Hyposecretion of anterior pituitary hormones Flashcards
Simmond’s disease
Decreased production of all anterior pituitary hormones
-congenital (rare) or acquired (common)
Decreased production of a specific anterior pituitary hormone
Congenital panhypopituitarism
- rare
- typically caused by mutations of transcription factor genes needed for normal anterior pituitary development (eg: PROP1)
- Patients are deficient in GH and at least 1 more anterior pituitary hormone
- patients present with short stature from GH deficiency
- pituitary MRI shows hypoplastic (not developed properly) anterior pituitary gland
Acquired panhypopituitarism
Can result from:
Tumours (most common=squash anterior pituitary gland to prevent hormone release)
-hypothalamic (craniopharyngiomas=benign brain tumours)
-pituitary (adenomas, metastases, cysts)
Radiation (more common cause now increased cancer survival rate=late effects of cancer treatment impacting adult life)
-hypothalamic/pituitary damage (GH most vulnerable, TSH relatively resistant)
-eg: meningitis
Traumatic brain injury
Infiltrative disease
-often involves pituitary stalk from which pituitary gland hangs from (eg: neurosarcoidosis)
Inflammatory (autoimmune destruction)
-hypophysitis= inflammation of the pituitary gland
Pituitary apoplexy
-damage from haemorrhage (or less commonly infarction)
Peri-partum infarction
-Sheehan’s syndrome
Panhypopituitarism presentation
- FSH/LH deficiency gives secondary hypogonadism->missing signals to gonads (ovaries and testes) to synthesise oestrogen and testosterone (reduced libido, secondary amenorrhoea, erectile dysfunction)
- ACTH deficiency gives secondary hypoadrenalism-> reduced ACTH signal so reduced cortisol released from adrenal cortex=cortisol important for staying well in terms of energy, getting out of bed etc(fatigue)
- TSH deficiency gives secondary hypothyroidism (fatigue, weight gain)
Sheehan’s syndrome/
- Post-partum hypopituitarism secondary to hypotension/severe blood loss (post partum haemorrhage=heavy bleeding after birth)
- less common in developed countries as good obstetric care
- anterior pituitary gland enlarges in pregnancy because lactotrophs get big to prepare for large prolactin production needed for breastfeeding (lactotroph hyperplasia)
- pituitary stalk has blood supply to pituitary gland (particularly anterior pituitary gland)
- Haemorrhage
Sheehan’s syndrome presentation
- TSH/ACTH/GH deficiency: lethargy, anorexia, weight loss
- Prolactin deficiency: failure of lactation
- FSH/LH deficiency: failure to resume menses post-delivery
Pituitary apoplexy
- due to intra-pituitary haemorrhage or infarction (less common cause)
- dramatic presentation in patients with pre-existing pituitary tumours (patients typically have this pre-existing adenoma)
- haemorrhage into pituitary gland may be first presentation of pituitary adenoma
- can be precipitated by anti-coagulants
Pituitary apoplexy presentation
- HALLMARK PRESENTATION: severe sudden onset headache (bleed into anterior pituitary gland stretches dura to give headache)
- Bitemporal hemianopia-> loss of outer fields of vision (resulting from compressed optic chiasm due to enlarged pituitary gland=loss of normal space between pituitary gland and optic chiasm)
Cavernous sinus surrounding pituitary gland contains many cranial nerves-> enlarged pituitary can squash these cranial nerves
- Diplopia (CN IV, CN VI) due to cavernous sinus involvement= double vision
- Ptosis (CN III) due to cavernous sinus involvement= upper eyelid drooping
Hypopituitarism diagnosis (biochemical)
1) Measure basal plasma concentration of pituitary/target endocrine gland hormones (blood sample)
-interpretation limited are hormone profiles are up and down->do not know if measurement of low anterior pituitary hormone is because it is a genuine deficiency or if you have caught the bottom of the peak in the pulsatile profile (different measurements at different times)
-GH/ACTH=pulsatile (cortisol measured as surrogate in ACTH instance)
-cortisol=high right at start of day and decreases as day goes by until low when sleeping (may be undetectable depending on the time of day)
-T4=circulating half life of 6 days
2) Stimulated (‘dynamic’) pituitary function tests
- performed when patient is well to determine if pituitary gland is functional
- ACTH and GH are both stress hormones (increasing in times of stress, particularly in intercurrent illness)
