Hurt v. harm; avoidance; fear avoidance model Flashcards
hurt v. harm:
- Hurt = physical sensation
- Harm = physical injury, damage, illness
- In acute pain, typically hurt DOES equal harm
- In chronic pain, typically hurt DOES NOT equal harm
- Acute pain is a symptom, chronic pain is a chronic condition
Not understanding the difference between hurt and harm often leads patients to…
avoidance of activities and movement (termed kinesiophobia)
Inactivity may lead to:
o Physical:
Decreased flexibility and stamina; increased weakness and fatigue; spasms from tight muscles; increased risk of injury or increased pain; weight gain
o Psychological:
Sadness, frustration, boredom
Fear avoidance model: Catastrophizing -
Experience of pain may be interpreted as overly threatening) - contributes to fear of pain and may lead to avoidance of activities, guarding, and hypervigilance of body sensations potentially leading to disability and depression.
Example of fear-avoidance model:
Behavioral factors (coping styles): Maladaptive…adaptive: Active (exercise, over-activity)->middle (relaxation, pacing)->passive (guarding, resting)