Human Development Flashcards
Development occurs through multiple line which are?(4)
Newborns prefer? (5)
Large bright objects Moving objects Curves Complex designs Facial stimuli
Moro reflex (startle) Features?
Arms and legs extend when child is startled
Moro time frame
Birth -5months
CNS origin of moro
Vestibular nuclei in brain stem
Grasp reflex feature
Fingers curl around object placed in hand
Grasp time frame
Grasp CNS origin
Vestibular nuclei in brain stem
Rooting reflex features
Baby turns face towards direction of touch
Rooting reflex time frame
Birth - 5 months
Tooting CNS origin
Trigeminal brain stem
Babinski reflex features
(Not pathological in newborns)
Stroking bottom of foot causes dorsiflexion instead of hallux flexion
Toes move upwards
Hallux flexion
Toes move downwards
Babinski time frame
Birth - 1 year
CNS ORIGIN of babinski
Spinal cord
Skills achieved by a certain age which are normative markets at median ages
Children draw circles at
A child sits with support at
4 mo
A child stands with help at
8 mo
A child crawls and develops a fear of falling at
9 mo
A child develops pincer grasp (strong grasp)
10 mo
A child follows objects to midline at
4 wks
A child starts to put his feet in his mouth
5 mo
Child changes hand with toys
6 mo
A child puts everything in their mouthes, rattles and bangs, grasps objects during, kicks ball, pats pictures
His first year
Child walks alone at
13 mo
Child climbs stairs at
18 mo
Child emergence of hand preference develops at
18 mo
A child can stack 3 cubes at
18 mo
A child develops high activity level, walks backwards, turns doorknobs, scribbles with crayons, aims ball at
2 years
Stack 6 cubes
24 mo
Stand on tiptoe
30 mo
A child rides tricycle, alternates feet going upstairs, toilet trains, draws recognizable figures, catches ball with arms, cuts papers, unbutton buttons.
Alternative feet downstairs, counts fingers on hand, grooms self, hops on 1 foot
4 years old
Brain reaches 75% of adult weight at
5 yrs
Child draws a recognizable man, catches ball with 2 hands, dresses and undresses and complete sphincter control at
5 yrs
Stranger anxiety
Distress in the presence of unfamiliar people
8mo- 1yrs
Separation anxiety
Distress following separation from a caretaker
8 mo - 2 yrs
According to jean piaget intelligence revolves around
Understanding and inventing new way to interact with the environment
Cognitive structure or pattern of behavior/knowledge
Incorporation of new or novel information into existing schema
Adjustment or modification of existing schemas to facilitate comprehension of new information
Jane claims there are ….. stages of developing that depend on…
Cognitive model
Sensorimotor stage is the …. stage and it’s time frame is…..
Stage 1
Sensorimotor stage features
Doesn’t understand temporal relationships
Exhibits egocentrism
4 months develops discriminatory smile
12 months develops object permanence.
Object permanence examples
Hidden object still exists
Pre operational stage is …. stage and it’s time frame is
Second stage
Pre operational stafe features
Animism Authoritarian morality Precausal logic Egocentrism Views death as reversable
Characteristics of life are attributed to all objects
Authoritarian morality
Rules are sacrosanct and bad doing should be punished
Precausal logic
Non scientific based on child’s internal world
Concrete operational stage is the…. stage and it’s time frame is…
7-11 years
Concrete operational stage features
Child loses animism, authoritarianism, egocentrism
Preform operations involving the law of conservation
Group activity/ cooperation
See death as irreversible
Mental manipulation of thoughts
Forma operational stage is the … stage and it’s time frame is..
11 yrs and upwards
Formal operation stage features
Abstract thought
Belief system
Deductive reasoning
The human development depends on psychological development according to
Erik erikson
According to Erik Erikson psychological development depends on
Resolution of crisis at the end of each phase of development
Birth - 2 yrs (erik)
Trust vs mistrust
Develop trust that needs will be satisfied, if not will learn to mistrust
2-4 yrs (erik)
Autonomy vs doubt
Gais a s sense of separation, has sense of mastery, can be stubborn, lack of autonomy causes shame/ doubt
4-6 yrs (erik)
Initiative vs guilt
Develops sibling rivalry, becomes sexually curious, initiate motor and intellectual activity. Guilt and anxiety over failure
6-12 (erik)
Industry vs inferiority
Learns their able to complete tasks, enter program of learning
Teenage years (erik)
Identity vs role confusion Preoccupation with appearance Develops group identity Begin to deal with morality Develops group identity
At the end of identity vs role confusion
Identity crisis
Early adulthood (erik)
Intimacy vs isolation
Ability to share, intimate relationships
Middle adulthood (erik)
Generatively vs stagnation
Have and raise children if not develop creativity
Stagnation takes form of
Escapism and midlife crisis, or abuse
Late adulthood( erik)
Integrity vs despair
Either satisfaction or despair and fear of death
Who proposed stages of moral development and how many levels are there? How many stages
6 stages
3 levels
Level 1 kohlberg
Pre-conventional morality
Pre-conventional morality stages
1 punishment
2 reward
Level 2 kohlberg
Conventional morality
Conventional morality stages
3 approval/ disapproval
4 authority
Level 3 kohlberg
Post- conventional morality
Post- conventional morality stages
5 social contract
6 personal principles
Social perspective taking
Ability to adopt others pov and is a precursor of empathy and moral reasoning
Sigmund Freud developed what theory and how many levels did it have?
