Human Factors Flashcards
Revised Weight Limit (metric)
RWL(kg) = 23(25/H)(1-.003|V-75|)(.82+(4.5/D))(1-.0032A)*FM*CM
Revised Lifting Equation (raw)
RWL = LC * HM * VM * DM * AM * FM * CM LC: load constant, 23kg (51lbm) HM: horizontal multiplier, 25/H(cm) or 10/H(in.), hands from ankle-midpoint VM: vertical multiplier, 1 - (.003 *|V - 75|) (cm) or 1 - (.0075 * |V - 30|) (in), hands from floor DM: distance multiplier, .82 + (4.5 / D) (cm), or .82 + (1.8 / D) (in). Vertical travel distance. AM: asymmetric multiplier, 1 - (.0032A), A in deg. FM: frequency mult. See large table. CM: coupling mult., hand-to-load coupling. See table.
Revised Weight Limit (US)
RWL(lbs) = 51(10/H)(1-.0075|V-730)(.82+(1.8/D))(1-.0032A)*FM*CM H: horizontal location V: vertical location D: vertical travel distance A: asymmetric angle (deg)
Lifting Index (LI)
LI=weight of load/RWL, LI > 1 is hazardous
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
Solar Load: WBGT = .7 NWB + .2 GT + .1 DBT No Solar Load: WBGT = .7 NWB + .3 GT WBGT: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature NWB: Natural Wet Bulb Temperature DBT: Dry Bulb Temperature GT: Globe Temperature
Sound wavelength, frequency, and speed
F = V / lambda F: freq, Hertz V: speed lambda: wavelength
Sound period & frequency
T = 1 / F T: period F: frequency
Sound Pressure Level
SPL(dB) = 20 log (rms sound pressure measured) / (20 micropascals) RMS: root mean square, micropascals
Addition of Noise Levels in a free field
Rule of thumb to sum two noises’ sound pressure levels
W/in 1: higher +3 2-3: higher +2 4-9: higher +1 => 10: =higher
Multiple Decibel Addition
Add two lowest; Add result to next highest; Etc.
Noise Reduction Coefficient
Arithmetic mean of absorption at 250, 500, 1,000, & 2,000 Hz
Noise Exposure Time
t=8/(2^((L-90)/5)) t: allowable exp time, hrs L: loudness, dB
Allowable Noise Exposure Time
t=8/(2^((L-90)/5)) t: allowable exp time, hrs L: loudness, dB
Sound Level Meters
SLM: types 1 (precision) & 2 (general purpose) ISLM: integrates over time SA: spectrum analyzer
SLM Scales
A: max 2,500 Hz, drops below 1,000 Hz B: 1,000, 500 C: 30 - 8,000 A most resembles human hearing, B or C engineering control or w SAs
Hearing Impairment
Conductive, Sensorineural, Mixed, Central (as in CNS, as in interpretation)
Oxygen Deficiency
< 19.5% by vol, ACGIH says 18%
Heat Exposure
See OSHA table III:4-2. Permissible Heat Exposure Threshold Limit Value