Hydrogeology Flashcards
Area of Influence
The area within which the potentiometric surface is lowered by withdrawal or raised by injection of water through a well
A geologic unit that is saturated and sufficiently permeable to transmit significant economic quantities of water to wells and springs
capillary fringe
The lowest part of the zone of aeration, immediately above the water table, where water is under pressure that is less than atmospheric pressure
Cone of depression
A depression in the potentiometric surface of ground water that has the shape of an inverted cone and develops around a well from which water is being withdrawn. It defines the area of influence of a well.
connate water
water trapped in the pores of a sedimentary rock at the time of deposition; fossil water
A unit of intrinsic permeability = 9.87 * 10e-9 cm2
Darcy’s Law
Q = KiA
Effective porosity
The percentage of the total volume of a soil or rock that consists of interconnected pore space. The term is sometimes used analogously to specific yield.
Field Capacity
The quantity of water held by the soil or rock against the pull of gravity. Field capacity is dependent on the length of the time the soil or rock has been undergoing gravity drainage, while specific retention is not.
Flow Net
two-dimensional representation of flow lines and equipotentials
a measure of the potential energy of a fluid at any given point with respect to a given datum. In practice, it is the elevation to which water rises at a given point as a result of reservoir pressure.
Hydraulic conductivity
the capacity of a porous medium to transmit water. units are L/T
hydraulic gradient (i)
rate of change in total head per unit of distance of flow in a given direction
intrinsic permeability (ki)
a property of the porous medium that measures the relative ease with which a fluid can be transmitted through it under a hydraulic gradient. It is dependent upon the pore size and measured in darcys.
Juvenile water
water that is derived directly from magma and is thought to have come to earth’s surface for the first time