Hydrogeology Flashcards
Give examples of geofluids
gas, oil, brine, groundwater
What is the difference in pores in the unsaturated and saturated zones?
unsaturated - pores = water and air
saturated - pores = water
What is the pressure compared to atm in unsaturated and saturated pores?
and at gw table
unsaturated = less than atmospheric pressure
p less than atm in unsaturated pores
p =atm at gw table
p >atm in saturated pores
where is soil water found?
in the root zone
What is a cone of depression?
the shape formed around a groundwater extraction well
What are forms of input for the gw system?
recharge usually precipitation. Some of it goes to baseflow for rivers and the rest is extracted
What is a major consequence of groundwater extraction?
Consequences of groundwater abstraction?
increase in irrigation needs
land subsidence in unconsolidated aquifers
increasing costs to lift water from deep aquifers
quality of water deteriorates
risk of saltwater intrusion increases
ecological detereoration
How does unsustainable groundwater abstraction impact salinity
the sea level increases with respect to the inland groundwater level and this will cause easier infiltration of brackish water
3 forms of recharge
artificial (managed aquifer recharge), natural (rainwater), indirect (aquitard leakage, cross formational flow)
pros and cons of surface water
accessible, plentiful, unsteady supply, prone to contamination
pros and cons of groundwater
steady, good quality, inaccessible, difficult ot find
subsurface formation of a porous medium that contains and transmits significant amounts of groundwater
difference between aquifer and reservoir
reservoir is the word for hydrocarbons and aquifer for groundwater
subsurface formation that can store water and has a low transmission capacity. It retards but does not prevent the flow of water to or from the adjacent aquifer.
very reduced storage, cannot transmit groundwater, impermeable.
unconfined aquifer
water table aquifer or phreatic aquifer
directly connected to water level, upper layer is the water table which is free to rise and fall.
confined aquifer
Clarify the pressure wrt atm
restricted by 2 layers of aquitard. Water pressure is >atm.
artesian well
if well is drilled through superposed aquitard into aquifer, water is under enough pressure to rise. If aquiclude is is above, pressure is even higher. A spring forms. An artesian well is when water rises till above the surface.
semi-confined aquifer (leaky)
bounded by aquitard that does transmit water when hydraulic head above and below the leaky boundary are in disequilibrium. The head difference exists between aquifer A and B so water passes through aquitard to aquifer B. Aquifer B is then semi-confined.
Karstic aquifer
controlled by rock dissolution
What are the 3 forms of energy in GW?
And corresponding head
kinetic energy –> velocity head
potential elevation energy –> datum head
pressure energy –> pressure head
Kinetic energy
formula for energy and for head
gained through motion/ velocity
velocity head = v^2/2g
Potential Energy
measured with respect to the datum (normally NAP)
z meters above datum, particle has z energy
pressure energy
by existing pressure, measured using piezometer
h = pressure/ weight (head)
Total energy/ head
teh sum of kinetic, potential and pressure.
Bernoulli’s equation
hydraulic head (sum of energies) is constant for an incompressible liquid
simplification of total energy/head
gw has small velocity, lots of P so velocity head is removed.
the ratio of volume of void space to the total volume. Porosity determines how much watercan be held.
determines aquifer/tard classification
amount of water to saturate fixed volume
volume for porosity
void volume/ total volume
primary porosity
developed during rock formation
large in unconsolidated rock
small in consolidated rock
very small in highly consolidated rock
examples of unconsolidated rock
sand, silt, gravel
consolidated rock examples
sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate
2 types of forcing in rock formation
burial - new sediments over old
lithification - increased pressure and temperature
secondary porosity
voids formed due to subsequent tectonic processes. Mainly in consolidated rocks - fractures develop due to movement of earth’s crust. Widened by dissolving processes (Cavities) This can be dissolution, fracturing, faulting.
other names for primary and secondary porosity
matrix porosity - primary
fracture porosity - secondary
types of rocks and their primary porosity
metamorphic igneous etc.
crystalline rocks (metamorphic and igneous) have low primary porosity
volcanic rocks have higher primary porosity
in UNCONSOLIDATED rock, what determines primary porosity
size of grain/ rock fragments - independent of grain size if same pakcing
sorting of grains
arrangement - cubic or rhombus packing
shape of grain
how does sorting affect porosity?
high porosity - well sorted
low porosity - poorly sorted
in CONSOLIDATED rock, what determines the primary porosity?
all of the above and
Dual porosity
the existence of both primary and secondary porosity. This is fairly commone
What types of porosity occur in unconsolidated and consolidated rocks
unconsolidated - primary, never secondary
consolidated - mainly dual and secondary.
compare primary and secondary porosity
secondary porosity is often less than primary but has a large impact on groundwater flow.
