Hurlimann Flashcards
Calculate ELR using the incremental loss ratio approach (collective loss ratio)
mk = sum of Inc Loss_i,k / sum of Premium_i
i is the AY
k is the dev period
ELR = sum of mk
Calculate the loss ratio payout factor
pi = sum of mk / ELR
Represents the % of losses paid to date for each origin period.
Calculate the loss ratio reserve factor
qi = 1 - pi
Calculate the individual loss ratio claims reserve estimate
Uind_i = Loss_i / pi
Rind_i = qi*Loss_i / pi
Calculate the collective loss ratio reserve estimate
Rcoll = qiPremELR
Calculate the collective total ultimate claims
Ucoll = Rcoll + Loss
State an advantage of the collective loss ratio claims reserve over the standard BF reserve.
Different actuaries always come to the same results provided they use the same premiums because expected loss ratio is based on actual claims data rather than a judgmental selection.
Calculate credibility-weighted loss ratio claims reserve
Rc_i = ZiRind_i + (1-Zi)Rcoll_i
Zi is the credibility weight
How can we obtain Benktander as a credibility-weighted loss ratio claims reserve?
Set Zi = pi
R_GB = piRind + qiRcoll
How can we obtain the Neuhaus as a credibility-weighted loss ratio claim reserve?
Set Zi = pi*ELR
R_GB = piELRRind + (1-piELR)Rcoll
Calculate the optimal credibility weighs which minimize the MSE of R and the Var(R),
Zi = pi / (pi+pi^0.5)
If we assume V(U_i) = V(UBC_i) thus fi = V(U_i)/V(UBC_i) = 1
Zi = pi / (pi+ti)
ti = (fi - 1+(fi+1)(fi-1+2pi))^0.5) / 2
Calculate MSE for the credible loss ratio claims reserve
mse(Rc_i) = E(alpha^2(U_i))(Zi^2/pi + 1/qi + (1-Zi)^2/ti)qi^2
If Zi=0 we obtain mse(Roll)
If Zi=1 we obtain mse(Rind)