Humanities Greek Troy Quiz Flashcards
At the start of Black Ships Before Troy, Peleus, King of the Myrmidons, marries Thetis. Why was this wedding important?
Who is Eris?
Eris is the Goddess of Discord. She was not invited to the wedding of Peleus, King of the Myrmidons, and Thetis because she always caused trouble.
What did Eris do at the wedding feast of Peleus, King of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, so cause discord?
She threw down a golden apple and then breathed on the all the wedding guests. The apple had an inscription that read “to the fairest,” and this caused a competition among three Goddesses for who was the fairest.
Who were the three Godesses who ended competing for Who is the Fairest written on the golden apple Eris threw down at the wedding of Peleus, King of the Myrmidons and Thetis?
–Hera claimed it as the wife of Zeus
–Athena claimed it for the beauty of her wisdom
–Aphrodite claimed it as the Goddess of Beauty
Who was Priam?
Priam was the King of Troy when the Gods first started fighting about who was the fairest. His wife was Queen Hecuba. They had a son, Paris, that the soothsayer said would burn down Troy. They sent Paris away when he was born with a servant and told the servant to leave him to die. But a herdsman found him and saved him.
What did Paris do to incur the wrath of the Godesses and set the chain of events that led to the Trojan War in motion?
He chose Aphrodite over Hera and Athena when asked who was fairest. Aphrodite said she’d give Paris a woman as beautiful as she.
King Menelaus of Sparta married who?
Princess Helen “of the fair cheeks,” known all over Greece for her great beauty.
Why did Paris end up meeting Helen?
He wanted to see her legendary beauty for himself. “If Paris wanted a thing, then he must have it,” says the text.
Who is Agamemnon?
Menelaus’s brother. Agamemnon is described as “black-bearded.”
Who is Achilles?
He is a son of Thetis of the Silver Feet and King Peleus. He was dipped in the River Styx which made him immortal in battle except for his heel. When he was born, the king sent him to Thessaly where he became close with Patroclus. But when the war call went out, his mother sent him to the Isle of Scyros where he pretended to be a maiden.
How did Odysseus find Achilles?
He pretended to be a trader and unloaded a pack of stuff including a sword, that Achilles liked. Ooops, not a maiden after all!
When the Greeks arrived at Troy with their “black ships,” what did they do?
They basically made a small port town and lived there for nine years. This was because “they knew little of siege warfare.” These were not experienced fighers.
Who is Hector?
The “war-leader [of Troy] and foremost among the King’s sons.” King being King Prium (and Hecuba).
Once Achilles was part of the Greek war party, he refused to fight at first. Why?
Because Agamemnon took away Briseis, Achilles’s lover/slave, after having to send his lover/slave Chryseis away. (He send Chryseis away because he thought he was cursed because of her and this caused sickness in the camp.)
Athena was for the Greeks or the Trojans?
The Greeks! (Because Aphrodite was for the Trojans.)
Aphrodite was for the Greeks or the Trojans?
The Trojans! (Obv since Paris is the OG Trojan.)
Who said: “It is small part you play in the fighting, but you take other men’s prizes from them when fighting is over, robbing them of the reward and the honor that is rightfully theirs.”
Achilles (of Agamemnon).
Who says “What bitter grief is this? Tell me the darkness that is in your heart.”
Thetis of the Silver feet to Achilles, her son, who is upset that Briseis has been taken away.
Why did Zeus help the Trojans?
Because Thetis, mom of Achilles, asked him to because Achilles wanted Agamemnon to basically beg to have him to into the battle.
How did Zeus help the Trojans?
He planted a false dream in Agamemnon’s head that he should go and attack Troy the next day. Agamemnon then asked all the leaders if the siege should instead end and all but Odysseus said yes and tried to leave the war. (Poor morale.) But they ended up going into battle and the Trojans “poured out.” The Trojans meanwhile had good morale because they knew Achilles had refused to fight.
Paris challenged the Greeks to a one-on-one fight. What happened?
Menelaus wanted to fight him. There was a sacrifice at an altar. Paris got first try, threw his sword and missed. Menelaus got a try and his spear hit but didn’t hurt Paris. Menelaus really went after Paris, but Paris was protected by Aphrodite, who put a cloak of invisibility around him.
Who said, “Dear child, I do not blame you for what has come to pass. It is the will of the high gods that has brought this evil between your people and mine.”
King Priam (Trojan King) to Helen.
