Humoral Immune Response Flashcards
Describe antibodies.
-antibody mediated elimination of antigens:
>antibodies only defense mechanism to combat microbes in lumen of mucosal organs & in fetus/newborn
Describe how antibodies neutralize microbes & microbial toxins.
Antibodies against microbes/microbial toxins block the binding of microbes/toxins to cell receptors
Describe leukocyte Fc receptors + NK (ADCC).
-leukocyte Fc receptor: FcyRI (CD64) receptor (IgG1 & IgG3) = macrophages & neutrophils +
Fcδ (IgE) - eosinophils
Describe complement activation - classical pathway.
Describe the different types of antibodies & their mechanisms.
*exogenous antigen destroyed by antibodies made by B cells against:
1) bacteria
-neutralization of toxins/enzymes
-killing = complement (classical pathway)
-ADCC = FCy receptor (IgG) & Fcδ (IgE)
2) virus
-virion = complement or phagocytosis
3) parasites
-Th2 = IgE + eosinophils
4) tumors
-not in solid cancers
-lymphosarcomas = complement
Describe the BCR.
-200-500k BCRs (soluble)
-4 peptide chains (2 heavy & light chains)
>Iga (CD79a)
>IgB (CD79b)
Describe costim of B cells.
-helper T cells = presented w antigen by APC
-B cell = APC & receive costim from same T cell
Describe B cells activating Th cells.
-B cells can activate Th cells w 1/1000 of antigen conc required to activate macrophages
-Th2 cytokines (IL4, IL5, IL6, IL13)
Describe B cell activation & antibody production.
-activation of B cells -> prolif & differentiation into antibody secreting plasma & memory cells
-humoral immune resp initiated by specific B cell recog of antigen in secondary lymphoid organ
-antigen bind to IgM & IgD on mature, naive B cells = signal required for prolif & differentiation into plasma cells
-antibody secreted by plasma cell = same specificity as OG Ab that was the antigen receptor on surface of naive B cell
-single B cell in a week makes 5000 antibody secreting cells (each secrete 2000 Ab per sec)
Describe T dependent antibody responses.
-response to protein antigens where T cells help B lymphocytes to make antibodies
-activated B cells:
>make antibodies other than IgM (IgG, IgA, IgE) = ‘heavy chain isotope (class) switching’
>antibodies bind w high affinity = ‘affinity maturation’
>long lived plasma cells = ‘memory B cells’
Describe T independent antibody responses.
-multivalent antigens w repeating determinants (ex. Polysaccharides) that activate B cell without T cell help
-low affinity IgM antibodies
Describe primary & secondary antibody responses to antigens.
1) primary = activation of unstim naive B cell
2) secondary = stim of expanded clones of memory B cells
Describe the different types of B cells found in T independent VS T dependent cells.
- T dependent
-follicular B cells in secondary (peripheral) lymphoid organs make antibody resp to antigen w help from helper T cells - T independent
-marginal zone B cells in spleen (+ other lymphoid tissue), B1 cells in mucosal tissue, & peritoneum recog multivalent antigens like blood borne polysaccharides
Describe antigen capture & delivery to B cells in the lymph node.
*antigens that do antibody resp vary in size & comp = free/bound to antibodies
-pathways of antigen delivery:
1. Antigen from tissue to LN by afferent lymphatic cells drain into subcapsular sinus & soluble antigens reach B cell zone
2. Subcapsular sinus macrophages capture lg microbes & antigen-antibody complex & go to follicles
3. Antigens in immune complex = enter spleen bind to complement receptors (CR2) on marginal zone B cells & transfer to follicular B cells
4. Polysaccharide antigens = captured by macrophages in marginal zone of splenic lymphoid follicles & transferred to B cells
antigen presented intact & not processed by APC
Describe BCR.
*BCR = mature B cells + membrane Ig molecules that bind antigens + Iga & IgB proteins that deliver signals for B cell activation
-BCR complex 2 roles in B cell resp:
1. Bind of antigen to receptor = signals to B cells that initiate activation
2. BCR internalizes bound antigen into endosomal vesicles & if Ag is protein its processed into peptides that’s presented by MHC II on B cell surface for recog by helper T cells
Describe the B cell activation.
