Hypoplasia Flashcards
What’s enamel hypoplasia in quantity and quality ?
Normal quality , less quantity.
Whts the etiology ?
Herdity or trauma, and in cases of hypoparathyrodism in children .
Defect in enamel matrix formation due to damage to ameloblasts of developing permanent tooth
Effect both permanent and primary teeth result in spaces between teeth.
What’s is hypoplasia in general ?
incomplete development or defective formation of organic matrix of enamel result in low quantity enamel ,
Both enamel and dentin are affected at least to some degree
defect can be a small pit in the tooth
so widespread that the entire tooth is small and/or mis-shaped.
How the general appearance of hypoplasia ?
white, yellow or brownish in color with a rough or smooth pitted surface.
How teeth more likely to be affected in heredity and trauma ?
Heredity can be generalized
Trauma single
What’s the mild form ?
Few small pits , grooves , fissures on enamel surface
Moderate ?
Raws of deep pits arranged horizontally.
Severe ?
Portion of enamel absent
Which teeth mostly to be affected ?
Anteriors and first permanent molar
Which teeth and what we call them that hypoplasia as result of congenital syphilis ?
Mullbery molars , Agglomarate mass of globules
Hutchinsosns teeth
Due to naturition defiency hypoplasia will appear as ?
Pitting appearances tend to stain
Which teeth mostly to be in hypoplasia due to environmental?
Maxillary permanent incisors.
Mandibular and maxillary premolars
Degree of hypoplasia –ranging from a mild brownish discoloration to a severe pitting and irregularity of the tooth surface
What’s turners hypoplasia ?
Trauma or periapical infection of a primary tooth damages ameloblasts of developing permanent tooth
● Results in enamel hypoplasia of a single permanent tooth
What’s turners colour ?
Tooth can appear white or yellow-brown
What’s the mechanism of Enamel hypoplasia due to local infection or trauma ?
Caries affected primary tooth with periapical pathosis
disturb ameloblastic layer
resulted in a hypoplastic crown
Whts treatment options ?
Mild : tooth paste , pit or fissure sealant ( 6 month follow up ) if sealant lost do composite follow up if composite fail stains steel crown or veeners anterior
Moderate : composite or veeners in anterior
Severe: crown
Severe and broken : extraction