Hypertension reduced Flashcards
Definition of HTN
- BP > 140/90 on at least two occasions
- Reading should be measured at least 1-2 weeks apart
- Prehypertension: 120-130/80-89
- Stage 1 HTN: 140-159/90-99
- Stage 2 HN: ≥160/≥100
Two types of HTN
Essential - Unknown etiology (idiopathic)
- 95% of cases
- Strong genetic link (maybe related to inherited biochemical abnormalities)
- Possible Na+ imbalences
- Associated with drinking, smoking, and OSA
Secondary - Know etiology
- 5% of cases
- Renal problems is main cause
- Also due to endocrine, pregnancy, neurologic, drug induced, and OSA
Treatment for essential HTN
Lifestyle Modification
- Recommended for those without CV disease or end organ damage (Decrease Na intake, take in enough K and Ca exercise, lose weight, stop smokin and drinkin)
2nd line treatment: Drug therapy (with lifestyle mod)
- Stage I: diuretic - 1st line
- Stage II: dual therapy
- Stage III: continue adding
- Diabetic: ACE-I are 1st line drugs
Treatment of Secondary HTN
Treat the cause
Often times surgical
- pheochromocytoma- adrenalectomy
- renal artery stenosis/primary aldosteronism- angioplasty (HTN d/t activation of RASS because kidneys perceive decreased blood flow
- Drug therapy if not a candidate for surgery
Anesthesia considerations for patients on ß-blockers. Who should they be avoided in?
- Patients who are on them should be take them the morning of surgery to prevent rebound SNS stimulation
- Rebound SNS stimulation is d/t upregulation of receptors
AVOID ß-blockers in
- Asthmatics
- HB
- Sick Sinus Syndrome
Anesthesia considerations for patients on Methyldopa and Clonidine?
- A2 agonist used to treat HTN
- Can cause rebound HTN
- Will DECREASE anesthetic requirements
(alpha 2 receptor stimulation at the brainstem causes sedation)
Anesthesia considerations for patients on Prazosin
- A1 blocker
Compensatory vasoconstriction is blocked
- there may be an exaggerated drop in BP during spinal/epidural block
Anesthesia considerations for patients on Hydralazine
- Causes potassium influx and hyperpolarization
- May cause angina in those with ischemic heart disease (not sure the mechanism of action)
Anesthesia considerations for patients on ACE inhibitors
- They are the ‘prils
- Associated with drop in BP and hemodynamic instability.
- tell patients to HOLD THE MORNING OF SURGERY (24-48 hours)
- If they take it they will have very labile blood pressures!!!
(BP regulated by three systems - GA knocks out the autonomic, ACE-I take out the RAAS and that leaves the vasopressin system left →they are very likely to be volume dependent (if they take their meds). Hypotension responsive to fluid and sympathomimethic drugs- if they are resistant ususally vasopressin or a vasopressin analough will do the trick!)
Anesthesia considerations for patients on Angiotensin II blockers
- ‘Artans
- Drop in BP with induction
(Patients who take ARBS may be refracitve to convetional vasoconstrictors like phenylephrine and ephedrine → may need to use vasopressin or vasopressin analogue)
Hypertensive crisis
- What is it?
- What can it cause
- what is the treatment
- Acute DBP > 130 mmHg (Parturient > 109)
- Can Cause:
- Encephalopathy, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, CHF and Renal insufficinecy
Goal = lower BP promptly, but gradually.
- Monitor BP reduction with a-line
- Monitor end organ profusion with a foley
- Decrease MAP by 20% during first 2 hours
- Then even more gradually reduce BP over the next 24-48 hours to baseline - if no signs of end organ ischemia)
Pharmacologic interventions include
Sodium Nitroprusside (Nipride): 0.5-10.0 mcg/kg/min
- Immediaate onset and short DOA
- Nicardipine (dihydropiridine CCB) - says Stoelting
- NTG: 5-200 mcg/min
- Labetolol: 40 - 80 mg q 20 min
- Esomolol: 50-300 mcg/kg/min
Sodium Nitroprusside (Nipride): 0.5-10.0 mcg/kg/min
The preoperative evaluation of a person with essential hyperteshion should elicit which things?