A) B cell activation by CR2 coreceptor on B cells = recog complement frag covalently attached to antigen or part of immune complex w antigen
B) microbial products engage TLRs on B cells = enhance B cell activation
Describe the summary of events during T cell dependent antibody responses.
A) immune resp initiated by recog of antigen by B cells & CD4 T cells - activated lymphocytes migrate to each other & interact at T & B cell zones
B) initial T-dependent B cell prolif & differentiation form extrafollicular focus where B cells prolif, undergo isotype switching, & differentiate into plasma cells
Describe the sequence of events during T cell dependent antibody responses.
- protein antigen independently recog by T & B lymphocytes in 2ndary lymphoid organs
- 2 activated cell types interact to start humoral immune resp
- naive CD4 T cells activated in T cell zone by antigen presented by DCs
- activated T helper cells & B cells migrate to each other & interact at follicle where initial resp starts & some migrate into follicles to make germinal centers where specialized antibody resp made
Describe antigen presentation on B cells to helper T cells.
-antigens recog by membrane Ig = endocytosed & processed = peptide frag presented w MHC II
-helper T cells recog MHC-peptide complex on B cells & stimulate B cell resp
Describe the role of CD40L:CD40 interaction in T dependent B cell activation.
-upon activation, helper T cells express CD40L & CD40 receptor on antigen stimulated B cells = induce B cell prolif & differentiation in extrafollicular foci & then in germinal centers
-CD40 = member of TNF
Describe extrafollicular B cell activation.
-B cell activation in extrafollicular focus = early antibody resp to antigens & sets up germinal center reaction
-extrafollicular foci of T dependent B cell activation = low affinity Ab (limit spread of infection by circulation)
-focus makes 100-200 antibody secreting plasma cells
-spleen = extrafollicular foci develop in outer portion of T cell rich PALS or between T cell zone & red pulp (PALS foci)
-T dependent foci in medullary cords of LN
Describe T follicular helper cells.
-4-7d after antigen exposure = activated antigen specific B cells outside follicle induce previously activated T cells to differentiate into T cells that express CXCR5 (chemokine) = germinal center formation
-differentiation of T cells from naive CD4 T cells requires:
1. Initial activation by antigen presenting DCs
2. Activation by B cells
*can be Th1, Th2, Th17 depending on strength of initial interaction between peptide MHC II complex on DCs & TCR on naive CD 4 T cell
Describe the germinal center reaction.
-helper T cell dependent antibody resp:
>affinity maturation, long lived plasma & memory B cells, isotype switching = occur in germinal centers created within lymphoid follicles
-B cell differentiation & selection of cells w high affinity antigen receptors occur in germinal center reaction
Describe the germinal center reaction steps.
- Initiation of germinal center by T cells
- Entry of B cells into GC
- B cell prolif
- Somatic mutation in Ig genes
- B cell migration in GC
- Selection of high affinity B cells
- Repetitive mutation & selection
- Differentiation into long lived plasma cells
- Memory B cell formation
Describe heavy chain isotype class switching.
-T dependent resp
-activated IgM & IgD B cells
-make Ab w heavy chains of diff classes like: y, a, ε
-B cells change isotype of Ab production by changing constant regions of heavy chains but specificity of Ab is same
Describe the different types of Ig.
*isotype switching in resp to diff types of pathogens regulated by cytokines made by T helper cells activated by those pathogens
-switch from IgM to IgD = T dependent antibody resp against bacteria & virus
1. IgG = phagocytosis of opsonized microbes, activate complement, transferred via placenta
2. IgE = humoral resp to helminthic parasites (elimination & hypersensitivity reaction)
3. IgA = B cells in mucosal tissue - transported thru epi into mucosal secretion to prevent microbes from entering epi
4. IgM = complement activation
Describe CD40 signals.