- Induce this stress by administering insulin to cause hypoglycaemia (insulin-induced hypoglycaemia where glucose <2.2 mmol/L)
- Insulin co-administered alongside TRH and GnRH (TRH should stimulate TSH release and GnRH should stimulate FSH/LH release)
- Hypoglycaemia stimulates GH and ACTH release to increase blood glucose levels
Hypopituitarism diagnosis (radiological)
- Pituitary MRI (looks at pituitary gland in detail=CT not effective for this)
- May reveal specific pituitary pathology (eg: haemorrhage (apoplexy), adenoma, empty sella etc)
- Pituitary MRI may show white crescent shaped area=posterior bright spot representing posterior pituitary gland (not found in every individual)
- Pituitary gland sits in sella turcica (sphenoid bone depression)=if pituitary MRI shows empty sella with a thin rim of pituitary tissue, hypopituitarism is likely
Causes of short stature
-Genetic: Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome
-Emotional deprivation: chronic stress (shuts down hormone axis)
-Systemic disease: Cystic fibrosis, Rheumatoid arthritis
-Malabsorption: Coeliac disease (need to absorb calories and nutrients to grow properly)
Endocrine disorders: Cushing’s syndrome, Hypothyroidism, GH deficiency, poorly controlled T1DM
Skeletal dysplasia: (not related to endocrine dysfunction) Achondroplasia (form of short-limbed dwarfism with FGF3 mutation resulting in short limbs with average trunk size), osteogenesis imperfecta
Growth hormone (somatotrophin) deficiency in children
Results in short stature
Growth hormone (somatotrophin) deficiency in adults
Less clear effects compared to children (adult growth already complete)
Growth hormone therapy
Preparation: human recombinant GH (SOMATOTROPIN)
Administration: daily subcutaneous injection, monitor clinical response and adjust dose to IGF-1 (produced by liver in response to GH)
Benefits of growth hormone therapy in adults
- Improved body composition (decreased waist circumference, less visceral fat which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system)
- Improved muscle strength and exercise capacity
- More favourable lipid profile (higher HDL-cholesterol and lower LDL-cholesterol)
- Increased bone mineral density
- Improved psychological well being and quality of life
Risks of growth hormone therapy in adults
- Increased cancer suscepitibility (no supporting data currently)
- Expensive (lifelong GH treatment in adults ~ £42k=estimated by NICE)
Signs and symptoms of GH deficiency in adults
- Reduced lean mass, increased adiposity, increased waist:hip ratio
- Reduced muscle strength and bulk (reduced exercise performance)
- Bad lipid profile=decreased plasma HDL-cholesterol and raised LDL-cholesterol
- Impaired psychological well being and reduced quality of life
Hormone replacement therapy in hypopituitarism (ACTH deficiency)
- Hydrocortisone replacement
- Check: serum cortisol
Hormone replacement therapy in hypopituitarism (TSH deficiency)
- Thyroxine replacement
- Check: serum free T4
Hormone replacement therapy in hypopituitarism (LH/FSH deficiency in women)
- HRT (estradiol plus progestagen replacement)
- Check: symptom improvement, withdrawal bleeds
Hormone replacement therapy in hypopituitarism (LH/FSH deficiency in men)
- Testosterone replacement
- Check: symptom improvement, serum testosterone
Hormone replacement therapy in hypopituitarism (GH deficiency)
- GH replacement
- Check: IGF-1, growth chart (children)
Anterior pituitary gland composed of glandular tissue
The 5 anterior pituitary hormones
- Prolactin
- GH
The growth axis
- Hypothalamus synthesises GHRH which promotes GH release from the anterior pituitary gland
- Somatostatin is also produced from the hypothalamus and stops GH release from the anterior pituitary gland
- Both GHRH and Somatostatin regulate GH secretion from the anterior pituitary gland
- GH signals liver to synthesise somatomedins (mainly IGF-1, IGF-2 is important in fetal growth)
Causes of short stature in children
- Problem with hypothalamus (GHRH production)=Prader Willi Syndrome
- Not enough GH produced (problem with anterior pituitary gland)=Pituitary dwarfism
- Problem with GH receptor=Laron dwarfism
- form of short-limbed dwarfism
- mutation in FGF3 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3)
- abnormality in growth plate chondrocytes (impaired linear growth)
- patient present with average sized trunk but short arms/legs
- no problem with endocrine system
Pituitary dwarfism
Problem with GH production from somatotrophs in the anterior pituitary gland (childhood GH deficiency)
