hydrology flashcards
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what is the most abundant surface on earth
water ( solid, gas, liquid)
what is extremely polar
water molecules that form hydrogen bonds
the energy required for a specific change in temperature is given by…
specific heat capacity
the energy required for a particular change in state is given by the…
specific latent heat
latent heat of melting
the amount of energy needed to melt a
given mass of ice without changing its
temperature = 333.4 J g-1
latent heat of evaporation
the amount of energy needed to
evaporate a given mass of water without
changing its temperature = 2462 J g-1
what is surface tension
the surface of a liquid that allows it to
resist an external force, due to the
cohesive nature of its molecules.
where do water molecules want to cling to each other. what does this result in ?
At the surface but there are less molecules to cling to as there is air above
This results in a
stronger bond between those molecules
that actually bond
what is a river catchment
this is the area
surrounding a river where
precipitation flows into the river
what is watershed
the boundary between 2 catchments
what is the purpose of estimating reservoir yield
to ensure water supply
what is the purpose of estimating potential power generation
to understand anticipated runoff rates given within a catchment or stream to ensure hydro electric power schemes will be sustainable and viable.
what is the aim of irrigation scheduling
to optimise applications to achieve maximum benefit from minimum application of water