Human Resource Terms Flashcards
Is having paid work and the work people are engaged in
teaching staff to perform their job more productively
Process of preparing employees to take on more responsibilities in the future through acquiring better knowledge and skills and gaining more experience in a particular area
Job rotation
The employee experience many different aspects of an organisation
Supporting the employee as they learn
Formal business training
This may be done through programs
e.g. - the Masters of Business Administration
Performance management
The ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organisation
The advancement of an employee’s position within the organisation
Training needs analysis
Identifying the type of training needed to improve staff performance
Necessary records
Providing back-up records on performance in cases of dismissal, demotion, transfer and the like that may require management to justify its actions.
Goal review
Providing an opportunity to discuss and review priorities for the future
Providing staff with a clear indication of their performance and recognition for work completed
Intrinsic Motivation
A form of motivational reward that an individual derives from the task itself e.g. a sense of achievement.
Extrinsic Motivation
A form of motivational reward that is given or provided outside of the job.
Teamwork is the concept of working together collaboratively with other people in order to successfully achieve goals
Sum of internal forces which causes a person to behave in certain ways, it involves personal circumstances and personality factors so is highly individual.
Is a fixed regular payment which is paid on a monthly basis
Is an owner who has shares in a company
A person who is employed for wages and salary
Money which is being received on a regular basis
Moral principles that guide the way a business behaves
Generation x
The generation born after the baby boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to mid 1970s), typically perceived to be productive and flexible.
Job enlargement
A widening of the range of tasks performed by an employee in order to provide variety in the activities under taken
Job Rotation
The practice of transferring an employee to one work station or activity to another during the working day in order to add variety to a job
Job enrichment
A management concept that involved re-designing jobs so that they are more challenging to the employee and have less repetitive work
The act of specialising, or pursuing a particular line of work or study
To make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier
Internal Recruitment
Any method of identifying and attracting job candidates from within an organization can be considered internal recruiting. There are many different mechanisms, some formal and some informal, that can be used to identify quality internal candidates.
A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
A person or organization that employs people.
The recognition of the importance or quality of something.
A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.
No longer being employed because there is no more work available
True or False: Intrinsic rewards are those that the individual derives from the task itself, such as a sense of achievement
Corporate Culture
Corporate culture is the values, beliefs and attitudes that characterise a company and guide its practices. May be articulated in its mission or vision statement.
To make changes in something already established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Key Performance Indicators
Key performance indicators are metrics used to help a business define and measure progress towards achieving its objectives or critical success factors
Generation Y
The generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, typically perceived as increasingly familiar with digital and electronic technology.
Generation Z
Generation Zero , iGen, and Post-Millennials are some of the terms that have been used to describe the cohort of people born after the Millennial Generation. This generation is said to be visually engaged, tech savvy and socially defined.
True or False: Extrinsic rewards are those given inside the job
True or False: Internal Recruitment relates to hiring someone who has never previously worked for the business
True or False: Recognising and rewarding employee performance is used as a way for organisations to become more productive.
True or False: A recognition and rewards system can also reinforce strategies that will facilitate change or support desirable corporate values such as a focus on the customer.
Job Specification
A list of the keys qualifications needed to perform a particular job in terms of education, skills and experience.
Process of developing and implementing technical standards within a workplace.
A salary is a fixed, agreed payment given to an employee at regular intervals in exchange for work.
Money paid for a specific job or service
The process of hiring the best candidate for a job opening
The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on a certain criteria.
First step towards gaining an employees’ commitment, it is aimed at introducing the job and organization to the candidate. This involves training, orientation of the employee in the organisational culture. This shows how he or she is interconnected to (and interdependent on) everyone else in the organization.
Human Resource Management
Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organisation, business sector or an economy.
Monetary remuneration computed on hourly, daily, weekly, or piece work basis. A fixed weekly or monthly wage is usually called a salary.
Workplace Flexibility
This allows the employees a certain degree of freedom in deciding how the work will be done and how they’ll coordinate their schedules with those of other employees.
A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
Baby Boomers
People born during the demographic post–World War II
Collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services
Occurs when a policy or a practice disadvantages a person or a group based on a personal characteristic that is irrelevant to the performance of the work.
Social Media Recruitment
Recruiting employees by using social platforms as talent databases or for advertising.
Finding out from the selection who meets the job specifications and would best match the role.
Retraining an internal staff member means to train them again so they develop new skills to perform at more job roles.
Staff members being motivated by managers to perform at their highest standards.
Financial rewards
Financial rewards are an employee’s earnings based on their performance during work.
Human resource
A department who deals with hiring, administration and training.
Employee of choice
A employer whose practices, policies, benefits and overall work conditions have enabled it to successfully attract and retain talent because employees choose to work there.
