Humans And Animals Flashcards
What are the differences between humans and animals?
- animals instinctual- no free will
- only humans have religion and culture
- humans have complex language
- animals not self aware
- humans can build
- humans make fire
- animals don’t have soul
- humans have morality
What are similarities between humans and animals?
- elephants recognise their own reflections- self aware
- language- monkeys make different noises and taught sign language - mating calls and dances of birds
- animals can feel pain
- animals show intelligence- pigs can play simple computer games- tropical ants co-operate to build bridges- apes use simple tools
- animals have emotions- dolphin mothers portrayed guilt and trapping, starving themselves when children die- wild apes will take in orphaned and captive apes and other animals for interest
Arguments against difference
- how can we know the minds of animals to judge their intelligence, emotions or similarities
- 97-99% similar genes between humans and apes
- other animals potentially have less advanced forms of reason and language
- robots and androids are made in our image- feelings and self awareness not defining characteristics
- there are not just distinctions between human and animals, there are people that don’t measure up to definitions of humanity
- evidence for self awareness and other human qualities in animals calls for a change in our cultural habits
- Sartre and de Beauvoir claim that there is no human nature
Arguments for difference
- Descartes- ‘ I think therefore I am’- self awareness human nature
- one should possess ‘personhood’ to count politically
- Kant- treat every rational being ‘ never merely as a means to an end’- yet this categorises into either a person or a thing