Humannnn Flashcards
Events involved in reproduction
Gametogenesis = formation of haploid gametes
Gamete transfer / insemination =transfer of male gamete into female reproductive tract
Fertilisation = fusion of haploid male and female to diploid zygote
Implantation = attachment of blastocyst to Endometrium lining of uterus
Gastation = development of embryo
Parturition = child birth
Primary sex organs /,,, , eg
Secondary/ , eg
Essential, main , gonads = responsible for production of gametes and secretion of certain hormones eg male = testis , ovary = female
Neither produce gametes nor secrete hormone but involve in reproduction
Eg male = accessory duct , accessory gland , external genitalia
Eg female = accessory gland , fallopian tube/ oviduct , external genitalia , uterus
Male reproductive system location ,
Pelvis region ,
a pair of testis
Accessory duct = tubuli recti , rete testis , vasa efferntia , epididymis , vasa deferens,
ejaculatory duct , urethra
Accessory gland = seminal vesicles, prostate gland ,bulbo urethral (cowpers gland
External genitalia / male copulatory organ ( penis )
B/w scrotum and testis
Prepurial gland /
Gubernaculum = fibrous structure
Surgical removal of foreskin / prepuce
Gland of Tyson = b/w foreskin and gland penis which secrete wax like substance called smegma
Made up of seminal vesicles, vas deference
Scrotum , compartment separated by (no)
Helps (fn)
Scrotum and a.c connected by
Spermatic chord (no), has
Testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within pouch , 2 by scrotal septum
Maintaining low temperature of testes (2-2.5 c lower than body temperature) necessary spermatogenesis
Inguinal canal
2, vas deferens , testicular nerve fibre , testicular artery, vein
Spermatic cord penetrates
Muscle , help ( along with)
Temperature regulatory muscle
Formation of testes (time
Into a.c or pelvic cavity through inguinal canal
Dartose , inner cremastor = extends also to spermatic cord , in regulation of temperature inside scrotum along with sweat gland , pampiniform muscle
7 th week of pregnancy
Failure of testis to descend from ac to scrotum
Surgical procedure to cure cryptochidism
Surgical procedure to cure cryptochidism
Only single testis descends
More than 2 testis +nt
Testis fused
Surgical removal of testes
==== of gonads
Testis length,width ,shape
Testicular lobules
Seminiferous tubules , in which
Open into
4-5 cm , 2-3 cm , oval
Each testes has about 250 compartments
Each lobule contains one to three highly coiled seminiferous tubules ,sperm produced
Into vasa efferntia through straight tubules ( tubuli recti ) , rete testes ( network oftubules
Protective covering of testes
Elephant , whale
Intra testicular duct , external
The vas efferntia leave , located
Tunica vaginidis = outer , t albugenia = middle fibrous layer , t vasculosa = inner most
Intrabdominal testis
Tubuli recti, rete testis , vasa efferntia , epididymis, vas deference , Ejaculatory duct , urethra
The testis and open into epididymis located along the posterior surface of testis
Seminiferous tubules cell 1/ , str, fn
Cell 2 /,,,, structure
Fn ,,,,,,
Spermatogonia / germinal cell , cuboidal = responsible for gamete formation
Sertoli cells / nurse cell / sustentacular cells / somatic cell, columnar
Provide nourishment , responsible for protection, secrete inhibin hormone ( antagonist to Fsh ) , secrete ABP ( androgen binding protein responsible for conc of testosterone
, secrete mif ( mullerian inhibiting hormone, form blood testis barrier
Interstitial cell , contain
Leydig cell synthesis
Epididymis part fn
Region outside seminiferous tubules , leydig cell
And secrete testicular hormone called androgen
Copet epi / head , corpus / body , couda / tail , maturation of sperm , storage of sperm , primary storage house
Vas deference ascends to and
Ampulla ()act )
Conveys sperm by ( contraction
Urethra length , parts
Abdomen and loops over the urinary bladder
Before entering prostate , it dilates to form ampulla ( reservoir of sperm
Peristaltic contraction of its muscular wall
Length 20 cm , prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, penile urethra
Accessory glands male p/u
Sv , pg, bg location
Seminal plasma
Seminal vesicles paired , prostate gland unpaired, bulbo urethral gland paired gland
Dorso lateral side of urinary bladder, base of urethra , either side of membranous urethra
Secretion of this gland which is rich in fructose, calcium , certain enzymes
Seminal vesicle secretion
Prostate gland secrte , bulbo urethreal gland secrete
Essential for maturation and motility of sperm
Fructose( main nutrient subs of sperm ) , fibrinogen, prostaglandin
Contains ca2+, profibrinolysin , citric acid , lubricanting substance during copulation
Secretion of epididymis, vas deference , seminal vesicles, prostate
Semen = , volume , no per ejaculation , normal count