The act of terminating/ ending someones employment.
The interaction or cooperation of two or more organisations to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Internal Factors
Internal factors are evident within the business and examples of these include: obtaining goals, managing staff abilities, staff retention and work hours (in combination with salary, sick leave and training).
External Factors
External factors are evident outside the business, however still effect the operations within the business. Examples of these include: Workplace attitudes, technology development, legislative laws and ethical and responsible management (ESM).
Skill Shortage
A skill shortage occurs when there are not enough eligible employees available to be hired or trained in a position within a business. This results in a high level of unemployment and a lot of training costs for the business.
Labour Market Trends
The place where workers and employees interact with each other. In the labour market, employers compete to hire the best, and the workers compete for the best satisfying job.
A course or principle of action
Succession Planning
Ensuring that there are managers in the organisation who can step into senior management positions.
The gradual loss of employees over time. In general, relatively high attrition is problematic for companies.
A quality or feature that evokes interest, liking, or desire
Employee expectations
Expectations people have for the company they are working for.
True or False:
Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organisation, business sector or an economy?
True or False:
Internalrecruitmentis when the business looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant outside the business?
True or False:
Performance managementis an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization.
True of false:
Human Resources is a personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities.
True or False:
Job design is the specification of contents, methods and relationship of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and personal requirements of the job holder.
True or False:
A baby boomer is a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.
True or False:
HR is a fully integrated function of the organisation and should directly serve the company’s strategy.
True or False:
Job satisfaction can’t be affected by the expectations the individual brings to the job.
True or False:
Motivation is the sum of internal forces which causes a person to behave in certain ways.
True or False:
The main concern of management is currently to have high levels of productivity
Job Design
The contents and specifications of a job in order to satisfy technological requirements and employees.
This form of employment involves working fewer ordinary weekly or monthly hours compared with FT employees. I am _____ _____
Part Time Employment
What are three advantages of using social media when recruiting for the employer?
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What are three advantages of using social media when recruiting for the job-seeker?
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What are three disadvantages of using social media when recruiting for the employer?
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What are three disadvantages of using social media when recruiting for the job-seeker?
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External Recruitment
When an organisation looks for people to recruit for a postion outside the company
The Theory of Maslow
A pyramid of a hierarchy of needs that begins at the bottom and is read to the top. The needs include: psychological (bottom), safety, social, esteem, and self-actualisation (top).
The Theory of Alderfer
A flow chart which includes three boxes each with a different need. This starts with existence needs then relatedness needs and finishes with growth needs. Once you have one need, you can progress to the next. Once you become dissatisfied with one of your needs, you move back to the last.
The Theory of Herzberg
Two sets of factors regarding the hierarchy of needs. The first factor is Maintenance factors which have to do with hygiene. The second is Motivational factors which have to do with ‘satisfiers’.
The Theory of McClelland
Three needs that underlie individual human behaviour. These are Achievement (self-actualisation and growth), Affiliation (social needs or relatedness) and Power (esteem).
is when an employee is dismissed from their job in a harsh, unjust or unreasonable manner.
Unfair Dismissal
A ………………………………. is your official notice that you are ending your employment relationship.
True or False:
Performance appraisal is a review of the employee’s overall contributions to the company and the aspects of their job which is doing well.
True or False
Job analysis is the process of collecting and then analysing information about the human requirements in the jobs.
True or False:
Performance reviews; appraisals and indicators are ways of evaluating
performance of an employee and finding ways to improve performance overtime.
True or False:
Extrinsic rewards within a job include aspects such as challenge, responsibility and feedback.
True or False:
Remuneration is the providing of information on which decisions about pay and other benefits can be based
True or False:
Performance management is the advancement of an employee’s position within the organisation
False, the advancement of an employee’s position within the organisation is known as promotion
What is the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic?
Intrinsic is the satisfaction gained inside of completing a job and Extrinsic is when someone is motivated by external factors.
True or False?
Attrition is the gradual loss of employees over time.
A job _________ will indicate the sort of person an organisation is seeking in terms of personal qualities, skills, education and work experience.
________ occurs when a business dismisses an employee because there is not enough work to justify paying them.
True or False?
Human resource management engages in attracting and retaining employees to ensure performance levels.
True or False?
A realistic job interview identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a job.
True or False?
Generation Y is the generation with career goals aiming toward a work-life balance and wanting an impact and challenge on the changing workforce
True or False
ESM stands for Economically Stable Management
Inventory Control
Inventory control is essential and involves a set of procedures designed to coordinate an organisation’s use of materials and aims to achieve efficiency by holding a level of stock that is neither too high nor too low.