Human Growth & Development Flashcards
What is nature vs nurture?
Nature refers to genetic and heredity influences while nurture refers to how you were raised and your environment
Biological / physical theorists stress…
You inherit thousands of genes from parents
Psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories are based on the work of these 4 people…
Freud, Jung, Adler, and Erikson
Birth Order
8 step epigenetic psychosocial theory that encompasses entire lifespan
Freud (1856-1939)
- Father of Psychoanalysis
- Believed to have more of an impact than any other theorist
- Wrote “The Interpretation of Dreams” in 1900. “Bible of psychoanalysis”
- Dream is “the royal road to the unconscious mind”
- Author of the most comprehensive theory in history (work filling 24 volumes)
Oedipus vs Elektra complex. These terms refer to…
Freud’s belief that boys are attractd to their mothers, females to their father’s (respectively)
Freud’s 3 parts of psyche (Structural Theory)
Id, Ego, Superego
Pleasure principal. All instincts inherited at birth. Seeks satisfaction of instinctual needs. Chaotic
Moral and ethical standards person tries to reach. “Perfect person.” Acts as conscience.
Keeps ego and superego in check. Maintains balance. Dominated by reality principle. Mediates between person and reality.
Hierarchy of needs, in which lower physiological needs must be met (not nec supported)
1 name in theory of cognitive development
Sensorimotor stage (0-2)
Preoperational stage (2-6)
Concrete Operational Stage (6-11) *conservation
Formal Operational Stage (11-15) *child thinks in abstract manner
Phrenology refers to
Belief that mental faculties correspond with bumps on the skull
Mesmer was the precursor to Freud. He believed in…
Using magnets to heal people. Coined the term “hypnotism.”
Catharsis refers to…
“The talking cure” or the curative effect of talking about problems / emotions to purge them out
Free Association
Freud’s term for the exercise where patients say the first word that comes to their mind
Manifest content in dream analysis refers to…
The dream itself
Latent content in dream analysis refers to…
What a dream is interpreted to mean (unconsciously)