Normal shape and size ,,,, , ph
Seminal vesicles (90%) + sperm(10%):, 2.5-5 ml , 200 -300 million , 80 -81 million /ml
60% , 40% of it show vigorous motility , 7.2-7.4 slightly alkaline
Sperm count less than 20 million
Sperm nearly absent in semen
Sperm motility absent
Abnormal shape and size
Penis= , is (common), consist of
Tissue 1, tissue 2
Glans penis , covered by
Urethral external opening
Male copulatory organ , common passage for urine and semen , spongy tissue and erectile tissue
Corpus spongiosum = single and ventral , corpura cavernousa = double and dorsal
Enlarged end of penis , loose fold of skin prepuce / foreskin
Urethral meatus
Path of sperm
Seminiferous tubules-> straight tube ->rete testis ->vasa efferntia ->epididymis ->vas deference -> ampulla -> Ejaculatory duct ->urthera ( prostatic , membranous , penile
In ability to achieve penile erection
Benign prostatic hypertrophy = enlargement of prostate gland
Accumulation of fuild in tunica vaginalis
Female reproductive system location
Consist of
Ovaries location , length, shape
Ovary are
Connected to uterus and pelvic wall
Pelvis region
A pair of ovaries , a pair of oviduct/ fallopians tube , uterus, cervix , vagina , external genitalia
Each side of lower abdomen near kidney , 2-4 cm , almond shape
Primary sex organ , produce female gamete ( ovum) and secrete steroidal hormone ( progesterone, estrogen)
By ligaments
Each ovary is covered by, encloses , divided into
Composed of , What are found ,,,,
Follicular development stages
Thin epithelium , ovarian stroma , a peripheral cortex , an inner medulla
Stromal cell , connective tissues, blood vessel , numerous oogonia in cortex during intrauterine life
Primordial follicle ( developing primary follicle) , primary follicle, secondary follicle , tertiary follicle, mature tertiary/ Graafian follicle
Primordial follicle oocyte , surrounded by cell
Primary follicle oocyte , zona pellucida
Primary follicle (def), at puberty no
Primary oocyte , granulosa cell
Primary, mem of glycoprotein nature appears b/w oocyte and follicular cells ,acellular
Primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of granulosa cell
60000- 80000
Secondary follicle the stromal cells surrounding , outside
Secondary follicle
Tertiary follicle characterised by
Primary oocyte
The mem granulosa become condensed to start forming a covering called theca externa , some fibrous tissue forms theca externa
Follicle surrounded by more layers of granulosa cell and a new theca
Fluid filled cavity called antrum . ( liquor follicle)
Completes its first meiotic division
Cumulus oophorous
Corona radiata
Surgical removal of ovary
Projection of granulosa cells covering the oocyte into antrum
Granulosa cells lying in close vicinity of zona pellucida , become elongated
Graffian follicle now ruptures to release the secondary oocyte ( ovum ) from ovary
Corpus luteum /, secrete
Corpus albicans
Fsh is for
, Lh (increase ) is for
Ovulatory phases
Yellow body , secrete progesterone, estrogen , relaxin ( temporary endocrine gland )
White body
Development of follicle cell ,
ovulation causing hormone ( maintains corpus luteum ) ( Lh surge )
Preovulation phase = development of follicle = primary follicle to mature graafian
Oulatory phase
Post ovulation phase = luteral phase corpus luteum, albacian
Oviduct / , length , extends from
Infundibulum , fimbriae fn
Fallopians tube , 10-12 cm , periphery of each ovary to uterus
Part closer to ovary is funnel shaped , edges of infundibulum possess finger like projection , help in collection of ovum after ovulation
Opening of infundibulum in which ovulated egg enters
Ampulla ,,,, isthmus
Inner lining of fallopians tube
Fn of oviduct ,,,
Surgical removal of fallopian tube
Infundibulum leads to wider part of oviduct , mainstream of fertilisation , short& narrow
Ciliated columnar epithelium
Site of fertilisation, transport of gamete , transport of early embryonic developing embryo
Uterus / , structure , parts
Canal of cervix , birth canal
Wall of uterus , fns
Hystera / womb , inverted pear shaped , fundus corpus cervix
Cervical canal , cervical canal along with vagina to form
Perimetrium = outer , fibrous. Myometrium = middle & muscular fn exhibits strong contraction during delivery of baby , endometrium= inner glandular fn lines uterine cavity , undergoes cyclical changes during menstrual cycle
Uterus fn,, surgical removal of uterus
Vagina ___ structure , length , opening , bacteria (fn), devoid
External genitalia
Implantation occur , development of embryo , Hysterectomy
Tubular , 10cm , vaginal orifice , lactobacillus acidophilus = maintain acid ph by metabolising the glycogen to lactic acid , of glands
Mons pubis , labia majora , labia minora , clitoris , vestibula
Mons pubis. Covered by , lies over
Labia majora , extend
Labia minora
Clitoris structure, lies
