Human Growth And Development Flashcards
Head to toe is based on which principle ?
Center out is based on which principle?
Learn simple before complex is based on which principle?
Simple to complex
Growth spurts is based on which principle?
Continuous process
Large muscle to more refined muscle is based on which principle?
General to specific
Varies is based on which principle?
Individualized rates
Infants gaining control over their neck and head before they control their extremities is an example of which principle of growth?
The spine developing first, following by extremities, then fingers and toes is an example of which growth principle?
Infants accomplishing head control before they are able to crawl is an example of which growth principle?
Simple to complex
Each person having their own growth timetable and rate of development is an example of which growth principle?
Individualized rate
Oral stage of development is at what age?
Birth to 18 months
Wean from breast
Anal stage of development is from what age?
18months to 3 years
Toilet training
Phallic stage of development is developed at what age?
3 years to 6 years
Resolve oedipus or Electra complex
Latency stage of development is from what age?
6 to 12 years
Develop defense mechanism
Genital stage of development is from what age?
12years to adulthood.
Sexual maturity