hypertension def Flashcards
CAGE questionnaire
1-needed to Cut down on your drinking?
2 people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
3 ever felt Guilty about drinking?
4 ever felt you needed a drink 1st thing in the AM (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves?
- cutdown : Alligator big w no teeth
- annoyed: Butterfly w hole in the wings
- guilty: Crab sebastian of having too much fun=> rouge de honte, pas rouge parce qu’il est cuit
- eye opener: Dolphin flipper, flip at someone all the time and winks
left ventricular hypertrophy/
main causes/
++ common in…?
=>Left ventricular hypertrophy dvp in response to some factors; such as HTN=>
requires the left ventricle to work harder
=>more common in pt w uncontrolled HTN
s4 sound ass. W.?
w any process that incr the stiffness of the ventricle;
ex long-standing HTN=> hypertrophy
target organ damage
S3 sound /
- ass. w? pathomnemonic of?
- can be indicative of..?
- ass. with heart failure;
- can also indicate hypertensive heart dz
extra or unusual sound heard during a heartbeat.
how to dx?
Chronic kidney disease/
=>Blood tests.
Kidney function tests, level of waste products; ex creatinine and urea; in blood
=>imaging tests
tests non invasive vs invasive
++ common etiology
Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis/
atherosclerosis most of cases
arras, ville du pas de calais celebre for a underground maze= chemin blokes ou pas/ Blocker=atherosclerosis
*plasma ARR/
plasma Aldosterone []/plasma Renin activity Ratio (ARR) /
+++ commonly used screening test x primary hyperaldosteronism
HTN/ def
SBP 140–159 mm Hg or
DBP 90–99 mm Hg
SBP + 20
other name for essential HTN
primary HTN
fasting lipid panel/include
total cholesterol +[HDL]; triglycerides; LDL
cushing syndrome/def
XS cortisol or corticosteroid or ACTH.
ACTH =released from the pituitary gland in the brain
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypertension/ phathophys
OSA=> sympathetic NS overactivity (=> HTN)=>
oxidant stress and inflammation=>
alterations in vascular fxn and structure
**aldosterone + renin\
/RAAS/ quick refresher
Stenosis =>renal ischemia =>
activating the renin–angiotensin system=>
release of renin and production of angiotensin II.=>
Aldosterone secretion and vasoconstriction then occur; =>
primary hyperaldosteronism/
adrenal glands produce too much aldosterone; =>
loss of K+ and retain Na+ =>
Xs Na+ => Xs water =>
incr. BP