Human Right and Fair Housing Flashcards
Volunteers from state or private agencies who enforce fair housing by claiming to be home seekers, thereby finding out if brokers deal fairly with all clients/customers.
- testing to see if there is discrimination and that people are being treated the same
- type of property being listed, resources available, where the properties are being shown etc.
The practice in which real estate brokers guide prospective home buyers towards or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race. Steering is highly illegal.
- show homes to qualified customers where they should go.
- has to be about the choice of individual, not putting them in a box
Pressure from society
Tell your clients:
- Fair housing laws require to sell to all qualified candidates.
- must be transparent
- has to be the clients needs and wants
Broker/Salesperson Responsibilities
- -> Maintain a fair housing office
- advertise that you maintain a fair housing office
- maintain the concept of Fair Housing
- Have an in-house Fair Housing specialist providing ongoing training and education for staff and agents
- posters
- Brokers and salespersons must follow the fair housing laws when displaying ANY type of advertising
- Appropriate advertising messages: unit size, unit cost, general location
- Inappropriate advertising messages: good for family with kids, good for retirees, close to church, no children, singles only, perfect for empty nesters
- Reporting of any Fair Housing misconduct: bringing action in court, involving the right agency (HUD, NYS Human Rights Commission etc)
- It is imperative NOT to facilitate the discrimination of others
Americans with Disabilities Act (1992)
A wide-ranging civil rights law enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1990 that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability.
- Doesn’t touch on residential/real property.
- Must be compliant with ADA and accessibility
Civil Rights Act of 1866
A federal law that prohibits all discrimination on the basis of race only
- all citizens have the same rights to buy/sell/lease personal property
- lead to non discrimiation and housing for FHA or VA loans (signed by JFK) 1962!
- lead to Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title 6)
The consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these
Fair Housing Act of 1968 (Title 8)
A federal prohibition that protects buyer/renter of a dwelling from seller/landlord discrimination with regards to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, or disability.
- Empowered HUD to look into discrimination
- 1974 - The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 to protect for gender and sex
- Amendment Act of 1988
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Established in 1965, HUD works to create a decent home and suitable living environment for all Americans; it does this by addressing housing needs, improving and developing American communities, and enforcing fair housing laws.
- Power and responsibility to encore Federal fair housing Act (state does the actual enforcement)
- Partnered with NY State
NY State Human Rights Law
Protects individuals from the discrimination based on their age, creed, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, military status, domestic violence victim status, arrest record, conviction record, predisposing genetic characteristics, and familial status.
-In NYC more rights are protected in the jurisdiction
Plessy Vs Ferguson (1896)
Separate but equal is okay.
(got overturned in Brown v Board of Education 1954)
-This is a Supreme Court case which concluded that ‘separate is equal’
Buchanan vs. Warley Supreme Court (1917)
discriminatory to segregate communities
The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
(section 8 Program) Created aid housing and voucher program
Prohibited Activities
- refusal to sell because of their protective class
- don’t make a decision based on your feelings, it’s about what the tenant wants
Single Family Home Exemption - so long as there is no discrimination, they can choose who to rent and sell to: “Ms. Murphy’s Exemption”
-Ms. Murphy Exemption” applies to 2 family homes in NY State
Can limit to one gender if sharing bathrooms/kitchens (YMCA)
Housing for Older Persons
- All residents must be 62 years of age or older to qualify for the 62 and older exemption
- 55 and older exemption mandates that one of the residents must be 55 years of age or older
Blockbustering (discriminatory)
The practice of inducing homeowners in a particular neighborhood to sell their homes quickly, often at below market prices, by creating the fear that the entry of a minority group or groups into the neighborhood will cause a precipitous decline in property values.
Types of Discrimination
- asking for a larger deposit because of children under and certain age
- asking for more security for nay reason
- no on under the age of 18 can access the pool after certain hours
- refusal to rent, deal, sell or to work with a member or members of a protected class
- unequal treatment by the client in terms of not showing or making available all possible dwellings within their price range
- misinformation or different information steering minority homeseekers to specific minority neighborhoods
- blockbustering - creating panic in a neighborhood or street which causes individuals to decide to sell their homes immediately
Red-Lining (illegal)
The refusal to lend money within a specific area for various reasons. This practice is illegal
Responsibilities of the the Brokerage Office
- Advertising Fair Housing Laws
- Ensure that the salespeople are familiar with the Fair Housing Laws
- Provide continuing education on Fair Housing Laws
Individuals Agent Responsibilities
- Keep up to date with Fair Housing Laws:
1. Federal Fair Housing Act
2. NY State Human Rights Law
3. NYC Human Rights Law - it’s important to know the local, state, and federal laws in the region where you operate
Legal Ramifications of discrimination fines
- emotional results of discrimination housing
- costs in differences of price if discrimination
- potential therapy for the person discriminated against
- attorney’s fees
- take your license
Cease & Desist List and Non Solicitation Orders
Upon the establishment of a cease and desist zone by the Secretary, a list of homeowners who have filed owner’s statements expressing their wish not to be solicited by real estate brokers or salesperson. Soliciting of listed homeowners by licensees is prohibited. Violators of such prohibition are subject to licensure suspensions or revocation.
- if they are asked to rent/sell their property often, can ask to be not solicited to
- learn which are the non solicitation zones are
Co-op Board Disclosure
- still bound by Fair Housing Laws - can’t reject based on protected classes. But don’t have to disclose the reason
- but if investigated, they have to disclose the reason
- the more transparent a co-op board can be, the better for everyone
NYC Protected Income Class
You can’t discriminate against people with federal or state gov’t subsidies, including Section 8 housing vouchers, VA vouchers, SSI, SSDI, housing grants etc
Ethical and Social Responsibilities
Protect your clients against Fair Housing violations and Human Rights
Reasonable Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
- The cost to accommodate persons with disabilities in a common area will be paid by the housing provider
- modifications done inside of a unit must be paid by the disabled tenant
Familial Status
A single person, pregnant woman or a household with children under 18 living with parents or legal custodians who might experience housing discrimination. Filtering Down - The decline in value of properties in neighborhoods that were once middle or upper-middle income.
Jones vs. Mayer Supreme Court Decision (1968)
Held that Congress could regulate the sale of private property in order to prevent racial discrimination. Bars all racial discrimination, private as well as public, in the sale or rental of property, and that the statute, thus construed, is a valid exercise of the power of Congress to enforce the 13th Amendment.
Marital Status
Indicated whether the person is married. The only possible answers are “married” or “single”.
Non-Solicitation Order
A rule adopted by the Secretary of State which prohibits any or all types of solicitation directed towards homeowners within a defined geographic area. Such rule may be adopted after a public hearing and upon the Secretary’s determination that homeowners within the subject area have been subject to intense and repeated solicitations by real estate brokers or salespersons and that such solicitations have caused owners to reasonably believe that property values may decrease because persons of different race, ethnic, religious or social backgrounds are moving or about to move into such area.
Filtering Down
The decline in value of properties in neighborhoods that were once middle or upper-middle income
-thus allowing lower income wage earners to purchase in these neighborhoods
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This is a federal law that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.