Hypothalamic and Limbic Systems Flashcards
Which nuclei does the anterior hypothalamic area harbor?
- Paraventricular nucleus
- Preoptic nucleus
- Anterior nucleus
- Supraoptic nuclei (medial and lateral)
- Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Which nuclei does the middle hypothalamic area harbor?
- Arcuate nucleus
- Ventromedial nucleus
- Dorsomedial nucleus
- Tuber cinereum
Which nuclei does the posterior hypothalamic area harbor?
- Posterior nucleus
- Mammillary bodies
Damage to the lateral zone/nucleus of the hypothalamus causes
- decrease in feeding behavior w/ resultant weight loss
- Contains the median forebrain bundle
Function of the supraoptic/paraventricular nuclei
- Contain oxytocin (PVN) and vasopressin/antidiuretic hormone (SON) w/in axons of the posterior pituitary gland
- Lesions can result in diabetes insipidus (DI), increased H2O intake and increased urination
Function of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
- Receives direct input from retina to mediate circadian rhythms (hormonal fluctuations secondary to light-dark cycles)
- Activity opposes drive for sleep and essential for timing of rest vs activity
- Cells maintain 24 hr periodicity via transcription/translational control of circadian genes and these gene products indirectly control melatonin secretion
- Damage may modify, or abolish, these rhythms
- Secretes releasing/inhibiting hormones
Function of anterior and preoptic nuclei
- Visceral/somatic functions
- Temperature regulation
- Parasympathetic activity
- Sleep
Function of hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus
- satiety center (inhibits eating and drinking by giving us sense of ‘fullness’)
- Lesions cause excessive eating and abnormal weight gain
Function of the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus
- Subserves emotional behavior
- Stimulation causes sham rage in animals
- Lesions result in decreased aggression and feeding
- Role in circadian rhythms
Function of the arcuate nucleus
-Secretes releasing/inhibiting hormones
Function of the medial mammillary nucleus
- Receives afferents from hippocampus via fornix
- Sends efferents to the thalamus and brainstem
- Lesions result in inability to convert short-term events into long-term memory
Function of the hypothalamic posterior nucleus
- Heat gain/conservation
- Cold temperature response
- Sympathetic activity
- Arousal/wakefulness
Blood supply of Hypothalamus: anteromedial group
- Branches from anterior communicating and A1 segments
- Supplies the preoptic area and supraoptic region, septal nuclei, rostral portions of lateral hypothalamic area
Blood supply of Hypothalamus: posteromedial group
- Perforating arteries from posterior communicating artery and P1 segment
- Rostral portion of posterior communicating supplies the tuberal region
- Caudal parts of posterior communicating artery supplies the mammillary region
Lesions in anterolateral medulla
-Disrupt hypothalamomedullary fibers causing disruption of the sympathetic outflow to face and head (Horner’s syndrome) or body