I-12 Flashcards
kitap ayracı
experiment (n)
deney, tecrübe
to conduct/do/perform an experiment
They’re conducting experiments on hamster cells to test the effects of the drug.
B2 hot, bright, burning gas produced by something on fire
Smoke and flames were pouring out of the burning factory.
The whole building was soon in flames (= burning).
The car crashed and burst into flames (= suddenly started burning).
an angry email or message in a chat room, etc.
öfkeyle yazılmış ileti/e-posta
a substance used to stick things together
tutkal, zamk, yapıştırıcı
Put a bit of glue on both edges and hold them together.
Her iki kenara biraz tutkal koyun ve bunları bir arada tutun.
an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything is correct and legal
denetleme, teftiş
Fire officers carried out an inspection of the building.
İtfaiye görevlileri, binanın denetimini gerçekleştirdi.
careful examination of something by looking at it
kontrol, inceleme
On closer inspection (= when looked at more carefully), the painting was discovered to be a fake.
B2 making you feel annoyed
rahatsız edici, kızdıran, sinirlendiren
an irritating habit
irritatingly adverb
rahatsız edici bir şekilde
B2 all people, considered as a group
the history of mankind
a green or black substance that grows in wet places or on old food
a container that is used to make something in a particular shape
a chocolate mould
pek çok, çok fazla, sayısız
He is the author of numerous articles.
Çok sayıda makalenin yazarıdır.
Someone who is picky does not like many things.
müşkülpesent, zor seçen
a picky eater
seçici yiyen
Annem pike alma konusunda seçici olur
progress (n)
B1 development and improvement of skills, knowledge, etc
ilerleme, gelişme
slow/rapid(hızlı) progress
technological progress
He has made good progress in French this year.
Bu yıl Fransızca’da iyi bir gelişme kaydetti.
in progress formal
B2 happening or being done now
sürmekte, devam etmekte, yapılmakta, olmakta; işlem görmekte Quiet please - Exams in progress. MOVEMENT movement towards a place bir yere doğru hareket
bir yöne doğru ilerleme/hareket
B1 to take something away
taşımak, kaldırmak, alıp götürmek
An operation was needed to remove the bullets from his chest.
Mermileri göğsünden çıkarmak için bir operasyon gerekiyordu.
B2 to take something off
çıkarmak, temizlemek
Carefully remove the lid, then stir the paint.
He removed the bandage to expose the wound.
Kapağı dikkatlice çıkarın, ardından boyayı karıştırın.
Yarayı ortaya çıkarmak için bandajı çıkardı.
JOB formal
to make someone stop doing their job
at(ıl)mak, çıkar(ıl)mak, uzaklaştır(ıl)mak
[ often passive ] He had been removed from his job on medical grounds.
Tıbbi nedenlerle işinden çıkarılmıştı.
be far removed from sth
to be very different from something
…dan/den uzak olmak/farklı olmak; ilgisi/alâkası olmamak
The princess’s world was far removed from reality.
Prensesin dünyası gerçeklerden çok uzaktaydı.
B2 the opinion that people have about someone or something based on their behaviour or character in the past
ün, şöhret, nam
Both hotels have a good reputation.
He has a reputation for efficiency.
Verimliliği için bir üne sahiptir.
a small piece or amount of something
parça, kırıntı
He wrote his phone number on a scrap of paper.
I’ve read every scrap of information I can find on the subject.
Konuyla ilgili bulabildiğim her bilgi notunu okudum.
OLD [ U ]
old cars and machines that are not now needed but have parts which can be used to make other things
hurdalık, hurdalar, demir yığını
scrap metal
The car was so badly damaged we could only sell it as scrap.
Araba çok kötü hasar görmüş, sadece hurda olarak satabiliyorduk.
FIGHT [ C ] informal
a fight or an argument, usually one that is not very serious
hırgür, ağız dalaşı, münakaşa, kavga, dövüş
He was always getting into scraps at school.
