Human population Flashcards
human population statistics
- global population growth rate has followed an exponential curve
- each year 90 million people are born
- half of the 7.1 billion people alive live in poverty
fertility rate
the number of births per thousand women of child bearing age
effects of fertility rate
- fertility rates higher than 2 result in population increase
- lower than 2 results in population decrease
crude birth rate
the number of births per thousand individuals
human development index
measures the well being of a country
- less industrialised
- population has lower GDP
- many people in poor standards of living
- high population growth
- industrialised with high GDP
- relatively rich population
- low population growth rates
human population growth and resources
- more people requires more resources
- more people produce more waste
malthusian theory
- food supply is main limit to population growth
- human population increases geometrically
- population cannot go past how much optimum resources can support
boserups theory
- as population increases, technology is stimulated to increase food production
- rise in population acts as an incentive
- can lead to unsustainable farming practices
reasons for large families
- high infant mortality
- security in old age
- unavailability of contraceptives
population pyramid stages
stage 1 - high birth rate, high death rate
stage 2 - high birth rate, fall in death rate
stage 3 - declining birth rate, low death rate, more living to old age
stage 4 - low birth rate, low death rate, long life expectancy
natural capital
a resource which has some value to humans
natural income
the rate of replacement of a particular resource or a natural capital
renewable capital
- living species and ecosystems
-non living items such as groundwater and the ozone layer