-work w cytokines to induce isotype switching
>’switch recombination’ = lg heavy chain DNA in B cells cut & recombined
>AID (activation induced deaminase) key enzyme
—expression induced in activated B cells by CD40 signals from Tfh cells
Describe affinity maturation: somatic mutation of Ig genes & selection of high affinity B cells.
-increased affinity of Ab for antigen as T dependent humoral resp continues
-result of somatic mutation of Ig genes by selective survival of B cells that make Ab w high affinity
-generate Ab w increased ability to bind to antigens & neutralize/elim microbes/toxins
Describe B cell differentiation into antibody secreting plasma cells.
-morphologically distinct, terminally differentiated B cells committed to antibody production
-generated after activation of B cells thru signals from BCR, CD40, TLRs & cytokine receptors
2 types:
1. Short lived: made in T independent & early T dependent resp in extrafollicular B cell foci & found in secondary lymphoid organs & peripheral nonlymphoid tissue
2. Long lived: T dependent germinal center resp to antigen
>signal from BCR & IL21 make plasma cells & their precursor ‘plasmablasts’ (earliest cell in antibody secreting cells)
Describe plasmablasts.
-made in germinal centers & enter blood where they stop dividing & differentiate into long lived plasma cells
-2-3wk after immunization w T cell dependent antigen = bone marrow major site of Ab production
-plasma cells in bone marrow secrete Ab for decades after Ag no longer present & can provide immediate protection if Ag is seen again
-half Ab in blood is made by long lived plasma cells
-secreted antibodies enter circulation & mucosal secretions but mature plasma cells dont recirculate
Describe the change of membrane to secreted form.
-differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting plasma cells:
>structural alteration in ER
>secretory pathway
>change in Ig heavy chain from membrane (B cells) to secreted form (plasma cells)
—change in carboxy terminal of Ig heavy chain protein
—caused by alternative RNA processing of heavy chain mRNA
>increased Ig production
-cell enlarges = ER & golgi complex prominent
Describe the generation of memory B cells.
-during germinal center reaction
-rapid resp to subsequent intro of Ag
-made during T dependent immune resp
-some IgM expressing memory B cells made without T cell help & no somatic hyper mutation (T independent)
-memory cell live long & without continuous Ag stim bc of high levels of BCL2 (anti apoptotic protein)
Describe T independent antigens.
-non protein antigens: polysaccharide, lipids, nucleic acids
>stim antibody production in the absence of helper T cells
>’thymus independent’
-antibodies produced in absence of T cell help are low affinity IgM & limited isotype switching to IgG/IgA
Describe the subsets of B cells that respond to T independent antigens.
-marginal zone & B1 subsets of B cells imp for antibody resp to TI antigens
-marginal zone B cells = resp to polysaccharide
-after activation = diff into short lived plasma cells that make IgM
-B1 cells = lineage of B cells that resp to TI antigens in peritoneum & mucosal sites
Describe the mechanisms of TI antibody resp.
-TI antigens = polysaccharide, glycolipids, nucleic acids NOT MHC MOLECULES = NOT RECOG BY CD4 T
-TI antigens multivalent w repeated epitopes
-polysaccharide = activate complement system by alternative or lectin pathway by gen C3d = binds to antigen & recog by CR2 = B cell activation
Describe protection mediated by TI antibodies.
-bacterial cell wall polysaccharide
-humoral immunity against encapsulated bacteria
-TI antigens gen natural antibodies in circ of normal individuals = made without overt exposure to pathogens
Describe the antibody feedback regulation of humoral immunity resp by Fc receptors.
-secreted antibodies inhibit B cell activation by making antigen-antibody complexes that bind to antigen receptors on antigen specific B cells
-antibody feedback = downreg of antibody production by secreted IgG antibodies
-IgG antibodies inhibit B cell activation by making complexes w the antigen & bind to B receptor for the Fc portion of the IgG = FCy receptor II
>B cell membrane lg & receptor on B cells for Fc portions of IgG called FcyR IB clustered by antibody antigen complex
>activated inhibitory signaling cascade thru cytoplasmic tail of FcyR IB that terminates the activation of B cell