Human Factors Flashcards
What is teamSTEPPS?
TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools, aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals.
What are the key principles of teamSTEPPS?
Team structure
Situation monitoring
Mutual support
What makes an effective team leader?
Organise the team
Articulate clear goals
Make decisions through collective input go members
Empower members to speak up and challenge when appropriate
Actively promote and facilitate good teamwork
Skilful at conflict resolution
How do you effectively lead team events?
Planning - brief
Problem solving - huddle
Process Improvement - debrief
How do you monitor the situation?
Situational monitoring is the process of continually scanning and assessing what’s going on a round you to maintain situation awareness.
Situation awareness is “knowing what is going on around you”
With a shared mental model, all team members are “on the same page”
What is cross monitoring?
An error reduction strategy that involves:
Monitoring actions of other team members
Providing a safety net within the team
Ensuring mistakes or oversights aresaught quickly and easily.
“watching each other’s back”
What does STEP stand for?
S - Status of the patient
T - Team member
E - Environment
P - Progress Toward Goal
What is the “I’M SAFE” checklist?
I - illness M - Medication S - Stress A - Alcohol and Drugs F - Fatigue E - Eating and Elimination
What are the forms of mutual support?
Task Assistance
Advocacy and Assertion
Two challenge rule
DESC script
What are the options for conflict resolution?
Information conflict (We have different information!)- Two-Challenge Rule
Personal Conflict (Hostile and harassing behaviour)- DESC Script
What is the two challenge rule?
When an initial assertion is ignored:
It is your responsibility to assertively voice concern at least twice to ensure it has been heard.
The team member being challenged much acknowledge.
If the outcome os still not acceptable:
- Take a stronger course of action
- Utilise supervisor chain of command.
What is CUS?
Safety issue
What is a DESC script?
D - Describe the specific situation or behaviour; provide concrete date
E - express how the situation makes you feel / what your concerns are
S - Suggest other alternatives and seek agreement
C - Consequences should be stated in terms of impact on established team goals; strive for consensus.
What are the essentials for communication?
What is SBAR?
How is callout used?
Shout out loads. It is a strategy used to communicate important or critical information.
Informs all team members simultaneously during emergent situations
Helps team members anticipate next steps
Important to direct responsibility to a specific individual responsible for carrying out the task.
How is “check-back” used?
Process of emptying closed-loop communication to ensure that information conveyed by the sender is understood by the receiver as intended.
How is “handoff” used?
I - Introduction P - Patient A - Assessment S - Situation S - Safety concerns THE B - Background A - Actions T - Timing O - Ownership N - Next
What is the team performance observation tool?
Team structure
Situation Monitoring
Mutual Support