Humanitarian Aid Phrases Flashcards
Everyone line up
qifuu fii Saff
One at a time
waaHid waaHid
No pushing allowed
mamnu3 addaf3
I was here first
anna kunt hunnah el ‘awwal
Hes pushing me
huwa yadfa3nii
Hes causing the problems
huwa sabab al mushaakil
Calm down everyone
Be calm please
anta ‘ihda min faDlak
Move to the back
taHarrak lil khalf
Wait for your turn
‘intazir dawrak
Be patient
There’s enough food and water for everyone
hunnak ‘akl wa maa’ kifaayah kull waaHid
We’re finished
One at a time, no pushing!
waaHid waaHid! mamnuu3 ed daf3
Move back! Wait your turn!
taHarrak lil khalf, wa ‘intaZir dawrak!
There is enough food for everybody
hunaak ‘akl kifaayah li kull waaHid
Sorry, that is all there is
‘aasif, khallaSnaa
Please leave now!
min faDlak ‘idh hab ‘al ‘an
We’ll be back on Sunday
sana3uud yawm ‘al ‘aHad
At the same time
fii nafs el waqt
Don’t group up here!
mamnuu3 et tajamhur hunaa!
There is no more food
khiliS el ‘akl
Come back tomorrow at this time!
ta3aaluu ghadan fii haadhaa l waqt
Line up!
qifuu fii Saff!
Stay in line!
‘ibquu fii S Saff!
Wait your turn!
‘intaZirii dawrik!
Sorry that is all there is for today.
‘aasifah, khallaSnaa l yawm
Leave in an orderly manner
‘idh habuu bi niZaam!
It is finished
Have you participated in distribution of humanitarian aids?
hal shaarakta fii tawzii3 el musaa3adaat el ‘insaaniyah?
Yes I have participated
na3am shaaraktu