Her zaman okulda not kırıyordu.
scrap paper
kağıt parçası
slice (n)
A2 [ C ] a flat piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece
dilim a slice of bread/cake/meat a slice of sth a part of something that is being divided(=böl-, ayır-)
kısım, bölüm, parça
a large slice of the profits(=kar)
→ See also fish slice
slippery (adj)
kaygan, kaypak
Be careful - the floor’s slippery.
saplamak, yapıştırmak, koymak
JOIN [ I, T ]
B1 to become joined to something or to make something become joined to something else, usually with a substance like glue
Anne stuck a picture of her boyfriend on the wall.
The stamp wouldn’t stick to the envelope.
stick sth in/on/under, etc informal
to put something somewhere
bir yerlere koymak, atıvermek Just stick your bag under the table. stick (sth) in/into/through, etc B2 If something sharp sticks into something, it goes into it, and if you stick something sharp somewhere, you push it into something.
bat(ır)mak, sok(ul)mak, sapla(n)mak She stuck the needle into his arm. NOT MOVE [ I ] to become fixed in one position and not be able to move
takılmak, saplanmak This drawer has stuck - I can't open it. can't stick sb/sth uk informal to not like someone or something
katlanamamak, tahammül edememek; hoşlanmamak
I can’t stick her.
→ See also stick to your guns , poke/stick your nose into sth , stick/put your oar in
a situation in which two very similar things happen at the same time but there is no reason for it
tesadüf, rastlantı
an amazing/strange coincidence
It was pure coincidence that we both married dentists.
coincidental adjective UK /kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdentəl/ US
happening by coincidence
tesadüfi, rastlantı eseri olarak
The similarities are coincidental.
coincidentally adverb UK /kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdentəli/ US
tesadüfi bir şekilde
envelope (n)
a flat paper container for a letter
[ I ] to pause before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain
tereddüt etmek, kararsız davranmak, duraksamak, çekingen davranmak, kaçınmak, ağırdan almak
Richard hesitated before answering.
not hesitate to do sth
B2 to be very willing to do something because you are certain it is right
tereddüt etmemek, kararsız davranmamak, çekingen davranmamak, istekli davranmak, gönüllü olmak
They would not hesitate to call the police at the first sign of trouble.
knock (v)
B1 to make a noise by hitting something, especially a door, with your closed hand in order to attract someone’s attention
vurmak, tıklatmak There's someone knocking at/on the door. Please knock before entering. HIT [ T ] B1 to hit something or someone and make them move or fall down
vurup yere yıkmak/sermek/devirmek
He accidentally knocked the vase off the table.
I knocked over the mug.
CRITICIZE [ T ] informal
to criticize someone or something, often unfairly
eleştirmek, tenkit etmek, kusur bulmak
She knocks every suggestion I make.
B2 strange or unusual
alışılmamış, garip, tuhaf, acayip I always thought there was something odd about her. It's a bit odd that he didn't come. NOT OFTEN [ always before noun ] not happening often
nadiren olan; sık olmayan He does odd jobs here and there. SEPARATED [ always before noun ] being one of a pair when the other item is missing
tek, diğer teki kaybolmuş an odd sock APPROXIMATELY used after a number to mean approximately
yaklaşık, tahminen There are thirty odd kids in the class. NUMBER An odd number does not produce a whole number when it is divided by two.
(rakam, sayı) tek
CLOSE ENTRANCE also seal up
to close an entrance or container so that air or liquid cannot enter or leave it
kapamak, tıpamak, ağzını tıkamak She quickly sealed up the bottle. CLOSE LETTER to close a letter or parcel by sticking the edges together
zarf/paket ağzını yapıştırarak kapamak
to seal an envelope
B2 [ I, T ] to close with great force, or to make something close with great force
çarparak kapatmak, çarpıp kapatmak; çarpıp kapanmak
Kate heard the front door slam.
slam sth down/onto/into, etc
B2 to put something somewhere with great force
pat’ diye bırakmak; fırlatıp atmak, çarpmak
She slammed the phone down.
slam noun [ C ]
sert bir şekilde kapatma
[ usually singular ] the slam of a car door
spooky (adj)
strange and frightening
ürkütücü, tüyleri diken diken eden, acayip
There’s something spooky about that place.