hungarians 2023 Flashcards
what does not belong to the obstetric medical history
presentation of the foetus (position, ?, posture)
For history - first delivery, previous pregnancy, breeding history, info about male, general managemnet during pregnancy, since when is she giving birth, what does owner see, when was conception, previous exam
what is not part of the soft birth route
or bifuricaton
Soft birth canal = cervix, vagina, hymen, vestibulum, vulva, perineum
Bony = symphysis pelvis, ileosacral joint, os coxae, os sacrum, coccygeal vertebrae, pelvic lig
what causes hemolytic anaemia in ruminants
Also leptospirosis, babesia, anaplasma
what causes anemic anima in small ru
(Blood loosing ?)
haemoncosis in sheep
Coccidiosis in calves
which loop remains the same at a certain distance
Loosening loop
what can gagny loop be used for
to restore head position
which is an easy to clean obstetric aid
obstatric chain
what is NOT a sign of the beginning of labour
prolonged lying down
Signs = posture, tail posterue, inertia, pain
in what direction is the perineum cut in relation to the ?pond?
what kind of cut do we make for a c section
vertical or diagonal for standing
Median, paramedian oblique for recumbeny
what are the symptoms of sub acute fatty liver syndrome
what is the gate of entry for the f. necrophorum in sheep
Via portal circulation, necrotic stomatitis, umbilical infection, diseases of distal extremities
which lab values is not used in the diagnosis of toxicosis of pregnancy in sheep
milk ketone conc
Used = ketonuria, ketoanaemia, hypoglycaemia, FFA, AST, LDH, metabolic acidosis, uruaemia
what does not predispose sheep to toxicosis of pregnancy
single pregnancy
Predisposition = intense housing, obeisity
does hoflund’s syndrome cause reflux