Psychosexual development
0-18 mo freud
Oral phase:
Preoccupied with feeding, pleasure in oral activity
18-36 mo freud
Anal phase:
Attention focused on excretory process
What is anally fixated
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder and is Result of harsh toilet training according to freud
3-6 yrs freud
Phallic phase
What is phallic phase
Focus on genitalia, libido directed towards others.
Castration anxiety
Oedipal and electra
Castration anxiety
Penis envy
Difference of Oedipal and electra and what is it
Oedipal in males and electra in females
Attachment to opposite sex parent and aggression towards sane sex parent.
6-12 yrs freud
Lasts till puberty
Acknowledgment of reality
Sublimation of sexual energy into learning and play activities
12- adults freud
Genital phase:
Sexual maturity
Identification with same sex parent
Gender identity and when is it established
Child sense of manliness and femalness and is established by age 3
Sexual identity
Determined by secondary sexual characteristics
Gender dysphoria
Disconnect between gender identity and sexual identity
Gender role
Determined by behavior exhibited by child, mostly congruent to child gender identity
Stages of breast
Preadolescent Breast buds Areolar diameter enlarges Secondary mound, separation of contours Mature female
Stages of pubic hair
None Long straight Dark, curling, higher amount Coarse, curly adult type Adult, extends to thigh
Genitalia stage
Child size Enlarge scrotum, testes Penis growth in length testes enlarge Scrotum darkens, testes enlarge, penis grow Adult shape
Leading causes of death for patients over 65
Heart disease
Chronic lower respiratory disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Poor diet should be fixed by
Low sodium diet CHF
Low cholesterol diet ASC
Low sugar diet DM
Prevention care examples
Aspirin therapy
Lipid management
Smoking cessation
It’s important that older patients receive vaccines because
Illness is usually associated with higher morbidity and mortality with older patients
What are the 2 main area’s of screening
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Abdominal aortic aneurysms screeing is important for
Men age 65-75
Colorectal cancer screening is for
Men and women over 50
Breast cancer screening for
Women over 40
Age over ..: is a risk factor for suicide
Sexual interests (do/don’t) decline with aging
Best predictor of sexual activity in the elderly is
Availability of partner
Changes in women sexual interest with age
Vaginal dryness and thinning
Changes in men sexual interest with age
Slower erection, longer refractory period, more stimulation needed
Sleep effects with aging
Early morning waking
Less deep sleep
REM sleep decreases at
Financial instability for elderly
Low financial literacy
High medical costs
Unfixed income
A part of end of life care is asking about
will and attorneys
Patients hope for what besides a cure
Quality of life
Less pain
Painless death
Hospice care
Care for terminally ill with life expectancy less than 6 mo
Hospicr care purpose
Providing care, support, for patients and families to help patients die with peace, comfort and dignity
By who and where is hospice care done
Done be medical, psychological and spiritual support at home or a specialized facility
What are the kubler ross stages of adjustment to loss
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Signs of bargaining
Struggling to find meaning
Reaching to others
What is the term attachment and who created it
Child connection to its mother
Termed by john bowlby
Bonding is
Mother connection to child
Attachment behavior
Behavior displayed by an infant towards attachment figured
What are the 4 stages of attachment to bowlby
Pre attachment
Attachment in the making
Clear cut attachment
Goal directed partnership
Pre attachment
0-2 mo
Preference for human rather than environment comfort
Attachment in the making
2-8 mo
Infant responds to caregiver only
Clear cut attachment
8-24 mo
Uses caregiver as base and protests at departures
Goal directed partnership
2-3 yrs
Understands caregiver goals
Learns trust and reciprocity
Relationships are 2 way
Suicide is the…. cause of death among…..yrs olds
Rate of suicide from Low income countries
78% of suicide is from low income countries
Suicide rate is 1 death every
40 sec
Suicide is the… leading cause of death in USA
Men suicide vs women
Men success in suicide is higher but women try more
Fore arms is accountable for …% of suicide
….% of ppl who killed them selves saw a physician in the past month
…. most successful and least to attempt
Attachment and loss in children
Short term separation (up to 2wks)
Crying screaming clinging
Anger towards parents when they return
Protesting stops
Child is safe calm and withdrawn
Child rejects caregiver and is angry at them, indifference upon caregiver return