Hydrogeology and Environmental Flashcards
The attraction and adhesion of ions or molecules in solution onto the surface of a solid.
Transportation of solutes in groundwater
A geologic unit saturated with groundwater and sufficiently permeable to transmit economically significant quantities of groundwater to springs or wells.
A geologic layer that is less permeable but does not stop the flow of groundwater
Area of Infuence
The area in which the potentiometric surface is affected by withdrawal or injections
Artesian Aquifer
Groundwater in a confined aquifer that has a higher head than the top of the aquifer.
Base Flow
The amount of stream flow attributed to groundwater inflow.
Capillary Fringe
The lowest part of the vadose zone immediately above the water table. Water is under less than atmospheric pressure.
Cone of Depression
A cone shaped depression resulting from the drawdown of groundwater from withdrawal.
Confined Aquifer
An aquifer with an overlying confining layer of low permeability.
Unit of intrinsic permeability = 9.8x10^-9 cm^2
Darcy’s Law
An equation describing groundwater flow Q=KiA; where Q = Discharge in length cubed over time, K = hydraulic conductivity in units of length over time, i = hydraulic gradient, A= cross-sectional area.
Movement of solutes from higher concentration to lower concentration
Discharge Area
An area where subsurface water is discharged to the surface
Spreading and mixing of a solute in groundwater due to differences in flow velocity
Amount of water in a well lowered due to well withdrawal
Effective Porosity
Percentage of the total volume of rock that contains interconnected space. Also called specific yield.
The liquid discharged from a treatment or manufacturing facility.
Points of equal head
Equivalent Weight
Atomic weight of a dissolved ionic species divided by the electrical charge
Field Capacity
Quantity of water held by the soil or rock against the pull of gravity.
Flow Net
A two-dimensional representation of flow lines and equipotential
Gaining Stream
A stream or river that is below the water table and is recharged from groundwater.
The presence of insoluble residues such as calcium or magnesium.
A hard near surface soil layer formed due to cementation from precipitation of insoluble materials.
A measure of the potential energy of a fluid; the elevation water will rise to due to pressure.
Hydraulic Conductivity
The capacity of a porous medium to transmit fluids.
Hydraulic Gradient
Rate of change in total head over distance.
Flow of water downwards from the surface through the vadose zone to the water table.