Hyporheic Restoration Flashcards
Hesyer Gooseff
are aquifers beneath and adjacent to stream
and river channels through which surface water exchanges and mixes with groundwater
Hypoheic zones
are intimately connected to the water column and benthic zones and underpin stream ecosystem function through important contributions to biogeochemical cycling and biological habitat
hyporheic zone
Hyporheic exchange of water is controlled primarily by hydraulic head gradients between _____ and ___________.
surface and subsurface water and the permeability of the sediments
___ dictates the spatial patterns of hydraulic head in the channel that drive local hyporheic exchange patterns
Channel morphology
In particular, features such as pools, riffles,
steps, debris dams, large wood, bars, meander bends, and side channels drive hyporheic exchange by_______ the
local streambed gradient, creating obstacles in the flow which induce backwater and form drag, and create channel planform complexity
However, high hydraulic head in near-channel groundwater in highly gaining streams can limit the ___
overall volume of hyporheic exchange
____ affects hyporheic exchange not only by controlling the overall range of hydraulic conductivities and therefore bulk flow rates through sediment , but also via spatial heterogeneity of conductivity which can drive exchange even in the absence of morphologic features
sediment permeability
The ___ residence time of water and
solutes in the porous media of the hyporheic zone increases the opportunity for microbially mediated biogeochemical
reactions relative to water in the channel
Hyporheic zones
are thus locations of intense cycling of ___, ____, and ___
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C).
The hyporheic zone can act as both a source and a sink
of __
dissolved organic matter (DOM)
The hyporheic zone
has more often been found to be a sink for ___, because it is consumed and transformed by the extensive microbial
communities therein.
Hyporheic exchange helps to
moderate surface water temperature over daily and annual cycles primarily by _____ from exposure to direct solar radiationsthe largest natural contributor to surface energy balances on clear dayssandmixing withmore
constant temperature groundwater
removing exchanging water
what are the morphologic features that are commonly installed in stream restoration projects to benefit geomorphic stability, aquatic habitat, and aesthetics
Pools, riffles, log dams, steps, and
meander bends
______ is often installed in stream
restoration projects for stabilizing the bed and banks, and enhancing habitat for aquatic organisms. may also serve as a C source
Large wood
a common stream restoration practice that generally has goals of increasing sediment stability, improving benthic conditions for fish eggs, and even thermal buffering from
hyporheic exchange (
Sediment Coarsening
is a common stream restoration technique, used to stabilize banks, provide shade to reduce peak stream temperatures, and improve
Floodplain reforestation