Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting Flashcards
Any mistakes or improvements, please contact Phil Simpson
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What are you actions if you discover a missing or defective DRM?
- Inform local FS team via your SM by completing a ‘Station notification of fire safety information to fire safety’ form
- Report problem to PDA along with request for additional resources
- Report it using ‘Report it’ tool on your desktop
- Record on IMPD (When completing incidents attended)
(Ops news 25)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What are you actions if you discover a missing or defective hydrant ?
Report it to the ‘Water office’
Record on IMP Database (if discovered at an incident)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What are the requirements of a standard screwdown hydrant?
- 65mm Round thread outlet
- Minimum flow of 2000lit per min
- Minimum pressure of 1.7 bar
- Open Anti-clock wise
(BS 750)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What are the 3 main types of hydrant found in London?
The principal types of hydrant found in the London area are sluice valve and screw-down, with new through bore design hydrants gradually being introduced.
(Policy 317, 2.1)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What type of hydrant is this and how is it normally opened?

This is a Sluice valve hydrant
This type of hydrant is a legacy design that is no longer installed but still prevalent in Greater London. This hydrant usually runs off a short branch from the water main, the water flowing horizontally past the valve
Unless converted, these hydrants open clock wise
(Policy 317, 2.2 & 2.3 )
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What type of hydrant is this and how is it normally opened?

This is a screw-down hydrant
This type of hydrant may be attached directly to the main or a short branch running off it, which is provided at the chosen point with a vertical extension pipe having a flange to which that of the hydrant is bolted
These hydrants open anti clockwise
(Policy 317, 2.4)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What type of hydrant is this ?

This is a Through-bore hydrant
Through bore hydrants operate in the same manner described for sluice valve and screw down hydrants, but have a different internal construction for the valve and operating mechanism. This allows water from the water main or supply pipe to flow directly through the hydrant unimpeded and with minimal frictional loss, There for improve flow
(Policy 317, 2.5)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What is a frost valve?
Where the valve of a hydrant is closed after use, a certain amount of water is trapped in the body of the hydrant between the valve and the outlet. In cold weather, this may freeze and prevent the valve opening. In extreme circumstances it may crack the hydrant body. To prevent this happening, water is drained away from the hydrant by way of either a hole drilled into a gunmetal plug (screw down hydrant) or an automatic valve called the frost valve (sluice valve hydrant).
(Policy 317, 2.6)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What are the 3 categories (not types) of hydrant found in London and where would you expect to find them?
- Statutory; found throughout London
- City; found within the City of London
- Private; found on building land that occupy extensve sites.
(Policy 317, 4.1)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
How frequently should any given fire hydrant be tested?

LFB operates a rolling three yearly hydrant inspection process. This means that approximately one third of the hydrants within each station ground are inspected by fire crews in year one
(Policy 317, 6.2)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What months do we normally test hydrants in London?
March to August
(Policy 317, 6.4)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
Can you use a hydrant for operational use if you discover a water authority device fitted to it?

If a fire hydrant fitted with a device is required for operational use, the device should be removed carefully in line with the information provided on hotwire. As a precaution, the operator should not stand directly above the device whilst removing it.
(Policy 317, 7.2)

Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
Can you test a hydrant if you discover a water authority device fitted to it?

If a hydrant is encountered with a device fitted to it during routine hydrant inspections, the hydrant should not be inspected and the device left in situ. The inspection report for the hydrants should be annotated as ‘unsatisfactory - unable to inspect – device fitted’. A hydrant technician will visit the hydrant at a later stage.
(Policy 317, 7.2)

Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What should you do if you discover unauthorised or misuse of a hydrant?
Any case of unauthorised use brought to the notice of a local officer is to be reported immediately to the Water Officer by telephone or e-mail (address ‘Water Office’) giving the following information:
- The location of the hydrant.
- The date on which the hydrant was observed in use.
- The name, address, telephone number and vehicle registration number of the individual or company using the hydrant, if known.
(Policy 317, 8.2)
Hydrants and water supplies for firefighting PN317
What is an open water supply ?
Where appropriate and available, crews may use an open water supply to supplement firefighting using water from an adjacent fire hydrant. Their use and method of extraction will be determined by the officer in charge at the incident. Open water supplies include rivers, lakes, ponds, swimming pools or similar. These are subject to inspection from time to time to ensure that they are still available for use.
(Policy 317, 9.1)