Human Development, 9: Death and Dying Flashcards
How have advances in medical technology changed the experience of dying?
For three of every four people in post/industrialized societies, death is a long and drawn out process because of life saving technology.
What is death?
Death is a process in which organs cease to function, in a sequence that varies by person. It is not a clear-cut event in time, so different societies have different views on signs of death.
What is a persistent vegetative state?
A persistent vegetative state occurs when there is no detectable electrical activity in the cerebral cortex, while the brainstem continues to be active. Millions of dollars are spent keeping persons in this state alive, with negligible chance of reversal, leading to disagreement over the definition of brain death.
How does increasing age affect death anxiety?
Generally , death anxiety decreases with age.
What is DABDA?
An acronym for Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, the 5 stages of dying according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
What is the recommended response to the denial stage of dying?
Being honest with the person about their condition, which encourages them to move on from denial and make important psychological adjustments and practical arrangements.
How does major depression as an adaptation to dying affect a person?
It amplifies pain, impairs immune functioning, limits survival, and disrupts attempts at pleasure, meaning, and connection
How should loved ones respond to a loss of hope in a person approaching death?
With acceptance, letting go
Where do the majority of deaths currently occur in the US?
In hospitals, where the view of death as a failure to save life can impede a focus on psychological adjustment to death.
Where do the vast majority of Americans prefer to die?
At home. Most people ultimately do not, because there are significant challenges to doing so. Studies have also found survivors’ grief is more difficult after a home death.
What is hospice?
A comprehensive program of support services for the terminally ill and their family, provided an interdisciplinary care team.
Is there a “right to die” in the US?
Each state has laws respecting withdrawal of treatment for terminal illness, and sometimes for persistent vegetative state. There is no consistent nationwide policy.
How does durable power of attorney differ from a living will?
Durable power of attorney is an advance medical directive that designates a trusted person to make health care decisions on one’s behalf. It is more flexible than a living will, which only specifies (un)desired treatments and is usually only recognized in cases of terminal illness.
What is the difference between voluntary active euthanasia and assisted suicide?
In assisted suicide, the patient makes the final action to end their life, rather than a doctor. However, public opinion in the US is more supportive of voluntary active euthanasia than assisted suicide.
What is the difference between bereavement and grief?
Bereavement is the loss of a loved one to death; Grief is an experience of intense physical and psychological suffering in response to bereavement.
Which type of death is most likely to result in prolonged or complicated grief?
Suicide of a healthy younger person. All sudden, unexpected deaths can trigger prolonged grief, especially if the cause is incomprehensible, but suicide can add a corrosive burden of self-blame.
Is a grieving person likely to use bereavement intervention services?
No, the majority of people do not use bereavement intervention even when it is easily accessible. Some of those persons undergo prolonged, complicated grief but were unaware of the benefits of interventions.
What is the most helpful response to the grief of a relative or friend?
Patient listening and simply being there for them.
What is a common unhelpful response to the grief of a relative or friend?
Advice with the goal of speeding recovery.