Humannnn Flashcards
Events involved in reproduction
Gametogenesis = formation of haploid gametes
Gamete transfer / insemination =transfer of male gamete into female reproductive tract
Fertilisation = fusion of haploid male and female to diploid zygote
Implantation = attachment of blastocyst to Endometrium lining of uterus
Gastation = development of embryo
Parturition = child birth
Primary sex organs /,,, , eg
Secondary/ , eg
Essential, main , gonads = responsible for production of gametes and secretion of certain hormones eg male = testis , ovary = female
Neither produce gametes nor secrete hormone but involve in reproduction
Eg male = accessory duct , accessory gland , external genitalia
Eg female = accessory gland , fallopian tube/ oviduct , external genitalia , uterus
Male reproductive system location ,
Pelvis region ,
a pair of testis
Accessory duct = tubuli recti , rete testis , vasa efferntia , epididymis , vasa deferens,
ejaculatory duct , urethra
Accessory gland = seminal vesicles, prostate gland ,bulbo urethral (cowpers gland
External genitalia / male copulatory organ ( penis )
B/w scrotum and testis
Prepurial gland /
Gubernaculum = fibrous structure
Surgical removal of foreskin / prepuce
Gland of Tyson = b/w foreskin and gland penis which secrete wax like substance called smegma
Made up of seminal vesicles, vas deference
Scrotum , compartment separated by (no)
Helps (fn)
Scrotum and a.c connected by
Spermatic chord (no), has
Testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within pouch , 2 by scrotal septum
Maintaining low temperature of testes (2-2.5 c lower than body temperature) necessary spermatogenesis
Inguinal canal
2, vas deferens , testicular nerve fibre , testicular artery, vein
Spermatic cord penetrates
Muscle , help ( along with)
Temperature regulatory muscle
Formation of testes (time
Into a.c or pelvic cavity through inguinal canal
Dartose , inner cremastor = extends also to spermatic cord , in regulation of temperature inside scrotum along with sweat gland , pampiniform muscle
7 th week of pregnancy
Failure of testis to descend from ac to scrotum
Surgical procedure to cure cryptochidism
Surgical procedure to cure cryptochidism
Only single testis descends
More than 2 testis +nt
Testis fused
Surgical removal of testes
==== of gonads
Testis length,width ,shape
Testicular lobules
Seminiferous tubules , in which
Open into
4-5 cm , 2-3 cm , oval
Each testes has about 250 compartments
Each lobule contains one to three highly coiled seminiferous tubules ,sperm produced
Into vasa efferntia through straight tubules ( tubuli recti ) , rete testes ( network oftubules
Protective covering of testes
Elephant , whale
Intra testicular duct , external
The vas efferntia leave , located
Tunica vaginidis = outer , t albugenia = middle fibrous layer , t vasculosa = inner most
Intrabdominal testis
Tubuli recti, rete testis , vasa efferntia , epididymis, vas deference , Ejaculatory duct , urethra
The testis and open into epididymis located along the posterior surface of testis
Seminiferous tubules cell 1/ , str, fn
Cell 2 /,,,, structure
Fn ,,,,,,
Spermatogonia / germinal cell , cuboidal = responsible for gamete formation
Sertoli cells / nurse cell / sustentacular cells / somatic cell, columnar
Provide nourishment , responsible for protection, secrete inhibin hormone ( antagonist to Fsh ) , secrete ABP ( androgen binding protein responsible for conc of testosterone
, secrete mif ( mullerian inhibiting hormone, form blood testis barrier
Interstitial cell , contain
Leydig cell synthesis
Epididymis part fn
Region outside seminiferous tubules , leydig cell
And secrete testicular hormone called androgen
Copet epi / head , corpus / body , couda / tail , maturation of sperm , storage of sperm , primary storage house
Vas deference ascends to and
Ampulla ()act )
Conveys sperm by ( contraction
Urethra length , parts
Abdomen and loops over the urinary bladder
Before entering prostate , it dilates to form ampulla ( reservoir of sperm
Peristaltic contraction of its muscular wall
Length 20 cm , prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, penile urethra
Accessory glands male p/u
Sv , pg, bg location
Seminal plasma
Seminal vesicles paired , prostate gland unpaired, bulbo urethral gland paired gland
Dorso lateral side of urinary bladder, base of urethra , either side of membranous urethra
Secretion of this gland which is rich in fructose, calcium , certain enzymes
Seminal vesicle secretion
Prostate gland secrte , bulbo urethreal gland secrete
Essential for maturation and motility of sperm
Fructose( main nutrient subs of sperm ) , fibrinogen, prostaglandin
Contains ca2+, profibrinolysin , citric acid , lubricanting substance during copulation
Secretion of epididymis, vas deference , seminal vesicles, prostate
Semen = , volume , no per ejaculation , normal count
Normal shape and size ,,,, , ph
Seminal vesicles (90%) + sperm(10%):, 2.5-5 ml , 200 -300 million , 80 -81 million /ml
60% , 40% of it show vigorous motility , 7.2-7.4 slightly alkaline
Sperm count less than 20 million
Sperm nearly absent in semen
Sperm motility absent
Abnormal shape and size
Penis= , is (common), consist of
Tissue 1, tissue 2
Glans penis , covered by
Urethral external opening
Male copulatory organ , common passage for urine and semen , spongy tissue and erectile tissue
Corpus spongiosum = single and ventral , corpura cavernousa = double and dorsal
Enlarged end of penis , loose fold of skin prepuce / foreskin
Urethral meatus
Path of sperm
Seminiferous tubules-> straight tube ->rete testis ->vasa efferntia ->epididymis ->vas deference -> ampulla -> Ejaculatory duct ->urthera ( prostatic , membranous , penile
In ability to achieve penile erection
Benign prostatic hypertrophy = enlargement of prostate gland
Accumulation of fuild in tunica vaginalis