Hypothesis Testing Flashcards
1 variable
2 variables
1 variable?
Normal distribution:
•One dataset - one sample t-test
•Two related datasets - paired sample t-test
•Two independent datasets - independent sample t-test
Discrete distribution:
•Two related datasets - Wilcoxon test
•Two independent datasets - Mann Whitney U test
2 variables?
•Linear regression
•Chi-square test
Test H0?
One sample- u(mu) = mean
Paired sample- u(mu) = 0
Independent sample- u1(mu)=u2(mu)
•F test- V1=V2
Wilcoxon- sum of R+= sum of R-
Mann Whitney- U1=U2
Linear regression- B=0
Chi square- O=E
Risk analysis?
p<alpha - reject H0
Reject H0 - Risk of Type I error(rejecting a good H0)
p>alpha - accept H0 Accept H0 - Risk of Type II error
When to use Fischers test?
80% of test E>5
Non Parametric test for one sample?
Wald wolfowitz
Non parametric test for one, related and independent samples?
One- Sign test
Related- Friedman test
Independent- Kruskal-Wallis
Idea of hypothesis testing?
Check plausibility of hypothesis by testing the sample data, basically checking likelihood of a parameter of population testing.
Power of test?
Probability of reject H0 at certain alpha
Type of test for normal distribution?
Parametric tests
Difference between Mann Whitney U and Independent?
In Mann Whitney only the ranking process is required
When to use Welch test?
When V1 not equal to V2 like for F test
Test for two continuous variables?
Pearson correlation coefficient tells us closeness of relationship unlike spearman’s rank correlation
Test for two categorical variables?
Test for one continuous and one categorical(with >2 categories)?
Test for one continuous and one categorical (with 2 categories)?
T test
Principle of ANOVA test?
test for differences of means by examining the amount of variation within the samples
For contingency tables?
Small size- Fischers test
Big size- Chi square
Tests that apply Chi-square test?
Goodness of fit
Homogeneity test
Test of independence (non measurable)
What is GK test used for?
Unknown probability of random variable
Type of variable for sign test?
Nominal or ordinal