircraft pitch-and-bank
attitude by instruments other than the attitude indicator
Induced drag
Drag caused by the same factors that produce
lift; its amount varies inversely with airspeed. As airspeed
decreases, the angle of attack must increase, in turn increasing
induced drag.
Induction icing
A type of ice in the induction system that
reduces the amount of air available for combustion. The most
commonly found induction icing is carburetor icing.
Inertial Navigation System (INS)
A computer-based
navigation system that tracks the movement of an aircraft
via signals produced by onboard accelerometers. The initial G-16
location of the aircraft is entered into the computer, and all
subsequent movement of the aircraft is sensed and used to
keep the position updated. An INS does not require any inputs
from outside signals.
Initial Approach Fix (IAF)
The fix depicted on IAP charts
where the instrument approach procedure (IAP) begins unless
otherwise authorized by ATC.
Inoperative components
Higher minimums are prescribed
when the specified visual aids are not functioning; this
information is listed in the Inoperative Components Table found
in the United States Terminal Procedures Publications.
Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI)
Assists in
interpretation by instantaneously indicating the rate of climb
or descent at a given moment with little or no lag as displayed
in a vertical speed indicator (VSI).
Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP)
A series of
predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an
aircraft under IFR from the beginning of the initial approach
to a landing or to a point from which a landing may be
made visually.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
Rules and regulations
established by the Federal Aviation Administration to govern
flight under conditions in which flight by outside visual
reference is not safe. IFR flight depends upon flying by
reference to instruments in the flight deck, and navigation is
accomplished by reference to electronic signals.
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
An electronic system
that provides both horizontal and vertical guidance to a
specific runway, used to execute a precision instrument
approach procedure.
Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)
Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility,
distance from clouds, and ceiling less than the minimums
specified for visual meteorological conditions, requiring
operations to be conducted under IFR.
Instrument takeoff
Using the instruments rather than
outside visual cues to maintain runway heading and execute
a safe takeoff.
A device used to reduce the temperatures of the
compressed air before it enters the fuel metering device. The
resulting cooler air has a higher density, which permits the
engine to be operated with a higher power setting.
Interference drag
Drag generated by the collision of
airstreams creating eddy currents, turbulence, or restrictions
to smooth flow.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
United Nations agency for developing the principles and
techniques of international air navigation, and fostering planning
and development of international civil air transport.
International Standard Atmosphere (IAS)
A model of standard variation of pressure and temperature.
The estimation of an intermediate value
of a quantity that falls between marked values in a series.
Example: In a measurement of length, with a rule that is
marked in eighths of an inch, the value falls between 3/8
inch and 1/2 inch. The estimated (interpolated) value might
then be said to be 7/16 inch.
An increase in temperature with altitude
Inversion illusion
The estimation of an intermediate value
of a quantity that falls between marked values in a series.
Example: In a measurement of length, with a rule that is
marked in eighths of an inch, the value falls between 3/8
inch and 1/2 inch. The estimated (interpolated) value might
then be said to be 7/16 inch.
A solid-state electronic device that converts D.C.
into A.C. current of the proper voltage and frequency to
operate A.C. gyro instruments.
Lines which connect points of equal barometric pressure.
Isogonic lines
Lines drawn across aeronautical charts to
connect points having the same magnetic variation.