Human Rights Flashcards
the practice of suppressing and limiting access to materials considered obscene, offensive or a threat to security.
People may also be restricted in their speech by censorship laws
Acts of treating groups of people, or individuals differently, based on prejudice
Believing in and supporting ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable.
Human rights-
The basic entailments of all human beings, afforded to them simply because their human.
An education
Personal conviction-
Something a person strongly feels or believes in
Martin Luther king, 1960, racism
Pre-judging: judging people to be inferior or superior without cause
Relative and absolute poverty:
relative poverty- a standard of poverty measured in relation to the standards of a society in which a person lives, eg. liming on less than X% of average UK income.
Example- transportation
absolute poverty - an acute state of deprivation, whereby a person cannot access the most basic of their human needs.
Example- most prevalent in eswatini
Social justice-
promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. Ensuring that everyone has equal access to provisions, equal opportunities and rights.
The civil rights movement
Buddhist beliefs to support ideas
Noble truths
What are the 5 precepts
-do not kill
-do not steal
-do not misuse sex
-do not misuse speech
-do not partake in intoxication
What are the 4 noble truths
The Buddha spoke of the 4 noble truths at his first ever teaching
They central teaching of buddhism
- All life involves Dukka. This includes physical and mental
- The origin of suffering is craving (samudaya)
- The truth of cessation - the end of suffering
- Follow the middle way and the eightfold pathway
What are the 3 poisons?
-avoid greed
-avoid ignorance
-avoid hatred
What would the buddha do?
-metta loving kindness
-karuna compassion
-1st precept- do not harm
-8 fold path
What would Jesus do?
-sanctity of life
-10 commandments
-parable of Lazarus
-agape- selfless love
-“image of God”
-“God created all humans as equals”Galations
Solving poverty
- soup kitchen
- food banks
- karuna trust (end discrimination )
- free school meals
Christian Aid
• aims to challenge systems that favour the rich
• reflects a belief that God loves all and the dignity of all human life
• committed to being effective stewards of the planet’s resources.
• organises projects to educate people
• runs campaigns and Fairtrade activities
• works cooperatively with faith and secular groups
• publicises examples of inequality and poverty.