Human Biocultural Social Evolution Flashcards
It is a natural process of biological changes occuring in a population across succesive generations. (Banaag, 2012)
It is any member of the biological family Hominidae.
It is a species with a brain of a Broca’s area which is associated in modern humans. The first to make stone tools and lived 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago.
Homo habilis
Characterized by longer face, large molar, and premolar teeth, and having larger brain case. They lived in 1.9 to 1.8 million years ago.
Homo Rudolfensis
They are referred to “Upright man” with body similar to modern humans. They’re the first hunters with tools such as axes and knives and to produce fire. Lived about 189 to 143,000 years ago.
Homo Erectus
They have large brow ridge and short wide bodies as they are the first to live in colder climates. First to also hunt larger animals and to construct human shelter. Lived about 700,000 to 200,000 years.
Homo Heidelbergenesis
They are referred to as the “Hobbit” due to their small stature of 3 ft. that lived in Flores, Indonesia 95,000 to 17,000 years ago.
Homo Floreseinsis
They are referred to as the “Wise Man” that appeared 200,000 years ago and present human race belongs to these species.
Homo Sapiens
They are the first to practice burial of the dead and utilized the use of animal in clothes and food that lived about 200,000 to 28,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
They are characterized to be anatomically modern humans, first to produce art cave, painting, and accessories that lived in the last Ice Age of Europe 40,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
It refers to the changess in culture from a simple to complex form of human culture.
Culture Evolution
It is traditionally coincided with the first evidence of tool and use by Homosome 2.5 million years ago.
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
It occured sometime about 10,000 BCE and food producing culture.
Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)
What is the difference between Paleolithic and Neolithic Age?
In paleo, they are in nomadic way of living while in neolithic they are living in permanent places.
It is a type of society where people survived by foraging for vegetable food and small fishing.
Hunting and Food Gathering
It is classified as subsistence and surplus farming.
Horticultural Societies
It involves only producing enough food to feed the group.
Subsistence Farming
It is practiced in thickly populated and permanent settlements.
Surplus farming
It relied on herding and domestication of animals for food and clothing to satisfy the greater needs of the group.
Pastoral Societies
These societies were characterized by the use of the plow in farming. It is also where the creation of the irrigation system is provided.
Agricultural Societies
It is a highly secularized society that constitutes an entirely new form of society that creates a highly organized systems of exchange between suppliers of raw materials and industrial manufacturers.
Industrial Societies
It depends on specialized knowledge to bring about continuing progress in technology and characterized by the spread of computer industries.
Post-Industrial Societies