hypothesis testing chi squared Flashcards
whparametric test
test to estimate at least one population
parameter from sample statistics
what is the assumption made w/ parametric tests
variable we have measured in the
sample is normally distributed in the population to
which we plan to generalize our findings
what is a non parametric test
a test that is distribution free,
no assumption on the distribution of the variable in the population
what does the choice of a statistical test depends on:(5)
the Level of measurement for the dependent and
independent variables
Number of groups or dependent measures
Number of units of observation
Type of distribution
The population parameter of interest (mean, variance,
differences between means and/or variances)
examples of parametric and non parametric tests
define a normality test
measures a goodness of fit of a normal model to the data
- if the fit is poor=> the data aren’t well modeled in respect
to a normal distribution, without making a judgment on
any underlying variable.
what is a normality test used for
to determine if a data set is modeled by a normal distribution and to calculate the likelihood for a random variable underlying the data set to be normally distributed.
graphical methods of normality tests
comparing the histogram of sample (empirical distro) data to a probability curve
it should resemble a bell curve
list the tests of univariate normality
D’Agostino’s K-squared test
Jarque–Bera test
Anderson–Darling test
Cramér–von Mises criterion
Lilliefors test
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Shapiro–Wilk test
what is the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
nonparametric test of the equality of distributions that can be used to compare a sample with a reference distribution =
(1-sample K–S test)
to compare 2 samples (2-sample K–S test)
- quantifies a distance between the empirical distribution betw/ sample and reference// 2 samples
the sample is drawn from thereference distribution
(in the 1-sample case)
the samples are drawn from the same distribution
(in the 2-sample case).
K-S for testing normality of distibutions
- samples are standardized and compared with a standard normal distribution.
- equivalent to
setting the mean and variance of the reference
distribution equal to the sample estimates, - using these to define the specific reference
distribution changes the null distribution of the test
what is the chi-squared test
test is used to check for an association
between 2 categorical variables.
- H0: There is no association between the variables.
- HA: There is an association between the variables
what does it mean if two categorical variables are assoc in chi squared test
the chance that an individual falls into a particular category for one variable depends upon the particular category they fall into for the other variable.
assumptions for the chi squared test
- A large sample of independent observations
- All expected counts should be ≥ 1 (no zeros)
- At least 80% of expected counts should ≥ 5