Hypothalamus & Pituitary Flashcards
What hormones does the anterior pituitary release
FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, PRL, GH Those hormones (EXCEPT PRL) go on to stimulate production of hormones from peripheral endocrine glands, liver, or other tissues
What hormones does the posterior pituitary release
Oxytocin, ADH/vasopressin Those hormones (along with PRL) act directly on tissues
What hormones are released from the hypothalamus and what are their funcitons
- GHRH: rarely used as GH/GHRH sufficiency test
- TRH: can dx TRH/TSH deficiency
- CRH: rarely used to dx Cushing
- GnRH: treats infertility caused by deficiency, stops gonad fxn in precocious puberty, men w/ prostate cancer, women undergoing ART, and ovarian suppression for women w/ gyno d/o
- Dopamine: Tx hyperprolactinemia
What is Growth Hormone’s primary target organ hormone
target organs are liver, bone, muscle, kidney, etc.
What provocative pharm GH stimulation tests can you do for GH deficiency
Insulin induced hypoglycemia Clonidine L-dopa Arginine Glucagon GHRH -You expect GH to increase. If GH increases <10 in 2 hours, you have a GH deficiency
What will you likely see along with GH deficiency
reduced IGF-1
loss of other pituitary hormones
Who should get GH treatment
kids with idiopathic short stature (<2.25 SD below mean height for age)
subnormal growth for age
delayed bone age
low serum IGF-1
*>50% of kids with GH deficiency secrete normal GH and IGF1 as adults
What are treatments for GH deficiency
Somatotropin (Genotropin)
Mecasermin (Increlex)
*Needed for normal growth to regulate lipid and carb metabolism and LBM ; also to regulate production of IGF-1 in peripheral tissues
-CAN switch formulations during Tx w/o negative impacting growth trajectory
Child indications for GH treatment
Short stature (turner, Noonan, or Prader-Willi syndrome)
FTT (2/2 chronic renal failure)
small for gestational age
*Will only add appx 1.5-3 inches if w/ idiopathic short stature
Indications for GH treatment in adulthood
GH deficiency (will improve metabolism, LBM, and well being)
Wasting 2/2 HIV (increase LBM, weight, endurance)
Short bowel syndrome (improve GI fxn)
ADE of Somatotropin (genotropin)
Kids: pseudotumor cerebri (HA, blurred vision, diplopia, n/v), slipped capital femoral epiphysis, scoliosis progression, hyperglycemia
Adults: rarely peripheral edema, myalgia, arthralgia
If a child is taking Somatotropin (genotropin) always monitor
concurrent deficiency of other ant pit hormones
Drug interactions when taking Somatotropin (genotropin) include
glucocorticoids (inhibit growth promoting effects)
Other hormones; androgens, estrogens, thyroid hormones, anabolic steroids (speed up epiphyseal closure, compromising final height)
What is Mecasermin
Recombinant human IGF-1 for kids with growth failure that DON’T respond to GH therapy and are deficient in IGF-1
ADE of Mecasermin include
Hypoglycemia (eat before taking dose!)
Tonsillar/adenoidal hypertrophy
Lymphoid hypertrophy
Coarse facial features