Laron dwarfism
- mutation in GH receptor means it does not work properly
- enough GH production from somatotrophs in anterior pituitary gland but problem with GH receptor means signal not sent to liver to synthesise IGF-1 (low IGF-1 levels)
- growth happens through combination of GH and IGF-1
- Treatment: IGF-1 infections in childhood can increase height
Mid parental height
Predicated adult height based on father’s and mother’s height (genetic programming accountable for this)
Monitoring height in children
-a drop of more than 2 centiles is flagged on the curve
Causes of acquired GH deficiency (short stature) in adults
- typically caused by injury to hypothalamus or anterior pituitary gland that makes you not able to grow anymore
- Eg: trauma, pituitary tumour, pituitary surgery, cranial radiotherapy etc
GH deficiency diagnosis
- Use GH provocation tests (eg: GH stimulation test)
- Can’t measure random GH as pulsatile (up and down all day)
GH provocation tests
- Give combination of GHRH and the amino acid Arginine (intravenously administered in adults, children given marmite)-> combination more effective than alone
- GHRH and arginine= potent stimulus of GH release by inhibiting somatostatin release (if GH levels do not increase-> problem synthesising GH)
- Give insulin intravenously=stimulates hypoglycaemia which should stimulate GH and ACTH release if no problem
- Give glucagon (intramuscular)->administation causes vomiting and stress of vomiting believed to drive ACTH and GH release
- Exercise->effective GH stimulation in children but not adults (eg: 10 min step climbing)
IN ALL TESTS, MEASURE PLASMA GH LEVELS BEFORE AND AFTER PROVOCATION (observe if GH synthesis and secretion has increased or if the patient is GH deficient)
Chain of command
- Starting point of hypothalamus which synthesises releasing/inhibiting hormones (hypothalamic signals)
- Anterior pituitary gland synthesises specific anterior pituitary hormone in response to releasing/inhibiting hormone
- Anterior pituitary hormone tells endocrine gland (eg: thyroid, gonads, adrenal cortex) to synthesise and release primary hormone
Primary endocrine gland disease
-problem/disorder with endocrine gland itself
Secondary endocrine gland disease
- problem/disorder with signal from anterior pituitary gland to the endocrine gland
- not problem with endocrine gland but endocrine gland does not work as not receiving signals from anterior pituitary gland (anterior pituitary hormone AND primary hormone at low levels)
Vulnerability of endocrine system
- Very vulnerable to autoimmune destruction (eg: T1DM)
- In autoimmune disease, the body attacks itself rather than attacking the foreign antigens
Effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy
- Hormones typically pulsatile=depending on time
- replacement is steady so can’t exactly mimic this biology
- can’t completely return to quality of life before dysfunctional pituitary gland
ACTH deficiency
-Hydrocortisone tablet (given several times a day with largest dose in morning to mimic diurnal cortisol variation)=replaces cortisol
-measure serum cortisol released from adrenal cortex (surrogate as ACTH measurement difficult)
TSH deficiency
-serum free T4 (majority of T3 converted to T4 by enzymes in body)
LH/FSH deficiency in females
Replacement: -HRT (E2 plus oestrogen) Check: -symptom improvement -withdrawal bleeds (need withdrawal bleed each month because of intact uterus-> unopposed oestrogen gives increased endometrial cancer risk)
LH/FSH deficiency in males
Replacement: -Testosterone (gel/patch/injection) -different regiment for inducing sperm production (LH and FSH injections to harvest sperm in short time period) Check: -symptom improvement -serum testosterone
GH deficiency
-daily GH injections
-measure IGF-1 levels in adults to guide GH replacement (GH from anterior pituitary gland signals liver to synthesise IGF-1)
-measure growth on growth chart for children
Short stature
<2 standard deviations below mean height for children of that age and sex
Growth hormone secretion in response to hypoglycaemia
- Intravenous insulin given into cannula in arm at 0 mins
- normal response= anterior pituitary gland makes lots of GH in response to hypoglycaemic stimulus
- GH deficiency= GH not synthesised and secreted in response to hypoglycaemic stimulus
- NICE sets cut-off at 3mcg/L (GH deficiency below cut off warrants treatment-> important because GH therapy is expensive)