Hydraulics Flashcards
One cubic foot contains __ gallons?
7.5 Gallons
One cubic foot of fresh water weighs?
62.5 Pounds
One gallon of fresh water weights?
8.33 Pounds
How much water is contained in each section of hose? 50' of 1.88"? 50' of 2 1/2"? 50' of 3"? 100' of 4"?
- 24 Gallons
- 74 Gallons
- 35 Gallons
- 25 Gallons
What is the Nozzle Pressure (NP) for handlines with smooth bore nozzles? And what can it be increased to for more GPM’s?
50 psi but can be increased to 65 psi.
What is the Nozzle Pressure (NP) for smooth bore master stream? And what can it be increased to, to maximize flow?
80 psi and can be increased to 100 psi.
What is the Nozzle Pressure for the Akron Assault Nozzle? What is the Nozzle Pressure for all other Fog Nozzles?
50 psi, all other Fog Nozzles are 100 psi
GPM for Akron Assault with fog nozzle? With 15/16” slug?
175 gpm, 185 gpm
What is the formula to figure out gallonage in a square or rectangle container?
L’ x W’ x D’ x 7.5
What is the formula to figure out gallonage in a cylindrical container?
Pie x R squared x H’ (or L’) x 7.5
Tip Sizes and Flow for Handlines? Theoretical
1/2" 53 GPM 7/8" 161 GPM 15/16" 185 GPM 1" 210 GPM 1 1/8" 266 GPM 1 1/4" 328 GPM
Tip Sizes and Flow for Handlines? Fire Ground
1/2" 50 GPM 7/8" 150 GPM 15/16" 185 GPM 1" 200 GPM 1 1/8" 250 GPM 1 1/4" 325 GPM
Master Stream Tip Sizes and Flow? Theoretical
1 1/4" 415 GPM 1 3/8" 502 GPM 1 1/2" 598 GPM 1 3/4" 814 GPM 2" 1062 GPM
Master Stream Tip Sizes and Flow? Fire Ground
1 1/4" 400 GPM 1 3/8" 500 GPM 1 1/2" 600 GPM 1 3/4" 800 GPM 2" 1000 GPM
Flow for Individual Devices: Booster Reel? Decon Shower? (Pressure and Flow) 1" Forestry Hose? Piercing Nozzle? (Pressure and Flow)
100 PSI
270 GPM @ 75 psi
100 PSI
125 GPM @ 100 psi
Distributor Nozzle Size, Flow and Pressure required?
2 1/2” = 250 GPM @ 100 PSI
1 1/2” = 95 GPM @ 50 PSI
Cellar Nozzle Size, Flow and Pressure required?
2 1/2” = 350 GPM @ 100 PSI
1 1/2’ = 160 GPM @ 100 PSI
Discharge Pressure Required for Fixed Monitor (Deck Gun) at specific sizes for max flow?
1 3/8” @ 500 GPM = (What Pressure)
1 1/2” @ 600 GPM= ( What Pressure)
1 3/4” @ 800 GPM= (What Pressure)
2” @ 1,000 GPM= (What Pressure)?
110 PSI
110 PSI
110 PSI
120 PSI
Discharge Pressure for Task Force Tip Automatic (Fog Nozzle) to achieve specific pressures?
500 GPM = (What Pressure)
750 GPM = (What Pressure)
1000 GPM= (What Pressure)
1250 GPM= (What Pressure)
90 PSI
110 PSI
120 PSI
140 PSI
Akron Adjustable Flow discharge pressure required for specific flows? 500 GPM = (What Pressure) 750 GPM = (What Pressure) 1000 GPM = (What Pressure) 1250 GPM = (What Pressure)
100 PSI
110 PSI
130 PSI
140 PSI
MERCURY MONITOR: Nozzle Pressure for Both Nozzle Types? Max intake Pressure? Appliance Loss? How it's supplied?
80 PSI NP Smooth Bore 1 3/8" Tip 100 PSI NP Fog Nozzle 150 PSI max intake pressure 10 PSI Appliance Loss Single 3" supply line OR 2 1/2" (Friction Loss will be a little higher)
What is the Friction Loss Formula?
What are the Coefficents used in the Formula?