Effective porosity
not all pores are connected so unconnected pores don’t haelp gw flowf
formula for effective porosity
effective porosity = volume of connected pores/ total volume
unconsolidated sediments and porosity
as grain size decreases, total porosity increase but effective porosity decreases
clay and porosity
clay minerals have plate shape. etted clay stores water between plates. High porosity but it holds the water so effective porosity is lower.
specific yield
ratio or % of total volume which can be drained by gravity. Also drainable porosity. property of unconfined aquifer. The part of the water thatcan be drained when water table is lowered.
specific yield term for confined aquifer
specific storage
specific retention
water left over from draining. porosity = specific retention + specific yield.
Water is retained by capillary forces.
split into meniscus filling and pendant droplets.
IF all pores are connected, ne = Sy + Sr
Porosity diagram
go check it on brightspace right now :) slide 26 lecture block 2
how does sorting affect porosity
well sorted = higher porosity
poorly sorted = lower porosity
porous sediment - high porosity
increasing depth - decreasing porosity
What determine groundwater flow?
hydraulic gradient and permeability/ conductivity
hydraulic gradient
the slope of the water table
ability of a rock to transmit a fluid.
relationship between discharge and hydraulic gradient
Discharge vs. Flux
Discharge (Q) - volumetric flow rate, volume per time
hydraulic flux (q) - specific discharge/ darcy flux [m/d]
groundwater velocity formula
hydraulic flux/ effective porosity = average linear velocity
if tube were filled with only water, hydraulic flux would = velocity
maximum gw velocity
Darcy assumption
only laminar flow, no turbulent –> slow flow is closer to laminar flow.
hydraulic flux is proportional to the hydraulic gradient where proportionality constant K is the hydraulic conductivity
hydraulic conductivity properties
dependent on….
dependent on fluid properties (density, viscosity)
dependent on medium properties
m/d –> length/time
intrinsic permeability properties
independent of fluid peroperties.
only dependt on medium properties
m2 –> length squared
what is the similarity between intrinsic permeability and hydraulic conducitivity
connectivity of pores is important ans well as tortuosity of pore network
on which factors does K depend?
permeability, density, gravity, dynamic viscosity.
Hetero vs homogeneous k
heterogeneity –> K varies spatially
k is dependent on direction
k is independent of direction
3 types of (K) heterogeneity
layerd, discontinuous, trending
layered heterogeneity
each layer is homogeneous and isotropic
commo in sedimentary rocks (esp. interbedded deposits of clay and sand)
arithmetic (sum kb/b) and harmonic (sum b/sumb/k) average can be calculated
discontinuous heterogeneity
due to faults or large scale statigraphic features from tectonic movement. Like shifting Dutch flag down 1 half way.
Trending heterogeneity
sorting/ graing of deposits
deltas, alluvial fans, glacial outwash plains
capacity of an aquifer to transmit water
b is thickness of saturated aquifer
Specific storage represents the volume of water that an aquifer releases from storage per unit surface area of aquifer per unit decline in the
component of hydraulic head normal to that surface.
Specific yield but for a confined aquifer.
For a confined aquifer S = Ssb where Ss is the specific storage term.
Processes that cause hydraulic head differences
topography, compaction, density contrasts
topography and hydraulic head differences
Water tables that follow the topography develop with sufficient
transient topography, e.g. glaciation, mountain building
compaction and hydraulic head difference
at depth in geologically young subsiding sedimentary basins
density contrasts and hydraulic head differences
coastal areas cope with saline intrusion, e.g. Dutch lowland
- sea-level fluctuations
- (some types of contaminants)
Measuring hydraulic head
diver in a well –> pressure transducer
flow net
equipotential lines & flow lines
equipotential –> GW depth
flow lines are perpendicular to equipotential lines
the study of rocks
grain size and effective porosity correlation
the larger the grain size, the closer the total and effective porosity become, pores are better connected.
correlation between hydraulic conductvity and porosity
linear. lower porosity –> lower conducitivty (eg. shale)