Hypopituitarism (unfinished) Flashcards
decreased secretion of anterior pitutiary hormones
can be selective or multiple
is the loss of anterior pituitary function progressive or fixed?
generally progressive
in this order: GH, gonadotrophins: FSH and LH, PRL, TSH, ACTH
pan hypopituitarism
- define
- commonly caused by
deficiency of all anterior pituitary hormones
most commonly caused by pituitary tumours, surgery or radiotherapy
what can infiltration of sarcoidosis in the pituitary cause
Sheehan’s syndrome
post-partum pituitary gland necrosis
ischaemic necrosis of the pituitary gland due to blood loss and hypovolaemic shock during/after childbirth
can present as eg postural hypotension due to decreased cortisol (ACTH)
what is the most resistant axis of HPA
ACTH - damaged last
hormone replacement therapy and treatment of underlying cause
which hormone must be replaced first
what may glucocorticoid deficiency mask
urine concentrating ability - diabetes insipidus
what are the risks of testosterone replacement
prostate enlargemnent - monitor with a PR exam and PSA test
polycythaemia (too many RBC) - risk of stroke and heart attacks
hepatitis with oral tablets