- The adequacy of BP controll
- Is it controlled or uncontrolled?
- a DBP of 110-115 should have surgery postponed
- What is their normal Blood Pressure
- What is their medication therapy?
- Do they have evidence of end-organ damage?
- Angina, CHF, LV hypertrophy
- Renal insufficiency
- Peripehral Vascular Disease
- Is it controlled or uncontrolled?
Anesthetic management of INDUCTION for patients with HTN
- Minimize SNS stimulation on DVL and intubation (they often have exagerated HTN with this and tachycardia and HTN is a risk for ISCHEMIA)
What to do?
- Increasing volatile agent
- Give Esmolol prior to DVL: 10-20 mg
- additional opioids
- IV: 1-1.5 mg/kg
- LTA: 5cc of 2-4%
- Efficient DVL:
Management of MAINTINENCE of anesthesia for patients with HTN
GOAL = to adjust anesthetic depth to minimize wide shifts in hemodynamics
(It is common for patients with HTN to have wide hemodynamic shifts)
- Chose a VA that is easily and quickly titrated
- Low BG coefficient→ des (0.42) or sevo (0.69)
Rely on multiple agents! = better total coverage
- Use a balanced technique like the pros -
- Have phenylephrine and ephedrine readily available -
- Consider neo gtt if unable to get adequate depth of anesthesia (i dont get this, but it is in the notes)
Post-op goals for pts with HTN
Minimize SNS stimulation from pain and N/V
Treatment of intraoperative HYPERtension
- It’s usually due to pain!! →Opioids (if d/t pain)
- Increase volitile anesthetics →will decrease SVR
- ß-Blockers
- NTG and SNP (Nipride) →hang a drip for a longer case or need sustained controll
(Incidence is usually higher in those with essential HTN)
Treatment of intraoperative HYPOtension
- Reduce anesthetic depth →often caused by being too deep
- Fluids
- Sympathomimetics (neosinephrine and ephedrine)
- Is their rhythm normal? →They may be Junctional!
- Ephedrine is a good choice →will bring up HR
- If the rhythm is not normal → AVOID high concentrations of IAs
- Maintain Normocapnea→ HTN in patients with hypercarbia →increases heartrate and BP
Monitoring used for those with HTN
- 5 Lead EKG
- If the patient has ventricular dysfunction and is having extensive surgery
- →then get a-line, CVP, and/or PA cath
- may want to use a TEE in extreme cases
Anesthesia management of emergence in a patient with HTN
Goal = Nice smooth controlled emergence → these patients will have exagerated responses → if they had labile pressures durring the surgery they will likely have labile pressures at emergence
Minimize SNS outflow! When the gasses start to come off the patient will begin to become hypertensive → be ready to treat or pre-treat as anticipated
- Opioids
- Lidocaine
- ß-blockers (esmolol, labetolol)
Deep extubation (if not a difficult airway) →avoids the SNS stimulation of being awake with the ETT
- May use oral airway to facilitate breathing (just not in stage 2)
Treatment of potoperative HTN
- If pain is adequately controlled→prompt treament is necessitated to decrease the risk of myocardial ischemia, stroke, dysrhythmias and CHF
- Treat with:
- Labetalol: 5-20 mg IV Q 10 min (ß1 and ß2)
- Hydralazine: 2.5-10 mg IV Q 10-20 min (arterial > venous)
- Sodium Nitroprusside: 0.5-10 mcg/kg/min if an a-line is present
- Make sure to tell PACU how well controlled or LABILE the patiet has been in the OR
How to treat a intraop junctional rhythm
- decrease anesthetic depth
- maintain normocapnea
(junctional rhythm in a healthy patient is directly realted to anesthetic depth)
What are signs of end organ damage?
- Angina, CHF, LV hypertrophy
- Renal insufficiency
- CVA (stroke)
- Peripehral Vascular Disease