Who said, “Come now, back to your own house. Paris, your lord, is there in the great chamber and calling for you”?
Aphrodite right when it seems that Helen will go back with Menelaus after Paris has disappeared.
The truce between the Trojans and Greeks might have held after the weird battle between Paris and Menelaus. But who intervened?
Athena made the truce break. She had Pandarus take a shot at Menelaus, which was unsuccessful but set the war back in motion.
A soothsayer told Hector, a Trojan, to ask what Goddess to help Troy?
Athena, even though she had sided with the Greeks against Tory because she was against Aphrodite.
Who says, “Under the city walls men are dying because of the evil you wrought ten years ago! Up now, leave this playing with your weapons as though they were toys. Get your armor on and join them!”
Hector to Paris, who is doing nothing during the battle.
Who says, “If the Gods were kinder, I would not find myself bound to one who must be urged to battle by his woman.”
Helen to Hector about Paris.
Who says, “I cannot bide here with you, for there is another fate upon me. It is not that I love you too little–oh, no never that. I know in my heart that the time comes when Troy will be laid low and all my father’s people…”?
Hector to his wife Andromache before he goes into battle to die.
Who fought the second one-on-one battle (the one Athena wanted to stop the fighting for the day)?
Ajax (of the Greeks) vs Hector (of Troy). They don’t kill each other but instead Hector stops it and says “Those two fought as enemies, but when they parted, they were joined in friendship.”
When it seems the Trojans might win, Odysseus and Ajax go to ask who to join the war?
Who says, “I will not fight until great Hector sweeps the Trojan charge right up to my black galleys.”
Achilles to Odysseus and Ajax.
Who was Dolon?
A spy sent from the Trojans who was discovered by Odysseus and spilled the beans about the Trojans only to be killed anyway.
Zeus has been helping Troy. Who starts helping the Greeks?
Ajax almost kills who with a big stone? But Apollo saves him?
Who says, “It is not for their own folly that they die, but for the ill-doing of one man, and he has already offered you full amends–which you have refused”?
How did Patroclus die?
Apollo attacked him from behind and then Hector finished him off from the front. He was wearing Achilles’ armor.
Who says, “Death stands close to you also, here in this same gate, and at the hand of the lord Achilles, whose armor I wear.”
Patroclus as he is dying.
Who is Hephaestus?
The lord of all armorers.
When Hector finally has the chance to fight Achilles, what happens?
At first he wants to fight him one-on-one because he feels guilty about the deaths of his own men. But then he gets very scared and runs. But then he had courage again and fought.
Who says, “Let me not die without honor!”
Hector as he lunges at Achilles.
What icky thing does Achilles do with Hector’s body?
He ties him up to his chariot by his tendons and drags him over the streets. After the funeral games, he does this again for 12 days and makes the gods angry at the dishonor of it….
Where did Achilles put Patroclus’s ashes?
In a great golden cup with room for Achilles to be put into later.
Who says, “Have pity on me and listen to the word of the Gods and give me back my dad son”?
King Priam to Achilles, asking for the body of Hector.
What is “the Luck of Troy”?
A black stone shaped like Athena’s shield that was said to have fallen from heaven. Also known as the Palladium.
Why does Odysseus says he is going to go out on a ship to the island of Delos, but come back as a beggar the next day?
He tricks the Trojans into letting him into the city walls, because they think he is just a beggar. There he encounters Helen for a bit, who recognizes him, tells him about the Amazonians, but makes him promise not to tell the Greeks. After that, he steals the Luck of Troy.
Which group of warriors from afar come to help the Trojans next?
The Amazons - who all get killed very quickly.
Which groups of warriors come next?
The Ethiopians, led by King Memnon.
What happens after King Memnon dies? Why don’t the Greeks then take Troy?
Paris shoots Achilles in the ankle with his arrow.
Who were the heroes who vied for the armor of Achilles once he was dead? And who won?
Ajax and Odysseus. No one would say who was the greater warrior and deserved the armor, but some Trojan prisoners were brought out to judge and picked Odysseus. Ajax ended up killing himself in dishonor after slaughtering a bunch of sheep.
How does Paris finally die?
From the pain of a poisoned arrow sent by Philoctetes.
Who planted the idea of the wooden horse in the mind of Odysseus?
Who is Sinon?
The Greek fellow who sacrificed himself to stay with the wood horse and pretend he was a sacrifice.
Why does Menelaus spare Helen’s life?
Because she had saved Olysseus’s life.