Cushion of fatty tissue covered by skin and hair, pubic symphysis
Are fleshy folds of tissue , down from mons pubis & surrounds vaginal , urethral openings
Paired folds of tissue under labia majora
Tiny finger like , at upper junction of two labia minora above urethral openings
Bartholins gland location
Vaginal orifice partially covered by
Accessory gland 1
Each side of vaginal orifice
Hymen mem
Greater vestibular gland / bartholin gland secrete alkaline fluid during sexual arousal
Lesser vestibular gland / pargurethral gland = secrete mucus
Mammary gland location , is
Development due to , tissue 1
Over the pectoralis major muscle on front wall of thorax , modified seat gland
Estrogen, progesterone , adipose tissue
Fibrous tissue , provide support
Glandular tissue , consists of mammary lobes +nt in each mammary gland
Pathway of milk
Milk ejecting hormone, producing hormone
Composition of milk ,,,,,,
First mother milk
Gives colour
Alveoli/ acini = mammary tubule = mammary duct = mammary ampulla = lactiferous duct = nipple ( ejection
Oxytocin , prolactin
Water , fat droplet , milk sugar ( lactose ), milk protein ( casein ), vitamin c, minerals
Colostrum (IgA )
Gametogenesis , types
Spermatogenesis duration (due to )
Formation of haploid male and haploid female , spermatogenesis , oogenesis
Begins at puberty till death , significant increase in secretion of gnrh
Spermatocytogenesis = spermatogonia to spermatid , spermiogenesis = spermatid to sperm ( spermatozoa )
After spermatogenesis sperm head becomes embedded into Sertoli cells and finally releases from seminiferous tubules
1 Spermatogonia 2n 44+X+Y after meiosis gives
2 Additional spermatogonia 2n 44+X+Y , 2n 44+X+Y 1,2 Multiplication
3 Growth phase from type b primary spermatocyte 2n 44+X+Y
4 After meiosis 1 secondary spermatocyte n 22 + X,,, n22 + Y 3,4 growth phase
5 After meiosis 2 spermatid n 22 + X, n 22 + X , n22 + Y , n22 + Y
6. Then sperm 5,6 spermiagenesis
Each spermatogonium is
Primary no is , secondary spermatocyte is no
Spermatid is no
Diploid and has 46 chromosomes
Diploid and has 46 chromosomes 1 , haploid has 23 chromosome 2
haploid has 23 chromosome 2
Spermatids are transferred into spermatozoa ( sperms )
Spermiogenesis includes ,,,,
A sperm has. , ___ involves whole sperm
___ & ___ Nucleus , __ portion ! ( covered by ) structure acrosome
Acro filled with
Modification of Golgi apparatus into acrosome , condensation , elonga of nucleus , development of axial filament etc
Head ,neck , a middle piece , a tail , ,,,, plasma membrane
Elongated and compact haploid nucleus, anterior portion of head is covered by cap like structure
With enzymes that help fertilisation of ovum ( zona lysin , corona penetrating enzymes
Neck has , their fn
Middle piece possesses , also called
These ____ arranged as , called
Proximal centriole = cleavage of zygote
Distal centriole / basal body , gives rise to axial filament which passes through the middle piece and extends to tail
Numerous mitochondria, which produce energy for movement of tail , energy chamber of sperm
Mitochondria, in form of spiral sheath know as Nebenkern
Tail is , movement of tail facilitates ,
What is determined by it’s motility
Oogenesis , begins at
Structure of egg ,,,( present , absent
Longest part of sperm , sperm motility essential for Fertilization
Viability of sperm
Formation of haploid female gamete (ovum) , at early embryonic stage
Spherical , alecithal ( yolk absent ), centriole absent
Menstrual cycle , average
Oestrus cycle
First menstruation, last
3 phases
Reproductive cycle in female primates ( monkey, apes , human beings), 28-29 days
In non primates mammals cyclical changes during reproduction
Menarche , menopause ( 50 years )
Menstrual / bleeding (3-5)
Follicular / oestrogenic / proliferate / pre ovulatory (6-13)
Luteal / progesteronic / secretory / post ovulatory / fixed phase
Ovarian events
Development of follicle due to gonadotropins ( Fsh & Lh)
Follicular phase , ovulation, lutael
Cyclical changes in endometrium lining of uterus due to secretion of estrogen & prog
Bleeding phase , proliferative phase , secretory phase
Menstrual / =
Menstrual flow
Hormone level 1st day
Bleeding = shedding of endometrium lining of uterus
Unfertilised ovum & blood vessels
All low
Fsh ⬆️Lh,estrogen, progesterone low
Follicular/ =
Hormone level
Proliferative / pre ovalatory / estrogenic ( 6-13 )= development of follicle
Regeneration/proliferation of endometrium lining
Estrogen ⬆️ progesterone low Fsh ⬆️Lh ⬆️
Ovalotory phase =
Day of ovulation =
Release of secondary oocyte = ovulation
Fsh , Lh peak level , estrogen ⬆️
Total no of days of menstrual cycle- 14 (leuteal phase )
Luteal phase / =
Uterus becomes
Hormone level
Secretory phase / post ovulatory phase , formation of corpus luteum
Glandular , secretory , adhesive
Prog⬆️estrogen ⬆️Fsh low Lh ⬆️