FL= Coefficent x Quantity(Or GPM) squared x Length (amount of hose/100)
2 1/2= 2
3”= 0.8
4”= 0.2
What is the Appliance loss in the following scenarios?
Less than 350 GPM? Over 350 GPM? Ladder Pipe? Master Streams (Except Mercury MOnitor)? Standpipes?
0 10 25 25 25
How much is Elevation Pressure (EP)? Theoretical and Fireground?
.434 psi for every foot. (Theoretical)
5 psi per 10 ft (Fireground)
Can be added or subtracted to the formula
What is used to get you PDP (Pump Discharge Pressure)?
NP= Nozzle Pressure
Friction Loss+Appliance Loss+Elevation Pressure
What is max safe PDP?
250 PSI
JS10 nozzle when using the in line eductor, the nozzle should be no higher than ___ above the eductor?
5 ft.
For CAFS Engines: IF being supplied from another source, tank fill valve must be kept in _____ position during operation to prevent water tank from being contaminated. INtake pressure should not exceed __ psi.
CLOSED Position
10 Psi
CAFS Engines carry how much Water Class A and Class B Foam?
750 Gallons of Water
40 Gallons of Class A
40 Gallons of Class B
Pierce recommends only use line up to ____ for CAFS?
4” Supply lines are charged to what initially?
3” Supply Lines?
4” and 3” together?
50 psi Initially
100 psi Initially
100 psi Initially.
PDP Formula for supply?
RP= Residual Pressure
Formula to figure max discharge pressure for max flow from a pressurized sourc?
Static Hydrant Pressure + 150psi
As long as pumper discharge doesn’t exceed this #, your getting max flow.
FL in multiple lines (Coefficients):
Two 3” lines?
One 4” and One 3”?
Two 4” Lines?
- 2
- 09
- 05
Formula to calculate available water: AND what are the percentage drops?
(SP-RP) x 100/ SP (Static-Residual) x 100/Static
Percentage Drop 0-10% 3 times 11-15% 2 times 16-25% 1 times More than 25% less than 1.
When do you secure a water supply for standpipe operations?
Starting Pressure
150 PSI
Starting Pressure for Sprinkler System?
When is it charged?
150 PSI
Charged when smoke OR fire is showing or upon confirmation of a working fire
When should a combination system (Standpipe & Sprinkler) be charged?
Starting pressure?
Considered a standpipe, so supplied and charged immediately upon arrival.
150 PSI
Formula to supply a master stream?
Starting Pressure?
Who can give order to charge the Master Stream?
Nozzle Pressure+Appliance Loss(25)+Nozzle Height+FL (Supply Line between Aerial and Pumper)
150 PSI
Truck OIC OR Truck Driver
Procedure to Draft?
Use Side Intake (Primarily)
Ensure Air Tight seal INCLUDING Tank to Pump
Switch to RPM Mode
Increase throttle between 1,000 and 1,200 RPM and engage primer
Once pressure develops, disengage primer and open discharge
Formula to determine Nozzle Reaction in smooth bore nozzle.
- 57xD(squared)xNP
1. 57x Diameter (squared)x Nozzle Pressure
Formula to determine Nozzle Reaction in a Fog Nozzle?
.0505xQx Square Root of Nozzle Pressure.
.0505x Quantity (GPM) x Square Root of NP
Square Root of 100 (Nozzle Pressure on Fog Nozzle) = 10
How much flow or GPM’s will you get on each Intake?
Side Intake?
Rear Intake?
Front Intake?
1,750 GPM’s
1500-1750 GPM’s
900 GPM’s
When incoming pressure exceeds 50 psi, pump should always be what?
In gear.
Hoseline Parameters for using the in-line eductor?
Must be placed 50 ft from pump panel, and within 200 ft of the nozzle.
Pressure to supply Husky Foam System on non CAFS Engines?
150 psi.
CAFS Air Compressor can run for how long without overheating?
2 hours
Formula to determine flow through a Smooth Bore Nozzle?
29.7 X D squared X Square Root of Nozzle Pressure.
80psi NP = 8.94
Flow and Pressure required for JS 10 Nozzle
100 GPMs at 100 PSI