AT 1.6 to 1.20 Flashcards
Hello / hi
Pleased to meet you (It was an honor for me)
Pleased to meet you (Good chance)
furSah Tayyibah
jayid / Tayyibah
Be my guest (would you like / go ahead)
Please have some tea
tafaDDal shaay
Please have some coffee
tafaDDal qahwah
Goodbye (may you go safely)
ma3a s-salaamah
How are you?
kayf el Haal
My name is Max. What is your name?
ismii maajid. maa ismak / ismik?
I’m fine, praise god
bikhayr el Hamdu lillah
I’m fine, thanks
bikhayr shukran
Good evening
masaa el khayr
Good morning
SabaaH el khayr
Good evening (response)
masaa en nur
Good morning (response)
SabaaH en nur
Once / time
Second / another
Another time, thanks
shukran marrah thaaniyah / waqt aakhar
Hello (polite)
salaamu 3alaykum
Hello (polite response)
wa 3alaykum es salaam
Hi (response)
Praise god
el Hamdu lillah
ahlan wa sahlan
Welcome (response)
ahlan bik
What is your name?
maa ismak / ismik ?
I am well thanks, and you?
bikhayr, shukran wa anta / anti ?
And you?
wa anta / anti ?
Pleased to meet you Jake
furSah Tayyibah / tasharafna yaa jamiil
Another time, goodbye
waqt aakhar, ma3a s-salaamah