Hypoxemia/Hypoxia Flashcards
Mechanisms of Hypoxia
- Ventilation Perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
- Shunt
- Diffusion impairment
- Alveolar hypoventilation
- Decreased inspired oxygen tension (altitude)
*Can have more than one

Alveolar Hypoventilation:
Why are these patients hypoxic?
What are some examples?
- Why are these patients hypoxic?
- Alveolar gas equation: PAO2 = PiO2 – 1.25 x PaCO2
- Hypoventilation = rise in PaCO2; leads to reduction in PAO2
- What are some examples?
- Drug overdose, Neuromuscular disease, Advanced COPD
- Always results in elevated PCO2
- A-a gradient remains normal
- Alveolar gas equation: PAO2 = PiO2 – 1.25 x PaCO2
- Improves with supplemental oxygen
- Extreme version of VQ Mismatch
- Adequate Blood flow, Poor Ventilation
- Intracardiac: Septal defects (VSD, ASD, PFO)
- Intrapulmonary: Arteriovascular malformations, ARDS
- Generally does not correct with 100% oxygen
PaO2 less than 60mmHg
High Altitude Cerebral Edema
- Ataxia, decline in mental function and consciousness
- Elevation above 3000-3500m
Diffusion Impairment
- Increased thickness of alveolar capillary membrane
- Some destruction of capillary surface membrane that results in reduction of gas exchange across membrane
- Decreased area for diffusion (like in emphysema)
- Decreased blood transit time
- Seen when people start to exercise; not able to equilibrate as quickly as normal person
- Generally does not cause hypoxia at rest but with exertion
In VQ mismatch, poor ventilation can lead to ____ and poor perfusion can lead to _____
Poor ventilation = shunt
Poor perfusion = dead space
Alveolar Gas Equation
PAO2 = 147 - 1.25 x PaCO2
VQ Mismatch
- Unequal matching of either ventilation or perfusion to a single lung unit
- Can result in hypoxemia
- Will partially correct with supplemental oxygen
Treatment of Acute Mountain Sickness
Supplemental oxygen, Acetazolamide (diuretic that induces metabolic acidosis which increases ventilation), Descent to lower elevation
What to ask if we see that an A-a gradient is affected
- Is it only present with activity?
- Does PaO2 improve with 100% O2?
Confounding Factors in Pulse Oximetry
- Anemia, Vasoconstriction, low BP
- Increased venous pulsation
- External light sources
- Dyes and pigments – methylene blue, nail polish
- Dyshemoglobinemias: CarboxyHb, MetHb
- Methemoglobin skews the reading to appear lower than it is
- Carboxyhemoglobin skews the reading to appear higher than it is
Measurements of Oxygen
Oxyhemoglobin: Hb-O2
- Measured through co-oximetry and reported as a % Saturation; % of hemoglobin that is bound to oxygen
Dissolved Oxygen: PaO2
- Measured through blood gas; blood gathered an evaluated in lab
SaO2: Arterial O2 Saturation
PaO2: partial pressure O2 in blood
SpO2: Peripheral O2 Saturation – most common measurement
Pulse Oximetry
- Can determine the proportion of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen using spectrophotometry
- Takes into account the Beer-Lambert Law
- This works because deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin absorb light at two different ends of the spectrum
- Deoxyhemoglobin: Absorbs Red (600-750nm)
- Oxyhemoglobin: Absorbs Infrared (8500-1000nm)
- Emitters on probe emit light at 660nm and 940nm
Periodic Breathing of Altitude
Cheyne Stokes breathing, or PB) is common at high altitude and becomes more frequent with increasing altitude. Periodic breathing involves alternating periods of deepbreathing and shallow breathing.
Alveolar-arterial gradient (A-a Gradient)
- a measure of the difference between the alveolar concentration (A) of oxygen and the arterial (a) concentration of oxygen. It is used in diagnosing the source of hypoxemia. It helps to assess the integrity of alveolar capillary unit
- Normal range = ( Age in years ÷ 4 ) + 4
- Anything beyond this is considered to be a widened A-a gradient
- At this level or less means that A-a gradient is not affected
Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
- Headache, fatigue, lightheadedness, anorexia, nausea/vomiting
- Proposed etiology: vasogenic brain edema due to disruption to the blood-brain barrier induced by hypoxemia at high elevation
- Onset 6-12hrs after ascension
- Typically Above 2000m (6500ft)
- Denver 5280ft (1609m), Lake Tahoe 5817ft (1773m), Santa Fe 7198ft (2194m), Machu Picchu 7972ft (2430m), Mt Rainier 14,409ft (4392m)
- Dependent on individual, elevation, and rate of ascent • Not protected by youth or physical fitness but obesity and heavy exertion increase risk
Oxygen Content (CaO2)
Oxygen Content (CaO2) = (1.36 x Hgb x SaO2/100) + 0.003 X PaO2
- Constant of 1.36 is amount of O2 (ml at 1atm) bound per gram of Hgb
- Constant of 0.003 is amount of O2 dissolved in plasma
Oxygen Delivery (DO2)
Oxygen Delivery (DO2) = Cardiac Output x CaO2
- Volume of oxygen delivered to systemic vascular bed per minute
- Normal CO is 5-6 L/min and O2 extraction is 50ml per liter
- Normal DO2 is 1000mL/min or 500mL/min/m2
Curve of Hemoglobin Saturation vs. Partial Pressure of Oxygen
Steep decline once PaO2 reaches 60 and lower
Very little change in hemoglobin saturation at partial pressure over 60 mmHG

High Altitude Pulmonary Edema
- Occurs 2-4days after ascent above 2500m (8000ft)
- Most common cause of death at high altitude
- High recurrence risk if return to that elevation
- Treatment: supplemental oxygen and descent to lower elevation